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The Bubbly Bibi

The Bubbly Bibi

Nazia Keenoo

Welcome to The Bubbly bibi's corner, a podcast dedicated to boosting up your self-confidence and making you feel better about yourself! Here in my podcasts, I'll share with you some of the coolest secrets on how to love yourself...how to feel more confident in your skin and unleash your personal power! I'll also share some of my personal experiences, struggles and tips! So wherever you are, whether you're in your car, on the treadmill or cycle, I hope you genuinely enjoy the show and that at the end of each episode, you'll be a little bit kinder to yourself! ❀ Podcast by Nazia Keenoo 💕

54 - 53. Reflect, Recharge & Rock On: Your Guide to Badassery đŸ’Ș
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  • 54 - 53. Reflect, Recharge & Rock On: Your Guide to Badassery đŸ’Ș

    Self-reflection is like a big, juicy steak. It's delicious, it's satisfying, and it's good for you! But just like a steak, self-reflection can be tough to chew at times. It can be uncomfortable to confront your own thoughts and feelings, but that's where the real growth happens. So if you want to be a badass at life, you've got to be willing to dig deep and do the work. Trust me, it's worth it! Yes, self-retrospection can actually be a lot of fun, too! It's like going on a treasure hunt, but instead of gold, you're searching for insights about yourself. You never know what you might find when you take the time to explore your thoughts and feelings. So grab a cup of tea, coffee or whatever you like and join me on this invigorating podcast adventure! 😍

    Fri, 16 Jun 2023 - 10min
  • 53 - 52. Allow the Next Chapter of Your Life to Unfold ✹

    You have unrealised potential waiting to emerge. You only need to take the next step and trust you are being guided to merge with your greater self. 😍 Everything in your life — especially your challenges — is tailor-made to help you see your stories of struggle. đŸ’Ș Whatever is in the way is the way! So switch your mentality from "I'm broken and helpless" to "I'm growing and healing" and see how fast your #life changes, for the better...đŸ€© You are not broken, so love yourself exactly as you are, allowing the next chapter of your life to unfold. âœšđŸ€—

    Tue, 14 Mar 2023 - 06min
  • 52 - 51. Be Your Own Valentine đŸŒč

    Love yourself like no one else - it's time to give yourself the Valentine’s gift you have always wanted – 24/7 real love, real romance every day of the year – you deserve it and nothing LESS. ❀đŸŒč

    Tue, 14 Feb 2023 - 19min
  • 51 - 50. You Don't Have to Be a Productivity Superstar (Daily Special)

    The internet wants you to believe you aren’t doing enough with all that “extra time” you have now. But staying inside and attending to basic needs is plenty. On the days when you have free time, when you have hours upon hours to get shit done, you might feel extra pressure to be productive. You might feel like you need to cross everything off your to-do list. You might feel like if you don’t do the laundry and exercise and walk the dog and cook a healthy meal, then you’re a failure. You might feel like there’s no excuse for slacking when time is on your side. But you need more than time to be productive. You also need to be in a healthy state of mind — and if you’re not in a good place right now, you might need some rest. You might need to sit back and give yourself a break. You might need to go easy on yourself for a little while. If you don’t get anything productive done today, you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it. You shouldn’t feel like you’ve wasted a perfectly good day. You shouldn’t feel bad about what a screwup you are. Not every single day is meant to be filled to the brim with activities. Some days are meant to be catchup days. Not when you catchup on work, but when you catchup on sleep, catchup on shows, catchup with friends. You need to give up the idea that you’re lazy for spending the day on your couch. You’re allowed to relax. You’re allowed to give your brain a well-deserved break, especially at a time like this. No, you shouldn’t make a habit out of procrastinating, out of putting things off until tomorrow, out of lounging around when you should be working. But you shouldn’t make a habit out of forcing yourself to go go go when you’re not in the right state of mind, either. You don’t want to burn yourself out. You don’t want to push yourself over an edge. If work is the last thing you want to think about right now, that is okay. If you aren’t able to get anything productive done today, that is okay. If your emotions are all over the place, that is okay. But if you feel like you’re the only one who isn’t taking advantage of their newfound free time, you’re wrong. There are plenty of other people in the same exact situation as you right now. There are plenty of people who aren’t able to keep their minds focused, who aren’t able to keep their attention on their work, who aren’t able to motivate themselves when there are so many other things to worry about at the moment. Even though you might be kicking yourself for not getting anything done when you have so much time on your hands, you need to give yourself a break. You need to understand that it’s okay if your confusion and disappointment and fear are getting the best of you right now. Maybe tomorrow you can get yourself back on schedule. Maybe tomorrow you can get your motivation back up. Maybe tomorrow you can do something productive. But it’s okay if the only thing you do today is survive.

    Thu, 01 Dec 2022 - 06min
  • 50 - 49. Forgive Yourself & Let Go of Regrets (Daily Special)

    Forgiveness can be hard. When someone does something that hurts you, it can be difficult to let it go and move on. Although forgiving others can be a daunting task at times, it is often much easier to forgive others than it is to forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Maybe you missed your daughter’s winning goal because you left work late, told a lie that caused problems for others, or perhaps your actions resulted in life-altering consequences. No matter what happened, practicing self-forgiveness provides an opportunity for important growth, meaningful change, and improved emotional well-being.

    Tue, 11 Oct 2022 - 04min
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