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Domenick Swentosky

Life on the water. Troutbitten is a deep dive into fly fishing for wild trout in wild places. Author and guide, Domenick Swentosky, shares stories, tips, tactics and conversations with friends about fly fishing through the woods and water. Explore more. Fish hard. And discover fly fishing at Troutbitten.com — an extensive resource with 1200+ articles about trout, friends, family and the river.

114 - What's the Deal With Emergers?
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  • 114 - What's the Deal With Emergers?

    Like anything else in fishing, you can take the emerger concept just about as far as you want. You get technical, or you can spin up a couple wet flies, float them in the film, and keep things simple.

    I’ve often argued that you don’t have to match the hatch when fly fishing. I think it’s a fun approach, but having exactly the right shade of dubbing to match the most prevalent insect is rarely necessary. Most often, you can fish caddis imitations during a mayfly hatch and do pretty well, because there’s a lot more food in a river than what our eyes see at the surface.

    But we don’t ignore the hatches either. Far from it. In fact, we look forward to these events, anticipating the response from the trout, observing their behaviors day to day, and often using flies and tactics that imitate the emergence. From the bottom to the top, when the bugs transform from water born to airborne, meeting them with an emerger often sells the presentation.

    Our conversation in this episode covers those emergences.


    READ: Troutbitten | You Don't Have to Match the Hatch
    PODCAST: Troutbitten | Night Fishing and the Mouse Emerger Concept
    PODCAST: Troutbitten | Category | Dry Fly Fishing


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    Sun, 05 May 2024
  • 113 - The Ethics of Guiding -- More Harm Than Good?

    My friends join me for a tough discussion. What are the benefits of guiding? What are the good things? How does it help anglers? Does it actually help people and make our sport or this fishing scene better, or does it just put money in the guide’s pocket and put more pressure on the trout?

    Also, what kinds of guided trips are there? Different types of guided trips are offered across the country. Some cater to the first timer, introducing new anglers to the fly rod. Other trips feature education first, with a strong focus on refining the tactics for more experienced anglers. Many guides sell the river itself. Others sell trips by promising big trout. Some guide for clubs with stocked and fed fish, sometimes catering to lodges with clients that are not anglers, but vacationing guests where fly fishing is just another highlighted activity.

    When does guiding trout water do more harm that good? There are no right or wrong answer to all of this, but we’re here to work through a few things — to think about all of it and to have the conversation that others might avoid.


    READ: Troutbitten | Respect the Spots! A fisherman's perspective on friendship and spot burning
    READ: Troutbitten | Fish Hard
    PODCAST: Troutbitten | Angler Pressure TWO -- What It Does to the Fishing


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    Sat, 27 Apr 2024
  • 112 - Fishing Through a Caddis Hatch

    Two years ago we did a full episode on Hatches. That discussion was a broad, overarching look at how the bugs — the insects that trout eat — dictate many of the habits of trout. We argued that knowing the hatches, following the emergence and being ready for these events is not only a lot of fun, it drastically improves your success on the water. Trout don’t miss the hatches, and neither should we.

    At the same time, none of us here think the pattern matters all that much — usually. While we all admit that a color change or certainly the fly size can make a big difference, we all agree that what a trout eats most frequently is a great presentation.

    This episode is about those presentations.

    We consider the full life cycle of a caddis: the pre-hatch, the emergence, the egg laying phase and death. And at each of those stages, we ask what the bugs are doing, how the trout respond and how we can imitate the bugs to fool a trout.


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    Sun, 21 Apr 2024
  • 111 - The Stages of an Angler

    How many times have we heard the supposed stages of an angler? First you want to catch a fish, then you want to catch a bunch of fish, then you want to catch a big fish, then you want to catch the toughest fish, and then you just want to catch a fish again.

    This is a clever way to look at a life on the water. But is it really true? This is our topic.

    We also expand on some other stages that anglers go through, and we think about the beginning stage — why it’s so hard at first, how anglers get held back, and how, sadly, the majority of anglers probably never get a whole lot further than those early stages.


    READ: Troutbitten | Life on the Water
    READ: Troutbitten | Two Sides to Every Fishermen
    READ: Troutbitten | The Dirty Fisherman
    READ: Troutbitten | How to Stay in the Fly Fishing Game for a Lifetime


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    Sun, 14 Apr 2024
  • 110 - Feed Drop -- Troutbitten On The Untangled Podcast

    I was happy to be a guest on the Untangled Podcast with Spencer Durrant. We talked mostly about Nymphing tactics for beginners. We also talked a little about a fishing life and the fly fishing industry.

    You can listen to that full episode  here in the Troubitten Podcast feed

    Follow the Untangled Podcast hosted by the Venturing Fly Company YouTube channel.



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    Sun, 07 Apr 2024
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