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Family Disappeared

Family Disappeared

Lawrence Joss

Have you lost contact with your child? What about your parent, or grandparent, sibling, or any other family member? You might be experiencing estrangement, alienation, or erasure. All of these terms speak to the trauma and dysfunction that so many families face.

A family is a complex living and breathing system. Each member plays a role in the family dynamic. When families carry generational trauma and/or experience new trauma, challenges, or dysfunction, this can result in a break in the family system.

These reaction strategies are habitual and very often interwoven into every aspect of how our family interacts.

Hi! I´m Lawrence Joss and I’ve learned that I need to cultivate a spiritual, emotional, and physical relationship with myself in order to have healthy relationships with others and everything in my life. It is my mission to help you create and nurture that relationship with yourself first and provide you with tools that might help you heal and strengthen family relationships.

This podcast is an opportunity to explore our healing journey together through the complexities of our families.

Welcome to the FAMILY DISAPPEARED podcast.

For more information, visit:
Website: https://parentalalienationanonymous.com/

45 - How to Embrace Unconditional Love While Fighting Parental Alienation and Estrangement Part 1 - Episode 44
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  • 45 - How to Embrace Unconditional Love While Fighting Parental Alienation and Estrangement Part 1 - Episode 44

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  • 44 - Overcoming Parental Alienation: Mending Hearts and Rebuilding Bridges Part 2 - Episode 43

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  • 43 - Overcoming Parental Alienation: Mending Hearts and Rebuilding Bridges Part 1 - Episode 42

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  • 42 - Navigating the Heartache and Triumph of Parenting from Afar Part 2 - Episode 41

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  • 41 - Navigating the Heartache and Triumph of Parenting from Afar Part 1- Episode 40

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