Podcasts by Category

INF club

INF club

Jas Hothi

A podcast for the INFPs, INFJs, highly sensitives and neurodivergents of the world

67 - Elizabeth Miner on writing & self-publishing her new book as a full-time nomad
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  • 67 - Elizabeth Miner on writing & self-publishing her new book as a full-time nomad

    My conversation partner this week is Elizabeth Miner. In Elizabeth's words:  "Global business coach, international speaker, digital nomad, and author Elizabeth Miner has learned true sustainable success relies on understanding the human engine running a business. Combining her 20+ years as a corporate paralegal with coaching clients around the globe, she has a unique worldview of entrepreneurship. Elizabeth recognized distinct patterns in the success and failure of business owners and has been piecing together where traditional education has failed entrepreneurs. When she’s not writing or helping business executives thrive in the face of persistent change, Elizabeth hosts her own podcast, entrepreneurs IRL, sharing real life stories of those along the entrepreneurial journey. She has been featured on podcasts including Entrepreneur on Fire and The Conscious Millionaire, and has been published by She is Fierce!, Rank & File Magazine and Mike Dooley’s personal development site Tut.
    Find Elizabeth at: elizabethminer.net
    We talk about:
    - Elizabeth's back-story, "year of retirement" + journey to becoming a full-time nomad
    - Moving to Belize as a single mother, in the face of the opinions of others
    - How Elizabeth's blog became a coaching business, and how this has evolved as a remote business
    - About Elizabeth's book "The Entrepreneur Advantage", and the process of putting it together 
    - How Elizabeth decided to self-publish early on & the flexibility that came with that
    - The stories we tell ourselves... and how we can work through them
    - "Getting things done" whilst being a nomad, & how Elizabeth structures her days
    - Elizabeth's book tour to promote her new book, including who she is reaching out to & how she is scheduling her talks & events
    - Elizabeth's tips for getting started with managing and growing your emotional intelligence


    by Jas Hothi, with music by Chris Porter

    PS. join INF Club (free) at infclub.net

    Wed, 21 Jul 2021 - 1h 25min
  • 65 - Rick Rigdon on starting his blog to overcome PTSD, depression and anxiety

    My conversation partner this week is Rick Rigdon. In Rick's words: I'm a 63 year-old gay man who lives with my spouse of 26 years in Everett, Washington. (We've officially been married for 8 years after marriage equality passed in the US). I'm an INFJ who's a semi-retired  web developer. This past year, I created a blog (Mystical Bear) where I document my experiences of using the writing of a novel as a tool to help overcome depression, anxiety, and PTSD that I've experienced most of my life. Find Rick at: mysticalbear.com

    We talk about:

    - Rick's story with PTSD, depression & anxiety
    - Rick's experiences with conventional therapy / what worked for him & what didn't
    - Flashbacks & a painful break-up / on unhappy experiences & mental health stuff
    - How holotropic breathwork helped Rick (& others in his group)
    - Rick's current outlook on his depression
    - The importance of having a creative outlet to manage his depression (+ some of the jobs Rick has had)
    - Rick's fiction project / the origins of the story
    - Rick's relationship with his father
    - Rick's experiences with blogging & why he is writing
    - On writing for ourselves, authenticity, and sharing what we write online
    - Why Rick decided to start his Mystical Bear blog
    - How sharing his experiences through writing online has helped him thus far


    by ⁠⁠Jas Hothi⁠⁠, with music by ⁠⁠Chris Porter⁠⁠

    PS. join INF Club (free) at ⁠⁠infclub.net⁠⁠

    Wed, 07 Jul 2021 - 1h 14min
  • 63 - Laurence Warner aka 'Cerulean' on creating & sharing his music as an independent artist

    My conversation partner this week is Laurence Warner, aka 'Cerulean'. In Laurence's own words: I'm Cerulean, an independent Performing Artist, born Laurence Warner in Eastleigh, a small town on England's South Coast. I make pop music for your ears AND your brain (and sometimes even your funny bone too)! I'm proudly #SavvyIndie, but I love to collaborate with creatives across The Arts & Tech to put on a show. Find Laurence at: wa.rner.me

    We talk about:
    - Laurence’s music-making process
    - Making money from your art
    - Is Laurence an extrovert or an ambivert? / Myers-Briggs chat
    - The “organic” journey of the indie artist
    - Why Laurence makes music, and the magic of “sonic experiences” (music) vs verbal (words)
    - Who is Cerulean? (aka Laurence’s artist name)
    - Using the internet to share your authentic expression with other people… but balancing this with using tech in an intentional way
    - Laurence’s advice for indie musicians promoting their work
    - The joy of being an ‘independent artist’ vs going ‘traditional’
    - SavvyIndie: Laurence’s plans for this community for independent musicians / music artists


    by ⁠⁠Jas Hothi⁠⁠, with music by ⁠⁠Chris Porter⁠⁠

    PS. join INF Club (free) at ⁠⁠infclub.net⁠⁠

    Wed, 23 Jun 2021 - 2h 11min
  • 62 - A conversation with series with Lauren Sapala (Part 8: writing)

    The eighth conversation in a series with my friend Lauren Sapala. Lauren is a writer, writing coach and INFJ. Find Lauren at: laurensapala.com

    We talk about:

    - Tools for changing the 'stories' you tell yourself
    - Lauren's journey from alcoholism to sobriety & re-discovering writing
    - Why Lauren really needed her silent writing group when she started writing again
    - "Breathing out our stuff" / why Lauren writes
    - Focusing on writing for yourself vs being a full-time author or making an income from it
    - The job Lauren worked whilst she was writing & blogging, & how Lauren has set up her business
    - The types of genre INFPs & INFJs seem to be particularly drawn to


    by ⁠⁠Jas Hothi⁠⁠, with music by ⁠⁠Chris Porter⁠⁠

    PS. join INF Club (free) at ⁠⁠infclub.net⁠⁠

    Tue, 15 Jun 2021 - 1h 41min
  • 61 - David Johnson on his travels, writing & Tibetan Buddhism

    My conversation partner this week is David Johnson. In David's own words: I am an Englishman married and living in Hawaii. I have been a practicing Tibetan Buddhist for 30 years (ouch, where does the time go?). I identify as an introvert and highly sensitive person (INFJ), and work as a Life Coach. Find David at: crossingthethreshold.net

    We talk about:

    - The effects of the (full) moon / sleep
    - David's travels to the Himalayas - and beyond
    - Tibetan Buddhism, faith, religion & spirituality
    - Hedonic vs eudaimonic happiness
    - David's writing, blogging and podcasting
    - How David's online presence & business has unfolded
    - Micro blog & social media
    - David's book: "Meditation Tips for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People"
    - Men & high sensitivity


    by ⁠⁠Jas Hothi⁠⁠, with music by ⁠⁠Chris Porter⁠⁠

    PS. join INF Club (free) at ⁠⁠infclub.net⁠⁠

    Wed, 09 Jun 2021 - 1h 28min
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