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- 610 - Asteroid dust and cup cooperation
On News Time today, I've got five fantastic stories — possible life on far-flung planets, first-day jitters, community-wide cup cooperation and a funky fossil, too. Quiz Questions Do you have any tips to help kids who might be feeling nervous? What are some cafes in Bermagui working together to do? What's the name of the asteroid the dust came from? In which language is the choir singing? What sort of shark fossil has been found? Bonus Tricky Question Can you name at least one thing that was found in the asteroid dust? Answers Some ideas might be taking deep breaths, talking to a grown-up, or doing something relaxing. But you might have another idea! Some people using single-use coffee cups Bennu Gumbaynggirr Shark vomit - a regurgitalite Bonus Tricky Answer They found nitrogen, carbon, amino acids, other minerals and salts.
Fri, 07 Feb 2025 - 12min - 609 - Lunar New Year and brilliant baller
On News Time today, we're celebrating a special event on the calendar, Lunar New Year! Then, we'll meet someone who stomps on bricks and you'll discover why anyone would line up for hours to smell something horrible. Quiz Questions According to the Chinese Zodiac, which animal is the symbol for this year? What nickname was the flower given? How many games has Patty played in the NBA? How far did Gabrielle run? In which country did the meteorite land? Bonus Tricky Question What team does Patty Mills play for? Answers Snake Putricia 1000 100m Canada Bonus Tricky Answer Utah Jazz in the NBA... but if you said the Boomers for Australia, that would be correct too.
Fri, 31 Jan 2025 - 12min - 608 - Spinning stars and pongy perfume
Would you wear a perfume made out of the stuff stuck at the bottom of your drain? On News Time today, hear about a stinky substance turned into a sweet smell. Plus, we'll visit dizzying spinning stars and find out about clever kelpies. Quiz Questions In which town is the country music festival held? What's special about this neutron star? What is it called when fat and other stuff go down the drain and glob together? What sort of dogs are being trained up as part of this program? What habitat do these moles live in? Bonus Tricky Question What does the haemoglobin help the moles move around their body? Answers Tamworth Spins slower than usual Fatberg Kelpies In the sand Bonus Tricky Answer Oxygen
Fri, 24 Jan 2025 - 12min - 607 - Milking spiders and robot lifeguards
On News Time I count down five awesome news stories from around Australia, and the world. On today's show, we've got robot lifeguards, mysterious grass markings, and spiders getting milked. Quiz Questions Are the AI computers replacing the lifeguards? What is the big spiders name? What sort of class do the kindy kids attend? Who made the earth rings? How many days did the basketballers play for? Bonus Tricky Question How big is the spider, from foot to foot? Answers No, not replacing them. They're just there for extra help! Hemsworth Music Traditional owners of the land, Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung 5 Bonus Tricky Answer 9.2cm
Fri, 17 Jan 2025 - 11min - 606 - Summer Replay: Artificial Intelligence
This summer, we're replaying some of our favourite episodes from 2024. This episode is a News Time special, all about AI - Artificial Intelligence. Join Ruby and the ABC's national technology reporter Ange Lavoipierre to find out what the deal is with artificial intelligence. Ange explains what AI actually is, how scientists have developed it, and why so many people are talking about it.
Fri, 10 Jan 2025 - 13min - 605 - Awesome Animals
On News Time this week, we're looking back at five awesome stories about our furry, feathery, fishy friends.
Fri, 03 Jan 2025 - 12min - 604 - Good News of 2024
It's almost the end of the year, so we're looking back at five of our favourite good news stories from 2024.
Fri, 27 Dec 2024 - 12min - 603 - WowFest 2024
If you’ve listened to News Time before, you’ll know that we end each week’s countdown with our Wow of the Week. Well, today’s episode is all wow, all the time! It’s WowFest! A countdown of five amazing stories this year that made you go 'wow'.
Fri, 20 Dec 2024 - 12min - 602 - Dino droppings and circus star
On News Time each week, we count down five awesome news stories, with your help of course. This week is chock-a-block! Full of dino droppings, adventuring pups and circus superstars. Quiz Questions What is fossilised poo called? In which state have people restored an old satellite dish? How does Callum recycle? Can you name a place that Lucia has performed? What is Elise's assistance dog's name? Bonus Tricky Question Why do scientists think dinosaurs might have risen to the top of the food chain? Answers Coprolite Western Australia He loads up his car and then drives to a bigger town Sydney Opera House Lenny Bonus Tricky Answer They ate a wider variety of plants, so they survived when the environment changed
Fri, 13 Dec 2024 - 12min - 601 - Banana art and tracking farts
You're in for a weird and wonderful episode of News Time today! Hear about bananas stuck to walls, and scientists interested in hearing all about people's…. farts. Quiz Questions How much did the banana artwork sell for? Who is being asked to track their farts? Which competition did the ParaMatildas win? In which city might you have found a fossil floating down the street? What kind of sheep did Nikki shear? Bonus Tricky Question How many sheep did Nikki shear in 8 hours? Answers $9.5 million Australians over 14 years old World Cup Melbourne Merino Bonus Tricky Answer 395
Fri, 06 Dec 2024 - 12min - 600 - International Day of People with Disability
Ruby has passed the news time microphone over to National Disability Affairs Reporter Nas Campanella to host an awesome episode, for International Day of People with Disability. Quiz Questions Do you have to have a disability to play Wheelchair Rugby League? In which country is the station TV Bra? How much does Sarah charge for the second hand hearing aids? Was Emma a kid or a grown-up when she found out she's autistic? Which animal has been 3D printed at this aquarium? Bonus Tricky Question How does your News Time host, Nas, read the news? Answers No, people with and without disability can play together Norway Nothing - they're free A grown-up Seahorse Bonus Tricky Answer Nas listens to a little voice on her computer, then repeats the news aloud at the same time.
Fri, 29 Nov 2024 - 12min - 599 - Splendid sniffers and moon plants
Today's episode of News Time is a particularly tasty one… we'll hear about some delicious veggies being grown beyond our atmosphere and make some cheesy treats with kind community members, too. Quiz Questions From which country are the scientists hoping to grow food on the moon next year? How many cheese sandwiches do the volunteers make each week? What sorts of things will the sniffer rats be looking for? In which state or territory does Olivia pilot her helicopter? How much money did the artwork sell for? Bonus Tricky Question What is the name of the AI artwork? Answers Australia 750 Animal products Western Australia $1.6 million Bonus Tricky Answer A.I. God
Fri, 22 Nov 2024 - 12min - 598 - World Children's Day Special
On World Children's Day each year, we celebrate all kids and remember their rights. But what exactly are rights? For this special episode of News Time, Ruby is joined by Australia's National Children's Commissioner, Anne Hollonds. Ruby and Anne talk about World Children's Day, about what rights are and some of the special rights kids have. It's best if this episode is listened to with a grown-up around.
Wed, 20 Nov 2024 - 11min - 597 - Satellite experiment and surprising water source
Today, we're celebrating World Children's Day! Plus, hear about experimental satellites, and a community getting their water from a surprising source. Quiz Questions What's your favourite thing about being a kid? The World's first wooden satellite has been built in what country? What does the hydro panel system make after sucking something out of the air? Yagan Mia means home to the long-necked, what? Which continent are emperor penguins usually found? Bonus Tricky Question What is a right? Answers Any answer is correct Japan Drinking water Turtle Antarctica Bonus Tricky Answer A right is something you should have. You have the right to shelter, but not to the latest gaming console.
Fri, 15 Nov 2024 - 12min - 596 - Black hole discovery and peculiar pollinator
On News Time each week, I count down five fantastic news stories, with your help of course. On today's episode, we'll meet a peculiar pollinator, a cricket sensation and a rhyming rapper, before we head deep into the belly of a black hole. Quiz Questions What sort of animal is this peculiar pollinator? How many things are in the newly discovered black hole system? What can be found at the back of the barber shop? What two sports does Caoimhe play? In which country was the Mayan city found? Bonus Tricky Question How many runs/ points is hitting a boundary worth in cricket? Answers Mouse Three Music and Recording Studio Cricket and Football (soccer) Mexico Bonus Tricky Answer Four
Fri, 08 Nov 2024 - 12min - 595 - Cockatoo rescue and high-tech travel
On News Time today, I've got books, birds, blimps and bobbles for you. Sound intriguing? Quiz Questions In which state or territory was the craft competition held? What will the AI video do to help people who are deaf or hard of hearing? What was the lost bird's name? What sport does Nicho Hynes play? What's another word for a blimp? Bonus Tricky Question What was the name of the second cockatoo, sent in to help rescue the first one? Answers Tasmania Sign language Mickey Rugby League Airship Bonus Tricky Answer Old Lady Doris
Fri, 01 Nov 2024 - 12min - 594 - Koala doors and courageous climber
On News Time today, we're heading deep underwater to meet some sea creatures surviving in places no one thought possible! And then, from the bottom of the ocean, to the tippity top of the worlds tallest mountains to meet a climber who has conquered them all. It's an episode of extreme ups and downs! Quiz Questions What sort of animal was found beneath the ocean floor? What animal sound does the plains-wanderer's tweet sound like? How many mountains did Nima Rinji climb? What are the koala doors designed to stop? What was revealed on the beach? Bonus Tricky Question What did George install on his property, to measure animal sounds? Answers Tubeworms Moo Fourteen Koalas wandering onto the road Fossilised forest Bonus Tricky Answer Song meters
Fri, 25 Oct 2024 - 13min - 593 - Battle of the bugs and Children's Week
On News Time today, you'll find out about a special week especially for celebrating kids, before we witness a battle of the bugs and a turtle in the spotlight. Quiz Questions An easy question to start... what's your favourite thing about being a kid? Which bear was crowned the winner this year? What sort of bug are growers using to protect their plants? What sort of animal is the dance story about? What are the biking buddies hoping to see lots of on their trip? Bonus Tricky Question What's the word for the chemicals sprayed on to plants, that the growers want to use less of? Answers Up to you! Grazer Wasps Turtle Birds Bonus Tricky Answer Pesticide
Fri, 18 Oct 2024 - 11min - 592 - Fish with legs and carpet art
On News Time today, you'll meet a fish with legs, hear about sun-free solar power, and marvel at a classroom's early morning mystery. Quiz Questions Where does Laurie create her artworks? What's the name of the fish? What are scientists using to generate power? Which sport do the Pacifika Ballerz play? How many satellites did the European Space Agency send up? Bonus Tricky Question What's the word, starting with P, for the little bumps on the fish legs? Answers Carpet/ Rug Northern Sea Robin Heat Basketball Two Bonus Tricky Answer Papillae
Fri, 11 Oct 2024 - 12min - 591 - Mini-moon and sharing stories
On News Time, I count down five of the best news stories from Australia and the world, and, of course, including a bonus story guaranteed to make you say 'wow' — our Wow of the Week! This episode has some big space news! Then we'll come back down to earth to hear about hiding crocodiles, skilful storytellers and a long lost diary. Quiz Questions For roughly how long will we have a mini-moon? What's the word, starting with o, for stories that you tell out loud? What nickname have they given the crocodile? How do Renea and Charlotte know each other? What was David John's job? Bonus Tricky Question Where is David's Antarctic diary now? Answers About 2 months Oral storytelling Houdini They're mother and daughter Scientist/ Antarctic Expeditioner Bonus Tricky Answer It's going to a museum.
Fri, 04 Oct 2024 - 12min - 590 - Cow burps and hound hero
It almost feels like we're reporting from the zoo on News Time today! I've got burping cows, comforting turtles and some lucky pups at a pet rescue lined up for you. Quiz Questions Can you name one of Selwyn's pet dogs? What's the thing, starting with M, that can be found in cow emissions? What did Dr. Louise name the turtle? Which state won the First Nations Tournament? What was Joel searching for when he spotted the crater? Bonus Tricky Question What was the score at the end of the final netball game of the tournament? Answers Mindy, Lindy, Rover and Buddy are all correct answers Methane Timmy Queensland A place to camp Bonus Tricky Answer Queensland 37 - South Australia 35
Fri, 27 Sep 2024 - 12min - 589 - Big brass band and prize-winning pasta
On News Time, we count down five news stories from around Australia and the world, and today's show has a tasty mix of news morsels for you. I've got award winning lunch orders, booming brass bands and cool coastal science on the menu. Quiz Questions Can you name two of the veggies in the pasta? How many new species were added to the National Species List? In which town, starting with B, is the all-ages brass band? What's the indigenous name for Botany Bay? What kind of mushroom have the scientists used for the robot? Hint: It's a little bit royal! Bonus Tricky Question What's the name of the rootlike structures that the mushroom has grown into the hardware? Answers Any two of these: sweet potato, tomato, carrot, cauliflower, capsicum and zucchini 750 Bega Gamay King Oyster Bonus Tricky Answer Mycelium
Fri, 20 Sep 2024 - 12min - 588 - Speed cubers and snazzy salons
For News Time today, I've rounded up five stories from across Australia. We'll hear about proficient puzzlers, daring dingoes and a curly solution for hairdressers … all before a creepy crawly Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions In the Nie family, who learnt how to solve a puzzle cube first? What is Issy trying to raise awareness about? What's the name given to the dingo safety sticks? What sort of hair texture are more hairdressers learning about? Which spiders had smaller brains? Spiders in the city, or the country? Bonus Tricky Question Which species of spider were the scientists investigating? Answers The dad, Peiching Bullying Wongari sticks Afro textured hair Spiders in the city, under lights Bonus Tricky Answer Orb Weaver
Fri, 13 Sep 2024 - 12min - 587 - Indigenous Sign Language and super soap
On News Time, we count down five of the best stories from around Australia and the world. Today's show has clever kids making marvellous potions, awesome athletes winning gold and a discovery about bubble blowing whales. Quiz Questions Can you name a Paralympian? What award did Heman win? Who did Joe write his first letter to? What is the ISL word for Australia? What kind of whale has been found to make and use tools? Bonus Tricky Question What do the whales capture and eat? Answers We named James Turner, Thomas Gallagher, Jamieson Leeson, Daniel Michel and Madison de Rozario, but if you need any Paralympian, you get this one right! TIME Kid of the Year His daughter, Julie A fist placed on top of the hand Humpback Whales Bonus Tricky Answer Krill
Fri, 06 Sep 2024 - 12min - 586 - Awesome athletes and yucky toads
On News Time today, we'll meet some powerful Paralympians representing Australia! Plus, hear about astronauts, archaeology, cane toads and cheeky horses. Quiz Questions Where are the Paralympic Games being held this year? What's the name of the ship that astronauts conduct experiments on? Hint: ISS What animal has been eating fewer cane toads because of this experiment? What dance style/s are the kids learning? What did the horses get if they did the right thing? Bonus Tricky Question What's the name of the sport in the Paralympics where the ball has a bell in it? Answers Paris, France International Space Station Crocodiles Breaking/Dabke A treat Bonus Tricky Answer Goalball
Fri, 30 Aug 2024 - 13min - 585 - Meet the Paralympians
Liz Wright from ABC Sport speaks with three Australian Paralympians, as the 2024 Paralympic Games get underway in Paris.
Wed, 28 Aug 2024 - 14min - 584 - Helpful hippo and friendly rodeo
On today's episode, we're headed to outback Queensland, an estuary in New South Wales, a cave in Indonesia and a river in Thailand that's home to a helpful hippo. Quiz Questions What colour was the mangrove lobster that Mimka found? In which state or territory did people break the record for the biggest game of Keppy Uppy? What is Phra trying to clean up with the Hippo? Which country were the visitors to the rodeo from? How tall was homo floresiensis? Bonus Tricky Question What does Hippo stand for? Answers Pink Queensland The river near his monastery New Zealand About as tall as a cricket bat, 100cm Bonus Tricky Answer High Impact Plastic Pollution remOver
Fri, 23 Aug 2024 - 11min - 583 - National Science Week
It's National Science Week! So, on News Time, we'll be counting down five of the best science stories this week from around Australia, and the world. What do gardens and robots have in common? Or koalas and flying drones? You'll find out soon! Quiz Questions Which chore is the robot dog helping with? What carried the stones to Singing Stones Beach? Which organisation created the D.A.R.T program? Why do the rangers want to know whether there are koalas in the trees? Ilbandornis woodburnei is a kind of what? A) Wombat B) Bird C) Kangaroo D) Mouse Bonus Tricky Question What's the name of the robot dog? Answers Weeding Glacier NASA So they can safely do cultural burns B) Bird Bonus Tricky Answer Spot
Fri, 16 Aug 2024 - 12min - 582 - Olympic champions and farty footpumpers
We’ll visit the Olympic Games in Paris, take a tour around some schools across Australia, and then finish with a 10-legged mystery for our… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions Can you name an Aussie medallist at this year's Olympic Games? What's the name for the system of raised dots that people who are blind or have low vision can use to read? What's the word that Jon uses to describe the sound of his workshops? What does student Greg hope to build at his house when he grows up? What do the giant spider crabs do when they visit Australian shores? Bonus Tricky Question What are the scientists studying the crabs asking people to help with? Answers There are too many to list! Any medallist means you got this one correct. Braille Joy A garden Moult (shed their shells) Bonus Tricky Answer Look at photos
Fri, 09 Aug 2024 - 12min - 581 - Rattlesnake megaden and ballet tights
Slithering into the start of our countdown, we'll hear about a mega den of rattlesnakes keeping scientists intrigued. Our next few stories will take us to the ballet, to regional Western Australia, and to coral reefs in South Africa! Then finally, we're headed far beyond the edge of our solar system for a slightly stinky… Wow of the Week! Quiz Questions Roughly how many rattlesnakes are in the megaden? Evie is a ballet dancer, but what's her other job? Hint: she wears yellow! What does Jessica like to do when she's diving? How many people in Kathy's family are volunteers? What would it smell like on this distant planet? Bonus Tricky Question What is the rain made of on planet HD 189733b? Answers 2000 She's a Wiggle Listen to the reef, feel weightless and relaxed Three Rotten eggs Bonus Tricky Answer Glass
Fri, 02 Aug 2024 - 12min - 580 - Whale alphabet and nannas with know-how
Today's show starts underwater… dive into the deep end with us as we uncover the secret language of whales! We'll meet some nannas with know-how, giving new life to old clothes, and then pop on our best green and gold clothes because the Olympics have finally begun! After that, we'll meet some teens feeling brave enough to follow their dreams, then head back to a land before dinosaurs for a very ancient… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions Scientists have figured out an alphabet for which kind of whale? How many toilet flushes worth of water does it take to make a T-shirt and jeans? Where are the Olympic Games being held this year? What's the name of the kind of school some people go to when they finish high school? What's older - the rock that Erica found, or plants? Bonus Tricky Question Where will the Olympics be held in 8 years? Hint: Somewhere in Australia! Answers Sperm whales More than a thousand Paris, in France University The rock! It's a fossil, called black chert Bonus Tricky Answer Brisbane, in Queensland
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 - 12min - 579 - Oldest art and Mars mission
Today's show starts on the planet Mars… sort of! We'll meet some scientists returning home from the red planet, without ever having left earth… We'll visit some strong structures saving powerful birds, and head deep into a cave to see the oldest storytelling art ever found. After that, we'll meet a terrific tap dancer moving and grooving into old age, before we take it easy for our… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions How long were the four scientists in the Mars simulator? What colour are the nesting platforms that have been built for the birds? What's special about the kind of art that the scientists found? How old is our terrific tap dancer, Lorraine? Which country was the 'do nothing' competition held in? Bonus Tricky Question What kind of job does Woopsyang, the person who invented the 'do nothing' competition, have? Answers Over one year Green It's storytelling art 99 years old South Korea Bonus Tricky Answer An artist
Fri, 19 Jul 2024 - 11min - 578 - NAIDOC Week: Keep the fire burning
This week is NAIDOC week, a time for all Australians to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and Ruby has passed the News Time microphone over to Carli Willis - a journalist from the Torres Strait Islands. Quiz Questions What's the theme for NAIDOC week this year? Can you name at least one of the colours on the Torres Strait Islands flag, and what it represents? Elsie Seriat recently became mayor of Torres Shire Council. What's special about her becoming mayor? Which animal are rangers in the Torres Strait trying to keep off the islands? What's the name of the football competition that people participated in? Bonus Tricky Question Can you name one of the winning teams at the footy competition? Answers Keep the fire burning: Blak, loud and proud Green stripes at the top and bottom to represent the land, black lines next to them to represent the people, and a big blue part in the middle to represent the sea. In the middle is a white Dhari, a ceremonial headdress, and a five-pointed star, to represent the five major island groups. She's the first traditional owner to become mayor, and the second ever woman Cane toads Island of Origin Bonus Tricky Answer Paga Panthers or NQ United Sista
Fri, 12 Jul 2024 - 11min - 577 - Bush nurses and found shipwreck
Today's show starts deep under the icy sea, exploring a rediscovered shipwreck. Then, an adventure of a different kind! At a game shop opening their doors to everyone. After that, we'll meet a bush nurse caring for their communities, and some school students who've send a special package to kids overseas. Finally, we're headed back to the ocean! But in much warmer climates for our… Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions What area did Sir Ernest Shackleton like to explore? What kind of shop does Laura run? How many years have bush nurses been caring for their communities? In which country is the school that Belair Public sent their uniforms to? What nickname have scientists given the Australian Brook Lamprey? Bonus Tricky Question Which state was the Australian Brook Lamprey first seen in, and where has it been spotted now? Answers Antarctica Board games/ games 100 Fiji Vegan Dracula Bonus Tricky Answer New South Wales, Queensland
Fri, 05 Jul 2024 - 11min - 576 - Marble match and flying school
Today's show starts on a special reserve in Queensland, where unique creatures have found a safe haven. Then, heading south, we'll visit the Australian Marbles Championship at Brunswick Heads. We'll zoom on over to the other side of the country, to hear about a flying school in Esperance, Western Australia, and then zip back to New South Wales to hear about a sacred site that's been saved. Finally, we're headed back in time to ancient Australia for a dinoriffic… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions Can you name one of the things that have been banned at the reserve? How old was the winner of the marbles championship? In the past couple of years, have there been more flying schools closing, or opening? What's the name of the cave that has been saved? Which modern day bird did the ancient pterosaur remind scientists of? Bonus Tricky Question What's the name of the industry, starting with 'A', for jobs to do with flying planes? Answers Mining, logging, building houses 14 Closing Butterfly Cave Pelican Bonus Tricky Answer Aviation
Fri, 28 Jun 2024 - 11min - 575 - Teen rex and top blokes
Pop on your protective gear, today's episode starts down at the racetrack with a Brisbane kid and her need for speed. After that, we'll learn about a new app saving an Indigenous language, before grabbing a fossil brush to inspect a dinoriffic discovery. We'll meet some top blokes teaching top ideas, and then hear about an unlikely hero for our… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions What is Lana's dream/ goal? How many people are there that can speak the language Ngalia fluently? What kind of dinosaur is Teen Rex? What makes someone a good boy, or man? Which country do Brandon and Blue the dog live in? Bonus Tricky Question What is the name, starting with the letter R, of the sort of ditch that Brandon was stuck in? Answers To win a Formula 1 championship, and be the first girl to do so Three Tyrannosaurus Rex This is a tricky question... there's no one right answer! The United States of America Bonus Tricky Answer Ravine
Fri, 21 Jun 2024 - 12min - 574 - Paralympic Games SpecialWed, 19 Jun 2024 - 13min
- 573 - Mighty Matilda and quiet dinners
We start today's show taking it slow out in nature for some journalling, before we bid farewell to a mighty Matilda. Then, we'll sit down for a meal designed for Autistic eaters, and head to the gallery to see the winners of this years Archibald Prize. Finally, we're headed back in time for a prehistoric… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions Is nature journalling just for professionals, or can anyone do it? How long has Lydia Williams been a Matilda? Can you name one of the foods available at the sensory friendly dinners? Can you name one of the people that were painted for the Archibald Prize? What did the scientists nickname the animal that had some similarities to an echidna, and some similarities to a platypus? Bonus Tricky Question What is a monotreme? Answers Anyone can give it a go! 19 years Chicken nuggets and chips, plain pasta, fish fingers, mash potato and more Author Tim Winton, or rapper Baker Boy are the ones that we mentioned... but you might know another! Echidnapus Bonus Tricky Answer A mammal that lays eggs - and the only two around today are the platypus and the echidna.
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 - 13min - 572 - Cat cottages and Paralympic uniforms
On today's show, we'll take a peek at the new uniforms for our Australian Paralympic team. Then, we'll visit a retirement village that's home to some furry residents, before kicking the footy around with some sport-loving kids. After that, it's time to navigate the noise of a busy playground with a special wagon helping people feel included, and then finally, we'll hear a delicious… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions What's extra special about the new Paralympic uniforms? Which country is the cat retirement village in? How long had it been since the kids at Burringurrah played an organised game of footy? What name did Sarah give the wagon? Which country did Kristie visit to taste peach melon and matcha ice cream? Bonus Tricky Question How long was the drive from Burringurrah to Meekatharra and back? Answers They're made to be universally accessible - everyone should be able to wear them England Two years Wellbeing Wagon Japan Bonus Tricky Answer 600km
Fri, 07 Jun 2024 - 12min - 571 - Troublemaking orcas and new coins
On today's show, we'll start with a change coming to your loose change. Then, we'll head north of the equator to hear about some troublemaking orcas. After that, it's time to travel the high seas on a special voyage from one island to another, before we grab our tools and meet a rock-loving kid sharing his passion with his community. Finally, we'll travel about 1200 light years away for our… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions Who will be on the back of any new coins made? 2. What are the orcas doing to boats? 3. Can you name the place the boat is leaving from, and where it's travelling to? 4. What was the first thing Archie bought with the money he made? 5. What does it look like the planet is made of? Bonus Tricky Question Which way will the new person on our coins face? Answers King Charles III 2. Ramming them, damaging them, sinking them 3. Cook Islands to Hawaii 4. A gaming console 5. Fairy floss Bonus Tricky Answer The left
Fri, 31 May 2024 - 12min - 570 - Bees with blocks and flashy fashion
All aboard! On today's show, our first stop is a bus stop! To inspect a new, old vehicle. Then, we'll hear about some clever bees learning new tricks, and about a game of tips that went for a whole month! After that, we'll strut along the runway with an indigenous fashion designer, before a very hairy Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions 1. How long did it take Brian to fix up the bus? 2. What had the scientists hidden under the brick for the bees to get to? 3. How long did the game of tips/tag go for? 4. What fruit did Renee name her fashion label after? 5. What material, starting with G, are scientists making from hair and wool? Bonus Tricky Question Who wants to buy the bus that Brian re-built? Answers 1. Forty (40) years 2. Nectar 3. One month 4. Lychee 5. Graphite Bonus Tricky Answer Sydney Bus Museum
Fri, 24 May 2024 - 13min - 569 - Cave kangaroo and shear excitement
The first stop on today's show is the post office! To meet some letter sending locals. Then, we'll head to the beach to practice deep listening. After a quick dip, we'll go deep into a cave to inspect a curious discovery, and then to a shearing shed on a farm, to meet an expert shearer. After that whirlwind adventure, it's off to a different kind of farm for our… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions 1. Who is currently running the Ungarie post office? 2. Which creature did Diana hear the heartbeat of? 3. What animal was the skeleton of? (Hint: Short-something kangaroo) 4. What kind of sheep did Jeanine shear? 5. What name was the oyster given? Bonus Tricky Question What's the name Diana uses for listening very closely to the world around you? Answers 1. Rob, a man who recently moved to the town 2. Short-faced kangaroo 3. Starfish 4. Merino 5. Jill Bonus Tricky Answer Deep listening
Fri, 17 May 2024 - 12min - 568 - Cool city and special spears
On today's show, we'll hear how an op shop is changing a community, we'll find out about the discovery of a giant jawbone, and we'll meet some scientists with a cool idea to chill out a hot city. Then, we'll hear about some significant spears that have been returned to their traditional owners, before heading to the beach for the… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions 1. What was the remote op shop project raising money for? 2. What sort of creature was an ichthyosaur? 3. What city are scientists hoping to help cool down? 4. How many spears have been returned to their traditional owners? 5. What Sydney beach has disappeared? Bonus Tricky Question What is needed for the beach to reappear again? Answers 1. Art centre 2. Marine reptile 3. Seville 4. 4 5. Mackenzies Bay Bonus Tricky Answer Less powerful waves along the coast
Fri, 10 May 2024 - 09min - 567 - Villainous ant and astounding artwork
On today's show, we'll hear about a newly discovered ant with an interesting name. We'll kick-flip and grind with a super skateboarder, and fossick for fossils with a prolific palaeontologist. Then, we'll hear about an Indigenous Australian artist winning big in the art world, before heading to a deserted island for the… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions 1. Which villain was the ant named after? 2. What's the name of the trick Arisa did? 3. Which state is Samantha the dino lover from? 4. What did Archie Moore paint on the gallery walls? 5. What did the stranded sailors spell out in the sand? Bonus Tricky Question What did the sailors use to write their message? Answers 1. Voldemort 2. 720 3. Queensland 4. Family Tree 5. HELP Bonus Tricky Answer Palm tree leaves/ fronds
Fri, 03 May 2024 - 11min - 566 - Artificial Intelligence special
Join Ruby and the ABC's national technology reporter Ange Lavoipierre for a deep dive into the world of artificial intelligence.
Wed, 01 May 2024 - 13min - 565 - Underwater mountain and senior swimmers
On today’s show, we’ll hear about some Paralympians speaking out about footwear. We’ll explore an underwater mountain and meet some of its fishy inhabitants. Then, staying in the water, we’ll splash about with some senior swimmers taking lessons for the first time. After that, it’s all eyes on the skies as we search for exploding stars, before we head down river for the… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions 1. What does Stef Reid and other Paralympians want to be able to buy? 2. What kind of environment were the scientists exploring underwater? 3. What was special about the people taking the swimming lessons? 4. What kind of stars are Rod's favourite to look at? 5. What animal did the pumpkin weigh more than? Bonus Tricky Question What did Adam and Mark name their pumpkin boat? Answers 1. Buy one shoe at a time 2. Mountain 3. They were older 4. Exploding 5. Horse Bonus Tricky Answer Cinderella
Fri, 26 Apr 2024 - 12min - 564 - Smart farm and curious clay
On today's show, we're off to a remote farm that's had a high-tech upgrade. Then, we'll shoot some hoops with some Irish basketball teams, before kicking soccer balls around with some of Australia's newest sporting recruits. After that, we'll hear about an interesting discovery challenging our ideas about First Nations Australians, before we hop into the…Wow of the week! Quiz Questions 1. What is the name of Jack's smart farm? 2. Which country were the two basketball teams from? 3. What's the problem now that so many people were inspired to play soccer by the Matildas? 4. What did archaeologists and traditional owners discover in the middens? 5. How many species of Brown Tree Frog are there? Bonus Tricky Question How long was the replay match the officials wanted the two teams to have? Answers 1. Prenti Downs 2. Ireland 3. There aren't enough fields 4. Clay pottery 5. Three Bonus Tricky Answer 0.3 seconds
Fri, 19 Apr 2024 - 12min - 563 - Froggy fossil and significant signs
On today's show, we'll start by inspecting an ancient fossil that's reminding scientists of a beloved green frog. We'll meet a would-be moon-mining rover, and catch up with some kind kids making an important change in their community. After that, we'll celebrate Eid before heading off on a camping trip for the… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions 1. Which muppet did the fossil remind scientists of? 2. Can you name one thing that the moon rover might mine for? 3. Which clan are the traditional owners of the land where Lionel and Ella were walking? 4. What is the celebration at the end of Ramadan called? 5. Why did James nearly miss the beetle and keep on walking? Bonus Tricky Question What's the word, starting with the letter 'e', for a scientist that studies bugs? Answers 1. Kermit the Frog 2. Oxygen, Fuel, Water 3. Bedigal people 4. Eid, or Eid Al-Fitr 5. He thought it was bird poo Bonus Tricky Answer Entomologist
Fri, 12 Apr 2024 - 11min - 562 - Sporty Special
Lace up your running shoes and strap on your safety gear, this week's episode is all about sport. We'll meet an athletic school kid being brave and breaking records, and learn about a kooky sport winning over new fans. We'll head to the ocean, for an adaptive surfing competition, and then dry off before a night at the theatre, to hear about a play telling the story of Indigenous footy players. After that, it's deep into the mountains for the Wow of the Week! Quiz Questions 1. Which athletics event is Bella best at? 2. Which two sports is joggling a combination of? 3. In which town in New South Wales did they hold the adaptive surfing competition? 4. What number did Adam Goodes wear on his guernsey? 5. Jasmin is one of only 20 people in the world to have ever finished the Barkley Marathons. What else made her achievement special? Bonus Tricky Question Which AFL team did Adam Goodes play for? Answers 1. Discus 2. Jogging and Juggling 3. Byron Bay 4. 37 5. First woman to do it Bonus Tricky Answer Sydney Swans
Fri, 05 Apr 2024 - 11min - 561 - Breakfast breakthrough and big trees
On today's show, we'll hear about how a famous Aussie breakfast food might be used to help recycle old computers. We'll perch on tree branches with the birds, and meet a teen fighting for the environment. Then, we'll dance with some Indigenous students connecting to their culture, before heading to a farm for the… Wow of the Week! Quiz Questions 1. What's the ingredient, starting with the letter Y, found in Vegemite that could be used to break down electronics? 2. According to this study, do birds prefer old trees, or young trees? 3. What job is Anjali studying to get? Hint: starts with the letter L. 4. Why is it good that the workshops are being held online, as well as in person? 5. What have the farmers done with the blueberry? Bonus Tricky Question What happens if we don't recycle electronics safely? Answers 1. Yeast 2. Old 3. Lawyer 4. Kids in regional and remote areas can participate, too! Not just kids in big cities. 5. Nothing yet! It's been waiting in a freezer. Bonus Tricky Answer They can break down into harmful chemicals that can be toxic to humans and the environment.
Fri, 29 Mar 2024 - 12min - 560 - Road trip trivia and whale song
We're on the move in today's episode! We'll spot street signs in Queensland designed to keep drivers alert and amused. Then, we'll run a world record race with a speedy six-year old, before swimming deep underwater, to learn about how whale song works. After that whirlwind, we'll celebrate harmony day, before settling in for the… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions 1. What is the coldest town in Queensland? 2. How far was the race Helena ran? A) 200m B) 300m C) 400m 3. What is special about whales voice boxes? 4. What's the word for lots of different cultures living happily together? 5. Where was the fossilised forest found? Bonus Tricky Question Which species of whale did the scientists look at the voices of? Answers 1. Stanthorpe 2. B)300m 3. Extra fat and muscle cushioning 4. Multiculturalism 5. High on a cliff top, in England Bonus Tricky Answer Baleen
Fri, 22 Mar 2024 - 11min - 559 - March meowness and athlete equality
Today's show starts with some good news about an Aussie amphibian. We'll keep our voices down in a lovely library, cancelling peoples fines for a funny reason, and then meet the people representing Australia at an international song contest. Staying overseas, we'll speed over to the London marathon, to hear about an inclusive change they're making, and then after that, it's time for a prehistoric Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions 1. What kind of frog was cared for at Melbourne Zoo and recently released back into the wild? 2. Why did the librarians start asking for pictures of cats? 3. What does 'One Milkali' mean in English? 4. In which city and country is there a marathon offering equal prize money for athletes who run, and athletes who use a wheelchair? 5. What was Damien doing when he found the bones? Bonus Tricky Question Why did the palaeontologists keep the discovery a secret for two years? Answers 1. Spotted Tree Frog 2. They wanted to cancel peoples fines, and get them to start coming to the library again 3. One Blood 4. London, England 5. Walking his dog Bonus Tricky Answer They didn't want members of the public to find it, poke around, and maybe damage the bones.
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 - 13min - 558 - Hot chips and harbour helper
On today's show, I've got some good news about a tasty, potatoey snack. Then, we'll hear about some awesome women kicking goals for International Women's Day, and meet a local legend cleaning up Sydney Harbour. We'll travel to the country Canada, to learn about an important Indigenous program, and then after that, I'll present an aquatic Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions 1. What the word for lots of different plants and animals living in the same area? 2. Which competition did the Matildas just qualify for? 3. What did Andy do with the money he inherited? 4. What country is the internship program being held in? 5. Which animal does Charlotte the stingray share a tank with? Bonus Tricky Question What's the word, starting with P, for when an animal gets pregnant by themselves? Answers 1. Biodiversity 2. The Olympics 3. Quit his job to clean up the harbour 4. Canada 5. Sharks Bonus Tricky Answer Parthenogenesis
Fri, 08 Mar 2024 - 11min - 557 - Leap year and round rooms
On today's show, we'll leap into the countdown with a chat about leap years, and then swim over to hear about some lucky fish that were saved from a drying lake. We'll learn about how the shape of a room could change the way someone feels, and then meet some Indigenous performers bringing an traditional story to a modern stage. Then, it's time for the Wow of the Week! Quiz Questions 1. How often do we have a leap year? 2. Why did Adam the biologist have to move quickly to save the fish? 3. Can you name one thing that happened to the people in round rooms in the experiment? 4. What language is the story Wundig Wer Wilura sung in? 5. How many years will it take to play the song As Slow As Possible? Bonus Tricky Question Which instrument are they playing As Slow as Possible on? Answers 1. Once every four years 2. The lake they were in was drying up 3. Heart rates slowed/ they had more creative answers to questions 4. Noongar 5. 639. Bonus Tricky Answer Organ
Fri, 01 Mar 2024 - 10min - 556 - Stoked surfer and outerspace ocean
Today's web of stories starts with some spider's webs, catching more than just flies. We'll hang loose and surf with the best at big swells, and then travel to the other side of the solar system to hear about a very different kind of ocean. Then, we'll learn about International Mother Language Day, before plodding over to our Wow of the Week! Quiz Questions 1. What's the thing that scientists can test the spider webs for? Hint: It's three letters 2. What score did Molly get for her amazing wave at Pipeline? 3. Mimas is a moon with water under it's surface... but which planet is it a moon of? 4. How many Aussies speak a language other than English at home? 5. Which island is the Aldabra Giant Tortoise being reintroduced to? Bonus Tricky Question What is 'megafauna dependent germination'? Answers 1. DNA 2. 10/10 - Perfect score 3. Saturn 4. One in Five 5. Madagascar Bonus Tricky Answer Animals eat fruit and seeds, walk along, poo out the seeds and a new plant grows somewhere else.
Fri, 23 Feb 2024 - 11min - 555 - Old school phones and DJ tones
Today's episode starts with a mystery illness affecting the raucous rainbow lorikeet. We'll hear about people swapping smartphones for older ones, and a teen DJ spinning tracks in front of huge crowds. Then, we'll spend time with some first nations gamers, before flying over to our Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions 1. Which Rainbow Lorikeet behaviour have scientists asked everyday people to keep an eye on? 2. Why would someone swap a smartphone for an old style phone? 3. Which sporting tournament did Cooper DJ at? 4. What's the name of the gaming group for First Nations gamers? 5. What light source did moths usually use to help them fly straight? Bonus Tricky Question What can we do to help moths not get trapped in the glow of street lights? Answers 1. What they're eating 2. So they aren't addicted/ can focus more on everyday life 3. Australian Open - Tennis 4. BlackoutGG 5. The moon Bonus Tricky Answer Make sure the lights point down, and not emit light in all directions
Fri, 16 Feb 2024 - 12min - 554 - Robot road repair and reptile rescuer
Today, we'll drive around with a road-fixing robot, and tag along with a seasoned snake catcher. Then, we'll celebrate Lunar New Year before paddling the harbour in specially decorated kayaks. Quiz Questions What will the robot ARRES spend its time filling? Why can't Paul retire from being a snake catcher? Which animal is it this year in the Chinese Zodiac? Which harbour will people be able to cruise around in the kayaks? What's the name of the helicopter on Mars? Bonus Tricky Question How long did scientists expect the helicopter to work for, and how long did it actually work for? Answers Potholes No one wants to take over his job Dragon Sydney Harbour Ingenuity Bonus Tricky Answer They expected 30 days, but it worked for three years
Fri, 09 Feb 2024 - 12min - 553 - Mooing mystery and movie musician
Today, we'll meet a quick-thinking kid who helped save his dad's life! Then we'll mooooove onto a story about some stuck stock! We'll also watch some silent movies with a magnificent musician! And we'll meet a young footy player who is setting an example by standing up for herself. Quiz Questions 1. What number can you dial in an emergency? 2. What colour is the new bull discovered on the island? 3. What's going to happen at the cinema when Ron retires? 4. What sport does Sophie play? 5. In which rainforest did people rediscover an ancient city? Bonus Tricky Question What's the word for when Ron, or another musician, makes up the music as they go along? Answers 1. Triple 0, zero zero zero, 000 2. Black 3. Someone new will take over the job, and the silent movie tradition will continue 4. AFL 5. Amazon Bonus Tricky Answer Improvise
Fri, 02 Feb 2024 - 11min - 552 - Egg-cellent discovery and accessible island
On the show today, I'll shell out the details on an odd-shaped egg, and we'll chat about International Day of Education. We'll head to the other side of the world to meet the new Queen of Denmark, and then back, much closer to home, to visit the newly-accessible Abrolhos Islands. Then finally, it's time for the story that made you go 'wow' - an eight-legged Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions What happened to make the hen lay a round egg? What's the theme for International Day of Education this year? Can you name one of the changes Chris made so she could visit the Abrolhos islands? Which country is Mary now the Queen of? What will the reptile park do with Hercules? Bonus Tricky Question Which Australian state is Queen Mary from? Answers We're not sure! Learning for lasting peace Using a chairlift to get onto the plane, or using a water scooter to get around in the water Denmark Milk him, to make anti-venom Bonus Tricky Answer Tasmania
Fri, 26 Jan 2024 - 12min - 551 - Magpie maths and moon mission trouble
On the show today, we'll meet a mini-mathematician and hear her ideas about magpies. Then, we'll give tired Queensland teddies some TLC, before heading into outer space with a moon lander unlikely to complete its mission. After that, we'll hear about some awesome work going on a little island down south, before we hear the Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions Who do magpies seem to like swooping the most? What was one of the names of Vyvian's toys? Hint: There were two What is the moon lander called? What kind of animal do rangers want to reintroduce to the little island? Which piece are you trying to protect in a game of chess? Bonus Tricky Question What did Bodhana come in the competition? Answers Tall men with no hair Pink Bear or Koala The Peregrine Lander Wombats King Bonus Tricky Answer 73rd, and was the highest ranked female player.
Fri, 19 Jan 2024 - 12min - 550 - Summer Replay: NAIDOC Week 2023
This summer, we're replaying some of our favourite episodes from 2023. This episode is from NAIDOC Week.
Fri, 12 Jan 2024 - 10min - 549 - Summer Replay: Cost of Living
This summer, we're replaying some of our favourite episodes from 2023. This episode is a News Time special, all about the cost of living.
Fri, 05 Jan 2024 - 11min - 548 - WowFest 2023
If you’ve listened to News Time before, you’ll know that we end each week’s countdown with our Wow of the Week. Well, today’s episode is all wow, all the time! It’s WowFest! A countdown of five amazing stories this year that made you go 'wow'.
Fri, 29 Dec 2023 - 13min - 547 - Good News of 2023
It's almost the end of the year, so we're looking back at five of our favourite good news stories from 2023.
Fri, 22 Dec 2023 - 12min - 546 - Marsupial monitors and outback postie
On the show today, we'll zip along with a rural postie doing lovely things for her community. We'll hear about how artificial intelligence is helping an Aussie icon, and join some high school students on their regular visit to an aged care home. Our next stop is in the centre of Australia, where we'll learn about a new orchard bringing lemons and longevity to a remote community, before burrowing deep underground for our Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions How many stops does Bec make on her mailrun? What are the computers in the bush listening out for? Who have the high school students been visiting? Can you name one of the fruits that will be grown at the orchard? What colour is the coat of De Winton's mole? Bonus Tricky Question What kind of environment does the De Winton's mole live in? Answers 34 Koala calls and grunts Residents living at an aged care facility Grapes, oranges, mandarins, lemons Golden Bonus Tricky Answer Sandy
Fri, 15 Dec 2023 - 12min - 545 - Moon rover and backyard barber
I've got five fantastic stories for you today, the first of which is about an Aussie gymnast making a name for herself, literally. Then, we'll meet a benevolent barber making a difference in his community. After that, it's off to the moon! To meet Australia's first moon rover. Speaking of Australian firsts, we'll then learn about a new Indigenous podcast network. Then finally, it's time for the Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions What is the new gymnastics skill called? Hint: It starts with 'G'. Where does Enele provide the free haircuts? Which name was voted in as the name of Australia's moon rover? BlakCast is a new podcast network, created by who? Where were the leaf-eared mice found to be living? Bonus Tricky Question What do scientists think the mountain mice might be eating? Answers The Godwin, named after Georgia Godwin In his garage in Mount Isa Roo-ver Indigenous Australians The top of a volcano/ mountain. Bonus Tricky Answer Lichen, but they're not totally sure!
Fri, 08 Dec 2023 - 12min - 544 - International Day of People with Disability
This weekend, it's International Day of People with Disability, so on today's episode I've got five fantastic stories all about disability. We'll meet a horse rider learning to do old tricks in a new way, and visit a timber yard full of great people. After that, we'll beat the drum with an award winning school teacher, and play a groovy game that's becoming more inclusive. Then finally, it's time for the Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions What sport does Suzin like doing? Where does Kirsten work? What is the main instrument that Ms Lowry's students play? Who is the new Just Dance routine designed to be more accessible for? What's the name of the robotic dog? Bonus Tricky Question What award did Sue Lowry win for her work at Southport Special School? Answers Riding horses Timber yard Drums People who use wheelchairs Spot Bonus Tricky Answer ARIA for Music Teacher of the Year
Fri, 01 Dec 2023 - 12min - 543 - Fossilised footprints and shooting hoops
On today's episode, we're celebrating World Children's Day! Then, we'll head to a beach in Victoria to inspect some fossilised footprints. We'll take to the skies with one of Australia's awesome female pilots, then touch down in the Northern Territory for a quick game of basketball. After that, it's time for an all-spinning, all-dancing Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions What is a 'right'? What animals left the footprints that Melissa found? What was built at Sydney Airport, and named after Captain Deborah? Which state or territory does Timmy run Hoops 4 Health in? Will Jeff be the oldest, or the youngest person competing in breaking at the Olympics next year? Bonus Tricky Question Who were the two teams that played in the Men's Cricket World Cup final, and who won? Answers Something someone should have, no matter what Birds A bridge - The Deborah Lawrie Flyover Northern Territory Youngest Bonus Tricky Answer Australia beat India
Fri, 24 Nov 2023 - 12min - 542 - Mustering mutts and earth-friendly frock
On the show this week, we'll round up some sheep with Australia's best working dog, and meet a dressmaker using unexpected materials to make beautiful gowns. We'll hear about some more soccer success for Aussie athletes, and meet a quick-thinking teen who helped save a mates life. After that, it's time for a not quite out-of-this-world Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions What kind of dog is Earl, the winner of this years challenge? What will happen to Carmen's dress when she pops it on the ground and leaves it for a while? Who did the Paramatildas beat in the final? What kind of special training did James know, that helped him save his friend? Is this crater bigger or smaller than the one left by the asteroid that might have killed the dinosaurs? Bonus Tricky Question How far did Earl the dog run over the three weeks? Answers Kelpie It will disintegrate/ break down and go back into the earth Japan First Aid Bigger - three times bigger! Bonus Tricky Answer 1300km, further than the distance from Brisbane to Canberra
Fri, 17 Nov 2023 - 11min - 541 - Australia's loneliest tree and soccer superstars
On the show this week, we'll meet the scientists working to save Australia's loneliest tree. We'll kick the ball around with some soccer superstars, before bouncing over to hear about a joey with a special new tail. Then, it's off to Berrigan in New South Wales, to say hello to their new mayor. After that, it's time for a wow of the week about a prehistoric Aussie animal. Quiz Questions How many Mongarlowe Mallee's are left in the wild? Before Talia and Ischia broke the record, who was the youngest person to play in the A-League Women's? What's the word, starting with P, for an artificial limb? Julia is the mayor of her town, but what did she want to grow up to be when she was little? What modern day animal is a diprotodon related to? Bonus Tricky Question What's one of the changes Mayor Julia has already made at Berrigan Shire Council? Answers Six Sam Kerr Prosthetic Prime Minister, Australia's first female Prime Minister Wombat and Koala Bonus Tricky Answer Hanging Aboriginal flag, doing an Acknowledgement of Country in meetings.
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 - 12min - 540 - Frank the Tank and terrific typewriters
On today's show, I've got five stories teed up that all share a letter in common… we'll meet a tortoise looking for his forever home, before travelling to Fiji for a netball carnival. We'll hear the clickitty clacks of typewriters being used by teens, and meet the young Indigenous filmmaker behind Towney Time. After that, it's time for an out-of-this-world Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions What did they nickname the big tortoise? What country did the Aussie netballers visit? What might make typewriters attractive to people with ADHD? What's the name of Penelope Towney's channel? How long did the space travellers end up spending in space? Bonus Tricky Question What constellation did Penelope make a video about? Answers Frank the Tank Fiji The sounds, the lack of screen makes it easier to focus, the click-clack of the buttons Towney Time Over a year, double their planned length Bonus Tricky Answer "The Emu in the Sky"
Fri, 03 Nov 2023 - 11min - 539 - Echidna coos and bulky bears
On today's show, we'll hear the sound of a certain Aussie animal that's never been heard before! We'll celebrate two weeks of very different kinds: Global Media and Information Literacy Week, and Fat Bear Week! Before we meet some bike mechanics making a difference in the top end. After that, it's time for a Wow of the Week featuring some cool new tech. Quiz Questions Which Aussie animal have scientists recorded for the first time? What's something you can ask yourself to see if the media you're using can be trusted? How many bikes are Guido and Sienna taking to the Northern Territory? Was the winner of Fat Bear Week named Chomper, Grazer or Muncher? What do the vests do to help people who are hard of hearing enjoy music? Bonus Tricky Question What's the word for when bears eat a lot, and then sleep or slow down through the winter? Answers Echidnas Who is saying this? 70 Grazer Vibrate Bonus Tricky Answer Hibernation
Fri, 27 Oct 2023 - 10min - 538 - Monument mix-up and Tarnanthi Art Fair
On today's show, we head to a tiny town fighting to save a bush bird, before inspecting an important statue. We'll learn about a dino discovery, and head to an awesome festival of First Nations art. Then it's time for the Wow of the Week. Quiz Questions What's the name of the bird the locals at Ongerup are trying to save? What was mistakenly added to Pearl Wallace's statue? Garumbatitan morellensis is a kind of sauropod. Can you name another? In which state is the Tarnanthi Art Fair being held? What's the word for when animals like wombats and echidnas glow under UV light? Bonus Tricky Question What makes the animals able to glow under UV light? Answers Malleefowl A beard South Australia We said brachiosaurus and diplodocus... but you might know another one! Brontosaurus, apatosaurus, gigantasaurus... the list goes on. Biofluorescence Bonus Tricky Answer Proteins in their skin or fur
Fri, 20 Oct 2023 - 11min - 537 - Handball heroes and meaningful murals
On today's show, I'll serve up a story about an inter-school handball competition. Then we'll fly south, to learn about world migratory bird day. We'll learn about a new youth centre on the Sunny Coast, before putting on an art smock to paint about our feelings. Quiz Questions What was the trickiest part of organising the handball competition? What is the theme for World Migratory Bird Day this year? Can you name at least one of the activities available at the youth centre? The "Zones of Regulation" are a way of thinking of feelings as what? "Asparagopsis" is a type of red what? Bonus Tricky Question What's the thing in cow farts and burps that builds up in the atmosphere? Answers Agreeing on the rules Water Basketball, Pool, Gym, Chill Out Zone Colours Seaweed Bonus Tricky Answer Methane
Fri, 13 Oct 2023 - 11min - 536 - Wandering whales and home-grown flowers
We'll start today's show beyond our atmosphere to celebrate World Space Week. We'll come back down to earth, to learn about a clever farmer keeping flowers local, before diving deep with some whales as they journey from Australia to Antarctica… and back. After that, we'll meet some new tradies keen to get building. Quiz Questions Can you name at least one of the things that STEM stands for? What did Nikki make to help connect farmers with flower buyers? Where do Southern Right Whales migrate to? What kind of jobs are the people in the Sistas in Trade program working towards? True or False: There are no koalas in the natural environment Northern Territory today. Bonus Tricky Question What kind of teeth did the scientists find of the prehistoric koala? Hint: It starts with the letter 'M'. Answers Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics An app Australia to Antarctica and back Construction True Bonus Tricky Answer Molars
Fri, 06 Oct 2023 - 11min - 535 - Mini musicians and super shucker
On today's show we're off to Ireland! For the world oyster opening championships. Then, we'll hitch a ride to radical rodeo. After that, we'll meet some mini musicians and their masterful maestros, before learning about an important weather event called El Niño. Quiz Questions What's the special name for opening an oyster? In which state was the first Australian women's only rodeo held? True or False? Kids who play a musical instrument often do better in maths and english, too. Will El Niño make things hot and dry, or wet and windy? What do adult palm cockatoos pass down to their kids? Bonus Tricky Question What colour are the patches on the cheeks of a Palm Cockatoo? Answers Shucking Queensland True Hot and dry How to shape drumsticks Bonus Tricky Answer Red
Fri, 29 Sep 2023 - 11min - 534 - Pet sharing and adaptive surfing
On today's show, we'll hear about some friendly neighbours sharing their pets, and meet a champion adaptive surfer.Then, it's time to chat all things art and art-making, before we visit an island achieving big things for the environment. Quiz Questions What unusual thing are people sharing? What is adaptive surfing? What's the feeling that scientists say art can give people? What special thing did Konomie Island achieve for the environment? Is the Cracking-Clay Pilbara Planigale lighter than a 10 cent coin, or heavier than a toaster? Bonus Tricky Question How does Kai surf at the moment? Answers Their pets Surfing for people with disabilities Happy/Happiness Carbon Negative Lighter than a 10 cent coin Bonus Tricky Answer In a prone position - on hands and knees.
Fri, 22 Sep 2023 - 12min - 533 - Bird boots and board game buddies
On today's show we'll meet a vet making tiny shoes for a special customer, and we'll kick a footy around with some persevering players. Then, we're off to Olkola country in Queensland, where ancient wisdom is meeting new technology, before stopping in to South Australia for a quick board game with some neurodiverse kids. After that, it's the story that made you go 'wow'. Quiz Questions What was wrong with Birkenstock the Magpie? What sport do the Albany Sharks play? What special technology is helping elders visit Country without actually going there? What game is Jessica playing with her new friends? How did Claude the Koala get caught? Bonus Tricky Question What was the value of the plants that Claude the Koala ate? Answers His foot was all curled up Aussie Rules Football Virtual Reality/ Augmented Reality Dungeons and Dragons He was too full to climb back up the pole Bonus Tricky Answer $6000
Fri, 15 Sep 2023 - 12min - 532 - Chatty crocodiles and new school names
On today's show, we're off to the zoo! To meet a baby gorilla and his zealous zookeeper. We'll hear about a special surgery giving an Auslan speaker back their voice. Then we're headed underwater, to hear the ways that crocodiles communicate. Before learning about some new schools being named from some of Australia's oldest languages. Quiz Questions What is the baby gorilla's name? What did Tracy say it felt like when she couldn't sign properly? How are they going to record the crocodiles? Which state is introducing the new school names? How old did Catherina turn? Bonus Tricky Question What is the name of the disease that makes Tracy's hands sore and stiff? Answers Kaius Like losing her voice Hydrophones (underwater microphones), and they'll film them too Victoria 111 Bonus Tricky Answer Rheumatoid Arthritis
Fri, 08 Sep 2023 - 12min - 531 - Whopping whale and deep-diving seals
On today's show, we'll learn about the one of the biggest animals to have ever existed. Then we'll meet an Indigenous teenager helping her community access swimming lessons. Staying in the water, we'll meet some deep-sea diving seals making scientific discoveries, before coming up for air to hear about Australia's first ever blind women's cricket team. Quiz Questions In which country did they find the fossils of Perucetus Colossus? What does the charity name 'bambigi' mean in Wiradjuri language? Is the ocean floor in Antarctica deeper or shallower than we thought? Did the Australian Blind Women's Cricket team come first, second or third at the competition? What's the word for something, like this plastic, that can break down in the environment? Bonus Tricky Question What's the special thing in flies that's being turned into plastic? Answers Peru "to swim" Deeper Second Biodegradable Bonus Tricky Answer Chitin
Fri, 01 Sep 2023 - 12min - 530 - Indigenous Voice to Parliament special
Join Ruby as she chats with the ABC's lead journalist on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament Dan Bourchier.
Wed, 30 Aug 2023 - 10min - 529 - Matildas madness and book week
This week on News Time we're mad for the Matilda's, just like the rest of the country! We'll hear about their amazing run at the World Cup, and about how one of their players uses hearing aids. Then, it's off to the library for book week, after that we'll head to the Solomon Islands to meet some bee-utiful new neighbours. Quiz Questions Who won the Women's World Cup? What position does Mackenzie Arnold play for the Matildas? Name one way people celebrate Children's Book Week. What tree do bees help pollinate that could help protect The Solomon Islands from Cyclones? What is the name of the fashion label made by the students? Bonus Tricky Question Who encouraged Mackenzie to get hearing aids? Answers Spain Goalkeeper Dressing up as book characters, book of the year awards, reading a good book Mangroves Trash to Fash Bonus Tricky Answer Her brother.
Fri, 25 Aug 2023 - 12min - 528 - Science Week
It's National Science Week! So, on today's show we're chatting about everything… science! We'll meet some Aussie scientists bringing clean water to the world, then take a closer look at seaweed on the sea shore. We'll blast into outer space to find a missing spacecraft, all before heading back to earth for our… Wow of the week! Quiz Questions What animal makes Australia's favourite animal sound? What is the invention that tells you how long to leave a bottle of water in the sun? What's something that Indigenous Australians use seaweed for? What's the name of the spacecraft that NASA lost contact with? Name something that the smart plant pot can measure. Bonus Tricky Question What's the name of the smart plant pot? Answers Magpie A sticker that changes colour As flavouring for meat and fish Voyager 2 Whether the plant is thirsty, whether it needs more sunlight, electrical impulses Bonus Tricky Answer Francesco
Fri, 18 Aug 2023 - 13min - 527 - Ancient worms and horseback adventure
On today's show we'll help some tiny bats rebuild their homes, meet a special fish caught on camera, ride across Australia on horseback, bring an ancient frozen worm back to life, and drive a car underwater. QUIZ QUESTIONS: 1. What technique is being used to make the nests? 2. Where did the photographer take the picture of the spotted handfish? 3. What is Angel's horse's name? 4. How long had the worm been frozen? 5. What is the Landcruiser's nickname? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: When was the last time a Ziebell's handfish was spotted in the wild? ANSWERS: 1. Aboriginal weaving techniques 2. Tasmania's Derwent River 3. Pippin 4. 46,000 years 5. Mudcrab BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: 2007
Fri, 11 Aug 2023 - 12min - 526 - Happy humpbacks and super skippers
On today's show we'll meet a mischievous sea otter, go whale watching in the Northern Territory, turn our eyes to the skies to spot some asteroids, skip to a story about the world's best jump-ropers, and hear about an amazing rescue. QUIZ QUESTIONS: 1. What is the sea otter's official name? 2. What does Therrwan mean? 3. Which university are Jonti and Tim from? 4. Is skipping an Olympic sport? 5. How long was Timothy lost at sea? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: Where was Timothy sailing to when he got lost? ANSWERS: 1. Sea Otter 841 2. Humpback whale 3. University of Southern Queensland 4. No 5. Three months BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: French Polynesia
Fri, 04 Aug 2023 - 11min - 525 - Mighty Matildas and Dubbo dunny
On today's show we'll cheer on the Matildas at the World Cup, visit a dunny in Dubbo, examine a slice of Italian history, power-up a Pacific Island, and meet some brainy birds. QUIZ QUESTIONS: 1. What two countries are hosting the Women's World Cup? 2. Which NSW country town is getting a 3D-printed toilet block? 3. How old was the painting of the flatbread? 4. How much of Tonga will be powered by the power park when it is finished? 5. What is the name of the bird family that crows and magpies belong to? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: In which three countries were the bird spike nests found? ANSWERS 1. Australia and New Zealand 2. Dubbo 3. 2,000 years 4. Half the country 5. Corvids BONUS TRICKY ANSWER Belgium, The Netherlands and Scotland
Fri, 28 Jul 2023 - 10min - 524 - Wiradjuri wrestler and skateboarding sensation
On today's show we'll baby talk with some dolphins, fly through the air with a teen skateboarding sensation, look up into the sky at a super shiny mirror planet, meet a wrestler named Dreamtime Voodoo Witch, and chop onions that won't make us cry. QUIZ QUESTIONS: 1. How many years did the scientists spend recording the dolphins? 2. What number is Arisa Trew ranked in the world's best skateboarders? 3. What is the name of the mirror planet? 4. What is Dreamtime Voodoo Witch's real name? 5. Where are the tearless onions being grown? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: What competition did Dreamtime Voodoo Witch recently win? ANSWERS: 1. 30 2. 14 3. LTT9779b 4. Erika Reid 5. South Australia BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: Oceanic Pro Wrestling Women's Championship
Fri, 21 Jul 2023 - 11min - 523 - Brilliant bowling and chocolate for cows
On today's show we'll meet some chocolate-eating cows, score some strikes with one of the world's best tenpin bowlers, celebrate the school holidays with a game of Spotto, congratulate a cool kid who's making playgrounds fun for everyone, and marvel at the talent of an Indigenous tightwire walker. QUIZ QUESTIONS: 1. What are two essential foods to help cows produce milk? 2. What is the highest score you can achieve in a tenpin bowling game? 3. What two colours are NOT yellow (according the International Spotto Federation)? 4. What is the name of the new rule that will make playgrounds accessible in parts of Queensland? 5. What is Con Calleano's hometown? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: How many perfect 300 games has Jason Belmonte bowled on live TV? ANSWERS: 1. Sugar and oil 2. 300 3. Gold and lime 4. Zach's principle 5. Lismore, NSW BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: 3
Fri, 14 Jul 2023 - 12min - 522 - NAIDOC Week: For Our Elders
ABC reporter and Yorta Yorta man Tom Forrest hosts our NAIDOC Week episode with stories about the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. "For Our Elders" is the theme of this year's NAIDOC Week. Elders are the people in First Nations communities who care for others, for Country, and they teach, guide and lead. Elders are also the keepers of stories and lore - that means, they have the wisdom that links the past to the future. QUIZ QUESTIONS: 1. What is the name of the Australian deaf basketball team? 2. What is the coral-eating pest harming the Great Barrier Reef? 3. How many islands in the Torres Strait are inhabited? 4. What did the Nganambla kids use to make the telecommunications tower? 5. What are some uses for possum skin cloaks? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: What is the Indigenous Country name for the land also known as the Goulburn Valley? ANSWERS: 1. The Goannas 2. Crown of thorns starfish 3. 17 4. A 3D printer 5. Blankets, clothing and for protection from water BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: Yorta Yorta Country
Fri, 07 Jul 2023 - 10min - 521 - Mega Chonk and Tasmanian tigers
On today's show we'll find out what can happen if you have a very overdue library book, we'll try to solve the mystery of whether thylacines still exist, we'll meet a super student who has overcome some major obstacles, we'll discover an ancient mega lizard, and we'll meet some ultra kind runners. QUIZ QUESTIONS: 1) How many years was the book overdue? 2) Where did the last known Thylacine live? 3) Who nominated Harrison for the Brother John Taylor Memorial Prize? 4) Where were Mega Chonk's fossils found? 5) How many loops did Phil Gore complete? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: What is Mega Chonk's proper name? ANSWERS: 1) 68 2) Hobart Zoo 3) His high school maths teacher 4) Wellington Caves near Dubbo 5) 102 BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: Tiliqua Frangens
Fri, 30 Jun 2023 - 10min - 520 - Cost of Living special
Join Ruby and ABC business reporter Rachel Pupazzoni to find out how and why we're experiencing a 'cost of living crisis.'
Wed, 28 Jun 2023 - 11min - 519 - Skeleton shrimp and World Refugee Day
On today's show, we'll discover a new species of teeny tiny shrimp, mark World Refugee Day, meet a cute cat named Bandit, examine an enormous tooth, and cycle around mainland Australia. QUIZ QUESTIONS: 1. What is the skeleton shrimp's proper name? 2. What date is World Refugee Day? 3. In which state is Bandit officially recognised as an assistance cat? 4. Where was the mastodon tooth found? 5. How many days did Lesa's journey take? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: When did Lesa start her cycling journey? ANSWERS: 1. Caprella tamboensis 2. 20th of June 3. New South Wales 4. On a beach in California in the United States 5. 93 BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: International Women's Day on the 8th of March
Fri, 23 Jun 2023 - 11min - 518 - Demon catsharks and trains vs planes
On today's show we catch up with some winning wheat farmers, find out why the French are saying 'oui oui' to train travel, meet a mum giving away free groceries, discover a new type of shark, and hang out with an amazing skateboarder. QUIZ QUESTIONS: 1. What school do the Hermidale kids' penpals go to? 2. Who came up with the idea to ban short flights in France? 3. What is the name of Rebecca's food box? 4. What colour eyes does the demon catshark have? 5. In which city does Richard Moore skate? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: Where was the pregnant demon catshark preserved ANSWERS: 1. Tanja Public School 2. France's Citizen Assembly 3. The 'no questions asked' box 4. White 5. Adelaide BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: A CSIRO database
Fri, 16 Jun 2023 - 11min - 517 - Grazing goats and plastic pollution
On today's show we celebrate World Environment Day, meet some great goats, travel across Australia with an assistance dog, hang ten with a surfer in her 70s, and find out whether drop bears are real. QUIZ QUESTIONS 1. What is the theme of this year's World Environment Day? 2. Which South American country is using goats to prevent bushfires? 3. What's the name of Scott's assistance dog? 4. What hobby did Marg Cummins start in her 70s? 5. What is the real name for a drop bear? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION How heavy were Nimbadons? ANSWERS 1. Beating plastic pollution 2. Chile 3. Reign 4. Surfing 5. Nimbadon BONUS TRICKY ANSWER 70kh
Fri, 09 Jun 2023 - 11min - 516 - Saving seahorses and fairy circles
On the show today, we’re going to meet some white seahorses. Then we’ll find out how fairy circles are made. After that we’ll take a look at some backyard fungi that can eat plastic. Before we take a trip to another galaxy and learn about a new planet. And then we meet a Diamantiasaurus. QUIZ QUESTIONS: What colour are white seahorses? How are fairy circles made? What have scientists found that eats polypropylene plastic? What do scientists think planet LP 791 18d has on it? What was the name of the dinosaur who's skull was recently found? BONUS QUIZ QUESTION: What are the names of the fungi that can eat plastic? ANSWERS: White seahorses can come in all different colours, and their colour can even change, depending on their mood and where they live. The fairy circles were made when termites built their nests underground in a circular pattern, which meant plants couldn’t grow above the termite chambers. Fungi found in backyards. Volcanoes. Diamantiasaurus. BONUS QUIZ ANSWER: The fungi known as Aspergillus terreus and Engyodontium album.
Fri, 02 Jun 2023 - 11min - 515 - Poisonous plants and Sorry day
On the show today, we’re going to take a look at how the stinging plant might take the sting out of pain. Then we’ll travel around Australia with a man on a special scooter. Next, we’ll meet a white echidna. After that, we’ll say Sorry and talk about Reconciliation. nd then we discover how human hair can help plants grow. QUESTIONS: What is another name for the stinging tree? What is a paraplegic? Why is Raffie the echidna white? What is Sorry Day? What can hair be recycled for? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: Why is human hair good for soils? ANSWERS: The Gympie-Gympie tree. A person who can't move their legs because their spine has been damaged. It is an albino echidna. Sorry Day recognises the pain and hurt suffered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. To make compost BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: Each tiny strand of hair is packed with nutrients like nitrogen, carbon and protein and once it’s broken down, it feeds the soils and makes plants grow big and strong.
Fri, 26 May 2023 - 514 - Educational emoji's and wily wombats
On the program today, we’re going to meet an endangered hairy nose wombat. Then we’ll learn how a first nations language is using emoji’s. Next, we’ll find out about Global Accessibility Awareness Day. After that, we’ll train a very special camera on a super massive black hole. And finally, we talk to plants. Special thanks to the Lilach Hadany and all the authors of the paper "Sounds emitted by plants under stress are airborne and informative" paper for supplying the sounds of plants talking. QUIZ QUESTIONS: How many days can the northern hairy-nosed wombat stay in their burrows? What are emoji's? Global Accessibility Awareness day? What are black holes in space? How do plants talk? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: What is an ecologist? ANSWERS: Up to 12. Emoji’s are digital pictures or icons that express an idea or emotion. It’s a day when we think about the challenges people with disabilities have in accessing the internet and digital technology. They recycle bits of stars and help keep galaxies stable. Researchers say the sounds are made by air bubbles expanding and bursting inside a plant’s water-conducting tissue. BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: They’re scientists who studies how things live.
Fri, 19 May 2023 - 11min - 513 - Lizard lips and magical mushrooms
On today's program, we’re going to discover a dinosaur that may not have been quite as scary looking as we think. Then hear about an Australian choir singing for the new king. Next, we’ll go to a modern art show. Just before we head outdoors to celebrate International plant health day. And then we'll discover some magical glowing mushrooms. QUESTIONS: What is the full name of the T-rex dinosaur? What had the Vocal Fusion Youth Choir been chosen to sing for? What does Yirramboi mean? Why are plants so important to humans? What does bioluminescence mean? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: What family does the T-rex dinosaur comes from? ANSWERS: Tyrannosaurus Rex. The Kings Coronation virtual Commonwealth Choir. Tomorrow. Plants give humans with more than 80 per cent of the food we eat, shelter, building materials, and even some medicines that make us better when we’re sick. Bioluminescence is when living things can create their own light, kind of like glowing! BONUS TRICKY ANSWERS: The Theropod family.
Fri, 12 May 2023 - 11min - 512 - Stella's statue and snazzy spacesuit
On the program today, we’re going to visit a special statue. Then meet an 8 year old dog trainer! Next we’ll size up the new space suit that’s being made for the next moon landing. We’ll find out about a special program designed to make school more fun for kids in Perth. And then we'll meet a giant eagle. QUESTIONS: What is the name of the town that Stella grew up in? How old is Tommy Lee? What colour will the new spacesuits be? What's the name of the after school club in Perth? What sort of animals could the giant eagle pick up? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: What is the name of Tommy's dog he recently sold? ANSWERS: Stawell. 8 years old. White. The Koya Club. Animals as big as Kangaroos. BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: Echo.
Fri, 05 May 2023 - 11min - 511 - Musk duck and Copepod creatures
On today's show, we’re going to meet a duck that’s far from home, We’'ll learn about a program which is helping Indigenous teenagers become the first high school graduates in their families. We’ll take a trip to western NSW and visit what’s soon to be the state’s biggest national park. Before we head into space and find out what bush tucker might grow on the international space station. And we meet a 97 year old zoologist who's discovered more than 40 new creatures. QUESTIONS: What is the name of the duck that was far from home? How many students have graduated from the National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy since it began? What is the name of the farm that is being turned into a huge National Park? How do students experiment on Earth, possible foods that could be grown in space? How many Copepods has Dr Vernon Harris discovered? BONUS TRICKY QUESTION: How big is Thurlooo Downs? ANSWERS: The Musk Duck. 15,000. Thurloo Downs. They do these experiments using special growth chambers that have the same conditions that astronauts have in space, like certain levels of light, heat and oxygen. More than 40 new species. BONUS TRICKY ANSWER: 437,000 hectares.
Fri, 28 Apr 2023 - 11min
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