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蘇老師講解國際新聞、中東與中亞歷史、中國事務、太空知識的頻道。 Diplomat's daily news review an

蘇老師講解國際新聞、中東與中亞歷史、中國事務、太空知識的頻道。 Diplomat's daily news review an

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482 - 2021.12.12 國際新聞導讀-伊朗總統說伊朗談判是認真的,德國外長說伊朗談判是玩假的,巴勒斯坦舉行地方市鎮選舉哈瑪斯抵制、以色列人過半支持軍事打擊伊朗
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  • 482 - 2021.12.12 國際新聞導讀-伊朗總統說伊朗談判是認真的,德國外長說伊朗談判是玩假的,巴勒斯坦舉行地方市鎮選舉哈瑪斯抵制、以色列人過半支持軍事打擊伊朗

    2021.12.12 國際新聞導讀-伊朗總統說伊朗談判是認真的,德國外長說伊朗談判是玩假的,巴勒斯坦舉行地方市鎮選舉哈瑪斯抵制、以色列人過半支持軍事打擊伊朗 伊朗在與世界大國的核談判中是認真的 - Raisi 在特朗普重新對伊朗實施制裁一年後,德黑蘭開始逐漸違反協議的核限制。伊朗希望解除所有製裁。 通過路透 根據當時的美國總統唐納德特朗普於 2018 年放棄的最初協議,伊朗限制其核計劃以換取美國、歐盟和聯合國製裁的緩解。 “我們向談判方提交伊朗提案的文本表明我們在談判中是認真的,如果對方也認真對待(美國)取消制裁,我們將達成一個很好的協議,”聲明說。 IRNA 通訊社援引 Raisi 的話說。 但伊朗最高談判代表週六表示,維也納會談中有幾個問題仍未解決。 來自 Jpost 的最新文章 熱門文章 READ MORE Let Israel's Air Force One take flight‑ editorial Ali Bagheri Kani 告訴國營新聞電視台說:“仍然存在一些需要高層決策的分歧點,這些問題仍然懸而未決。” 在特朗普重新對伊朗實施制裁一年後,德黑蘭開始逐漸違反協議的核限制。伊朗希望解除所有製裁。 2021 年 11 月 29 日,伊朗首席核談判代表 Ali Bagheri Kani 抵達奧地利維也納參加聯合全面行動計劃 (JCPOA) 會議。(圖片來源:REUTERS/LISI NIESNER) Bagheri Kani 週五告訴路透社, 德黑蘭 堅持其上週提出的立場。 Jerusalem Post World News Iran is serious in nuclear talks with world powers - Raisi A year after Trump's reimposition of sanctions on Iran, Tehran began to gradually violate nuclear limits of the agreement. Iran wants all sanctions to be lifted. By REUTERS Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi meets with UAE's top national security adviser Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Tehran, Iran, December 6, 2021. (photo credit: MAJID ASGARIPOUR/WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS) Advertisement Under the original deal that then-US President Donald Trump abandoned in 2018, Iran limited its nuclear program in return for relief from US, European Union and UN sanctions. "The fact that we presented the text of Iran's proposal to the negotiating parties shows that we are serious in the talks, and if the other side is also serious about the removal of (US) sanctions, we will achieve a good agreement," state news agency IRNA quoted Raisi as saying. But Iran's top negotiator said on Saturday that several issues remained unresolved in the Vienna talks. "Several points of difference have remained which require decision-making at the high-level and these are still on the table unresolved," Ali Bagheri Kani told state-run Press TV. A year after Trump's reimposition of sanctions on Iran, Tehran began to gradually violate nuclear limits of the agreement. Iran wants all sanctions to be lifted. Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani arrives for a meeting of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in Vienna, Austria, November 29, 2021. (credit: REUTERS/LISI NIESNER) Bagheri Kani told Reuters on Friday that Tehran was standing firm on the position it laid out last week. “時間不多了,”德國新總理警告伊朗談判陷入僵局 伊朗總統易卜拉欣·賴西周六表示,德黑蘭在其核談判中是認真的,正如歐洲談判代表所說的不切實際的提議所表明的那樣。 通過路透社,LAHAV哈爾科夫,OMRI納米亞斯 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 11 日 19:02 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 11 日 20:40 2021 年 12 月 3 日,歐洲對外行動署 (EEAS) 副秘書長恩里克·莫拉 (Enrique Mora) 和伊朗首席核談判代表阿里·巴蓋里·卡尼 (Ali Bagheri Kani) 在奧地利維也納等待 JCPOA 聯合委員會會議的開始。 (圖片來源:歐盟駐維也納代表團/通過路透社的講義) 廣告 德國外交部長安娜萊娜·巴爾博克週六表示,世界大國與伊朗之間的談判陷入僵局,不能無限期地繼續下去。 “時間不多了,”上周宣誓就職的巴爾博克警告說。 伊朗“在過去幾天表明我們沒有任何進展……由於伊朗政府的提議,談判已經推遲了六個月,”巴爾博克在英格蘭利物浦舉行的 G7 會議間隙告訴記者. 英國外交大臣利茲·特拉斯上週在周四和周五的會談之前同樣表示,他們“確實是伊朗簽署”以恢復 2015 年聯合全面行動計劃核協議的“最後機會”。 在這些談判中,伊朗官員堅持堅持上週以來的強硬立場,而 E3——被稱為英國、法國和德國的歐洲談判各方——正在根據五個月前討論的文本進行工作,當時伊朗離開談判。 阿拉伯聯合酋長國國家安全顧問 Tahnoun bin Zayed Al Nahyan 在德黑蘭會見伊朗最高國家安全委員會秘書 Ali Shamkhani(圖片來源:Marziyeh Mousavi/IRNA) 伊朗總統易卜拉欣·賴西周六表示,德黑蘭在其核談判中是認真的,正如歐洲談判代表所說的不切實際的提議所表明的那樣。 “我們向談判方提交了伊朗提議的案文,這表明我們在談判中是認真的,如果對方也認真對待取消制裁,我們會達成一個很好的協議。我們絕對是在追求一個好的結果。”很好的一致,”IRNA 引述 Raisi 的話說。 週四與美國和以色列恢復會談——美國和以色列不是 2015 年協議的締約方——就外交失敗可能導致的經濟或軍事後果向德黑蘭施加言辭壓力。 當被問及伊朗上週提出的新提案草案是否正在討論中時,伊朗最高談判代表阿里·巴格里卡尼告訴路透社:“是的,我們上週提出的草案正在與其他各方的會議中討論。” 巴蓋里上週表示,“在之前的談判中直到 6 月份起草的所有問題都可以談判。” “伊朗支持以結果為導向的談判,我們決心達成一項保障我們國家利益的協議,”巴蓋里在維也納對記者說。 一位不願透露姓名的歐洲消息人士似乎暗示,伊朗已同意從 6 月中斷的地方繼續談判。消息人士稱,這將在未來幾天內進行測試,但沒有提及伊朗的新提議。伊朗官員予以否認。 “我們肯定會同意 JCPOA,這肯定會成為伊朗的紅線,”巴蓋里卡尼週六告訴伊朗新聞電視台。 美國國務院發言人周六表示,美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯週五在利物浦與 E3 的同行舉行了“富有成效的”會議,討論了伊朗核協議談判的前進方向。 JCPOA 將伊朗的鈾濃縮活動限製到 2030 年,以換取美國、歐盟和聯合國逐步解除制裁。美國於 2018 年在前總統唐納德特朗普的領導下退出了該協議,而現任美國總統喬拜登則尋求重返該協議。 以色列反對 JCPOA,因為它沒有充分限制伊朗的鈾濃縮活動,事實上,在協議到期後,進一步的濃縮活動合法化,這為最終的核彈鋪平了道路。此外,JCPOA 沒有解決伊朗在該地區的其他惡意行動。 由於德黑蘭拒絕與華盛頓直接接觸,美伊之間的間接會談旨在讓雙方恢復全面遵守協議,法國、英國、德國、俄羅斯和中國的外交官在他們之間穿梭。 由於強硬派神職人員易卜拉欣·賴西 (Ebrahim Raisi) 於 6 月當選伊朗總統,談判中斷五個月後,會談於 11 月 29 日恢復。 國務院發言人內德·普賴斯週四表示,美國仍將重點放在外交上,“看看它是否可以實現雙方對遵守聯合綜合行動計劃的回報。” 根據普萊斯的說法,美國仍然認為,雙方可能會重新遵守 JCPOA。 他接著說,“伊朗核活動的升級以及它所表現出的不妥協態度,包括最近在上週在維也納的表現,將考驗外交是否能夠實現相互遵守。” 談到對伊朗的國際制裁,普萊斯說,“我們目前所有的製裁仍然有效。它們將一直有效,直到我們能夠達成外交協議為止。” 他還回答了有關報導的問題,這些報導表明伊朗人正在利用談判作為一種策略,以爭取更多時間推進鈾濃縮。 “這是我們共同關心的問題,”普萊斯說。“這是我們的擔憂,也是我們的 P5+1 合作夥伴的擔憂。正因為如此,我們一直非常清楚,伊朗將無法拖延時間,伊朗的核升級及其挑釁不會在這些談判中給伊朗任何額外的籌碼。這些挑釁和升級只會讓我們更接近潛在危機的地步。我們不是在尋找危機。” “我們當然希望伊朗人不要尋找危機,”他繼續說道。“目前,我們正在尋求外交以及它仍然具有的可能性——我們相信——實現對遵守 JCPOA 的相互回報,正如我們所說,這是確保持久的最佳方法,永久基礎,可核查的基礎,即伊朗無法獲得核武器。因此,如果這是伊朗的戰略,那將是一個失敗的戰略。” 當被問及對批評者說這是綏靖政策還是軟弱政策時,普萊斯說:“如果伊朗政權懷疑美國軟弱,他們會感到非常驚訝。” ‘Time is running out,’ new German FM warns as Iran talks deadlocked Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said on Saturday that Tehran was serious in its nuclear talks, as indicated by the very proposals that European negotiators said were unrealistic. By REUTERS, LAHAV HARKOV, OMRI NAHMIAS Published: DECEMBER 11, 2021 19:02 Updated: DECEMBER 11, 2021 20:40 Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Enrique Mora and Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani wait for the start of a meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission in Vienna, Austria, December 3, 2021. (photo credit: EU DELEGATION IN VIENNA/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS) Advertisement Negotiations between world powers and Iran are at a deadlock and cannot continue indefinitely, German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock said on Saturday. "Time is running out,” Baerbock, who was sworn in last week, warned. Iran “has shown in the last days that we do not have any progress… due to the offer of the Iranian government, negotiations have been thrown back six months," Baerbock told reporters on the sidelines of a G7 meeting in Liverpool, England. British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss similarly said last week, ahead of Thursday and Friday’s talks, that they are “really the last chance for Iran to sign up” to return to the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear deal. In those negotiations, Iranian officials insisted on sticking to a tough stance from last week, while the E3 – as European parties to the talk Britain, France and Germany are called – were working from texts discussed five months ago, before Iran left the talks. Tahnoun bin Zayed Al Nahyan, national security advisor of the United Arab Emirates, meets with Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, in Tehran (credit: Marziyeh Mousavi/IRNA) Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said on Saturday that Tehran was serious in its nuclear talks, as indicated by the very proposals that European negotiators said were unrealistic. "The fact that we presented the text of Iran's proposal to the negotiating parties shows that we are serious in the talks, and if the other side is also serious about the removal of sanctions, we will achieve a good agreement. We are definitely after a good agreement," IRNA quoted Raisi as saying. The talks resumed on Thursday with the United States and Israel - which is not a party to the 2015 deal - piling rhetorical pressure on Tehran about the possible economic or military consequences if diplomacy fails. Asked whether new draft proposals that Iran had put forward last week were being discussed, Iran's top negotiator, Ali Bagheri Kani told Reuters: "Yes, the drafts we proposed last week are being discussed now in meetings with other parties." Bagheri said last week that "all the issues that had been drafted during the previous negotiations until June can be negotiated." "Iran backs result-oriented talks and we are determined to reach a deal that guarantees our nation's interests," Bagheri told reporters in Vienna. A European source, speaking on condition of anonymity, appeared to suggest that Iran had agreed to continue talks from where they left off in June. This would be put to the test in the next couple of days, the source said, but made no mention of Iran's new proposals. Iranian officials denied it. "We will definitely agree to nothing less than the JCPOA and this will certainly be a red line for Iran," Bagheri Kani told Iran's Press TV on Saturday. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a "productive" meeting with counterparts from the E3 in Liverpool on Friday, discussing the way forward for talks on the Iran nuclear deal, a State Department spokesperson said on Saturday. The JCPOA restricted Iran’s uranium enrichment until 2030 in exchange for gradual sanctions relief from the US, EU and the UN. The US left the deal in 2018, under former president Donald Trump, while current US President Joe Biden seeks to return to it. Israel opposes the JCPOA because it insufficiently limited Iran’s uranium enrichment, and, in fact, legitimizes further enrichment after the agreement expires, which paves the way for an eventual nuclear bomb. In addition, the JCPOA did not address Iran’s other malign actions in the region. The indirect US-Iranian talks, in which diplomats from France, Britain, Germany, Russia and China shuttle between them because Tehran refuses direct contact with Washington, aim to get both sides to resume full compliance with the accord. The talks resumed on November 29 after a five-month hiatus caused by the June election of hardline cleric Ebrahim Raisi as Iran's president. State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said on Thursday that the US remains focused on diplomacy “to see if it can deliver a mutual return to compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.” According to Price, the US continues to believe that a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA is possible. He went on to say that “Iran’s escalations of its nuclear activities, the intransigence that it has shown, including most recently in Vienna last week, will put to the test whether diplomacy can be able to achieve that mutual return to compliance.” Speaking about international sanctions on Iran, Price said that, “all of our current sanctions remain in effect. They will remain in effect until and unless we’re able to reach a diplomatic agreement.” He also addressed a question about reports which indicate that the Iranians are using the negotiations as a tactic to gain more time in moving ahead with enriching uranium. “It is a concern that we share,” said Price. “It’s a concern that we have as well as a concern that our P5+1 partners have. It is precisely why we have been very clear that Iran will not be able to play for time, that Iran’s nuclear escalations and its provocations won’t give Iran any additional leverage in these negotiations. The only thing these provocations and these escalations will do is to bring us closer to the point of a potential crisis. And we are not looking for a crisis.” “We certainly hope the Iranians aren’t looking for a crisis,” he continued. “We are looking, at the moment, to diplomacy and the possibility that it still has - we believe – to deliver a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA, which, as we’ve said, is the best approach to ensure on a durable, permanent basis, verifiable basis, that Iran is not able to acquire a nuclear weapon. So if that’s Iran’s strategy, it’s a strategy that will fail.” Asked what he had to say to critics that are saying that this a policy of appeasement or weakness, Price said: “If the Iranian regime suspects the United States of weakness, they will be sorely surprised.” 巴勒斯坦人在哈馬斯抵制的地方選舉中投票 這次選舉是自 2017 年以來的首次選舉,遭到哈馬斯和加沙地帶其他巴勒斯坦派系的抵制。 由哈利·阿布·托梅 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 11 日 11:09 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 11 日 17:10 巴勒斯坦人在約旦河西岸北部城鎮布爾津的地方選舉中投票,2021 年 12 月 11 日 (圖片來源:KHALED ABU TOAMEH) 廣告 巴勒斯坦市政選舉的第一階段於週六早上開始,選民們前往西岸農村地區的投票中心。 這次選舉是 2017 年以來的第一次,遭到哈馬斯和加沙地帶其他巴勒斯坦派系的抵制,他們抗議巴勒斯坦民族權力機構主席馬哈茂德·阿巴斯決定取消原定於去年 5 月舉行的議會選舉。 86 歲的阿巴斯宣布無限期推遲議會和總統選舉,理由是以色列拒絕允許在耶路撒冷舉行投票。 巴解組織官員艾哈邁德·馬伊達拉尼指責哈馬斯拒絕讓選舉在加沙地帶舉行,從而阻礙選舉。他指出,儘管遭到抵制,哈馬斯的支持者還是參加了西岸各個工會和其他機構的選舉。 週六的地方選舉是自1994年巴勒斯坦權力機構成立以來的第四次。 2021 年 4 月 30 日,在加沙地帶北部,用無人機拍攝的一張照片顯示,哈馬斯的支持者參加抗議巴勒斯坦總統馬哈茂德·阿巴斯推遲計劃舉行的議會選舉的決定。(圖片來源:REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM) 選舉的第二階段定於 2022 年 3 月舉行。 巴勒斯坦中央選舉委員會(CEC)主席漢娜·納賽爾說,第一階段的選舉包括154個地方。 在其他 162 個地方議會中,中央選舉委員會宣佈在每個地方議會中提名一個唯一的選舉人名單。這些名單將在選舉結果公佈時以鼓掌方式宣佈為獲勝者。 由於其中 10 個選舉名單的提名不完整,另外 60 個議會將不會在其他 60 個議會中舉行選舉,此外還有 50 個沒有提名選舉名單的地區。 納賽爾說,在 222 個投票中心登記的合格選民人數為 405,687 人,投票中心有 717 個投票箱。 他補充說,已經招募了 4,000 多名員工來監督投票過程。 第一階段地方選舉共提名570多份選舉名單,其中4480名候選人角逐1514個席位。 納賽爾敦促選民投票,並指出已作出一切必要安排和準備,以便利選民抵達投票中心。此外,CEC 採取了預防措施,以確保投票符合冠狀病毒健康協議,他說。 Palestinians vote in local elections amid Hamas boycott The elections, the first since 2017, are boycotted by Hamas and other Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip. By KHALED ABU TOAMEH Published: DECEMBER 11, 2021 11:09 Updated: DECEMBER 11, 2021 17:10 Palestinians voting in local elections in northern West Bank town of Burqin, December 11, 2021 (photo credit: KHALED ABU TOAMEH) Advertisement The first phase of the Palestinian municipal elections began on Saturday morning as voters headed to polling centers in rural areas of the West Bank. The elections, the first since 2017, are boycotted by Hamas and other Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, who protested Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to call off the parliamentary elections that were supposed to take place last May. Abbas, 86, announced the indefinite postponement of the parliamentary and presidential elections on the pretext that Israel refused to allow the vote to take place in Jerusalem. PLO official Ahmed Majdalani accused Hamas of obstructing the elections by refusing to allow them to take place in the Gaza Strip. He pointed out that despite the boycott, Hamas supporters have participated in elections for various unions and other bodies in the West Bank. Saturday’s local elections are the fourth since the establishment of the PA in 1994. A picture taken with a drone shows Hamas supporters taking part in a protest against Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' decision to postpone planned parliamentary elections, in the northern Gaza Strip April 30, 2021. (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM) The second phase of the elections is scheduled to take place in March 2022. Palestinian Central Elections Commission (CEC) Chairman Hanna Nasser said that the first phase of the elections includes 154 localities. In 162 other local councils, the CEC announced the nomination of a sole electoral list in each. These lists will be announced as winners by acclamation when the election results are announced. The elections will not take place in 60 other councils due to the incomplete nomination of electoral lists in 10 of them, in addition to 50 localities where no electoral lists were nominated. Nasser said that the number of eligible voters is 405,687 who are registered in 222 polling centers, which have 717 ballot boxes. More than 4,000 employees have been recruited to oversee the voting process, he added. More than 570 electoral lists were nominated for the first phase of the local elections, which include 4,480 candidates competing for 1,514 seats. Nasser urged voters to cast their ballots, noting that all necessary arrangements and preparations were made to facilitate the arrival of voters to polling centers. In addition, the CEC took precautionary measures to ensure that the voting takes place in accordance with coronavirus health protocols, he said. 民意調查:半數以色列人將支持在沒有美國支持的情況下打擊伊朗核設施 以色列民主研究所最近的一項民意調查發現,即使沒有美國的同意,大約有一半的以色列人也會支持對伊朗的核設施進行軍事打擊。 通過LAHAV哈爾科夫 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 11 日 21:17 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 11 日 21:29 抗議者聚集在維也納舉行伊朗核談判的酒店外,上面寫著“停止炸彈”的標語 (圖片來源:路透社) 廣告 以色列民主研究所(IDI)的一項民意調查發現,即使未經美國同意,大約一半的以色列人也會支持對伊朗核設施進行軍事打擊。 當被問及此類攻擊時,51% 的人表示肯定,31% 的人表示反對,18% 的人回答他們不知道。 大多數(58%)的以色列猶太人同意,而只有 18% 的以色列阿拉伯人同意。 從政治觀點來看,67% 的自稱為右翼的受訪者即使沒有美國的支持也支持軍事打擊,50% 的中間派同意,只有 37.5% 的左派回應同意。 一小部分(54%)的受訪者認為伊朗是對以色列的生存威脅,四分之一認為是中等威脅,只有 13% 認為這是一個小威脅。 在以色列猶太人中,61% 的人認為伊朗是一個主要的生存威脅,而只有 19% 的以色列阿拉伯人認為是這樣。只有 1.5% 的以色列猶太人表示伊朗根本不是威脅,而 20% 的阿拉伯人確實回應說伊朗是一個威脅。 2021 年 10 月 30 日,一架美國空軍 B-1b 重型轟炸機在以色列領空上空被 IAF F-15 戰鬥機護航(圖片來源:IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT) 政治版圖中間和右邊的大多數以色列人認為伊朗是一個主要的生存威脅——分別為 69% 和 57%——而多數左派 (40%) 認為威脅是溫和的。 該民意調查是由 IDI 的維特比公眾輿論和政策研究中心於 11 月 29 日至 12 月 1 日對 664 名以色列成年人的代表性樣本進行的。誤差幅度為 3.59%。

    Sat, 11 Dec 2021
  • 481 - 2021.12.11 國際新聞導讀-烏克蘭副外長表示美歐應注重俄羅斯對安全的感受不將軍力擴至烏克蘭、聯合國大會通過6項反以色列決議但以色列通常不予理會、以色列擔心美國脫離中東、有國內評論家認為以色列應與敘利亞和解

    2021.12.11 國際新聞導讀-烏克蘭副外長表示美歐應注重俄羅斯對安全的感受不將軍力擴至烏克蘭、聯合國大會通過6項反以色列決議但以色列通常不予理會、以色列擔心美國脫離中東、有國內評論家認為以色列應與敘利亞和解 俄羅斯對西方:向我們提供保證或冒險破壞安全 俄羅斯副外長謝爾蓋里亞布科夫發表上述言論之際,俄羅斯與西方之間的緊張局勢正在加劇。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 10 日 16:33 俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京於 2021 年 12 月 7 日在俄羅斯索契通過視頻鏈接與美國總統喬·拜登舉行會談。 (圖片來源:SPUTNIK/SERGEI GUNEEV/克里姆林宮通過路透社) 廣告 俄羅斯週五警告稱,除非美國及其盟國認真考慮莫斯科的安全保障,否則將與西方發生重大對抗的危險,並且還提出了歐洲導彈危機的可能性。 俄羅斯外交部副部長謝爾蓋里亞布科夫在莫斯科舉行的新聞發布會上發表上述言論之際,俄羅斯與西方之間因烏克蘭問題的緊張局勢加劇,以及俄羅斯在其邊境附近集結軍隊。 在周二緩和緊張局勢的高層視頻通話中,總統弗拉基米爾·普京要求美國總統喬·拜登為俄羅斯提供安全保障,以阻止北約向東擴張。 俄羅斯表示正在觀望這個想法會走向何方,儘管里亞布科夫表示,期望獲得保證是“天真的”。雙邊關係處於 1991 年蘇聯解體以來的最低點。 “如果我們在另一邊的對手——首先是美國,但也包括其他國家、其盟友、所謂的志同道合的國家——如果他們拒絕並試圖破壞這一點,他們將不可避免地使自己的情況進一步惡化。安全局勢,”里亞布科夫說。 Sergei Ryabkov 370(圖片來源:Denis Sinyakov / 路透社) “不同意就意味著更接近大規模對抗,”他說。 他還敦促西方認真考慮一項長期提案,即暫停在歐洲部署短程和中程導彈,這些導彈根據當時的美國總統唐納德特朗普崩潰的導彈協議而被禁止。 里亞布科夫批評美國及其北約盟國擴大在東歐的軍事能力。 “我們需要在為時已晚之前避免歐洲出現新的導彈危機。在這些領土上出現短程和中程武器是導致對抗升級的直接途徑,”他說。 Russia to West: offer us guarantees or risk unraveling security The comments by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov came amid soaring tensions between Russia and the West. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 10, 2021 16:33 Russian President Vladimir Putin holds talks with U.S. President Joe Biden via a video link in Sochi, Russia December 7, 2021. (photo credit: SPUTNIK/SERGEI GUNEEV/KREMLIN VIA REUTERS) Advertisement Russia on Friday warned of the danger of a major confrontation with the West unless the United States and its allies gave serious thought to security guarantees for Moscow, and it also raised the prospect of a European missile crisis. The comments by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov at a news briefing in Moscow came amid soaring tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine and a Russian troop build-up near its borders. In a top-level video call to defuse the tensions on Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin asked U.S. President Joe Biden for security guarantees for Russia that would halt NATO's eastward expansion. Russia has said it is waiting to see where the idea leads, though Ryabkov said it would be "naive" to expect the guarantees to be obtained. Bilateral ties are at their lowest point since the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union. "If our opponents on the other side - above all the United States but also other countries, its allies, so-called like-minded countries - if they refuse, and try and torpedo this, they will inevitably get a further worsening of their own security situation," Ryabkov said. Sergei Ryabkov 370 (credit: Denis Sinyakov / Reuters) "Not to agree would mean to move closer towards a big confrontation," he said. He also urged the West to seriously consider a long-standing proposal to impose a moratorium on the deployment of short- and intermediate-range missiles in Europe that were banned under a missile pact that collapsed under then-U.S. President Donald Trump. Ryabkov criticized the United States and its NATO allies for expanding their military capabilities in Eastern Europe. "We need before it's too late to avoid a new missile crisis in Europe. The appearance of short- and medium-range weapons on these territories is a direct route to escalating confrontation," he said. 美國威脅考慮打擊伊朗是真的嗎?- 分析 報導稱,美以準備工作凸顯了西方對核談判可能陷入死胡同的擔憂。 作者:尤娜傑瑞米鮑勃 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 20:15 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 20:51 路透社20日8月20日收到的這張照片中,伊朗公開的導彈在伊朗不明地點發射 (圖片來源:WANA(西亞新聞社)VIA REUTERS) 廣告 停止壓力機。 在拒絕對伊朗施加任何實際壓力近一年之後,美國在周三首次洩露了真正的軍事威脅。 還是做到了? 乍一看,威脅似乎是真實的。 一位美國高級官員向路透社透露,預計美國和以色列國防部長周四將討論可能的軍事演習,為如果外交失敗而摧毀伊朗核設施的最壞情況做準備。 五角大樓領導人於 10 月 25 日向白宮國家安全顧問傑克·沙利文通報了確保伊朗無法生產核武器的全套軍事選擇後,美國與來訪的國防部長本尼·甘茨進行了預定會談。官員說。 2021 年 12 月 6 日,伊朗總統易卜拉欣·賴西在伊朗德黑蘭會見了阿聯酋最高國家安全顧問謝赫·塔努恩·本·扎耶德·阿勒納哈揚。(圖片來源:MAJID ASGARIPOUR/WANA(西亞新聞社)VIA REUTERS) 報導稱,美以準備工作凸顯了西方對核談判可能陷入死胡同的擔憂。 但是,這種威脅似乎很快就變成了虛張聲勢的虛張聲勢。 這位美國官員拒絕提供有關潛在軍事演習的細節。 在以色列,KAN 新聞報導說,這個猶太國家將進行與路透社文章似乎描述的相符的軍事演習——但只會在六個月內進行。 這不是伊斯蘭共和國認真對待威脅的遊戲計劃。 2013 年和 2015 年多次,包括在 JCPOA 核協議簽署前兩週,美國對其威脅非常具體。 洩露給媒體的消息表明,華盛頓正在研製一種新的、威力更大的地堡破壞炸彈。 這很重要,因為伊朗的福爾多設施位於地下深處,無法被標準導彈摧毀。 地堡破壞者的更新版本將包括延遲引信,升級炸彈的製導系統和電子設備,以阻止干擾器將其發射出去。並註意到將投下兩枚炸彈。 這些洩漏給出了掩體破壞者測試的確切日期和地點,以確保它們完全運行並能夠完成摧毀任何伊朗核設施的任務,無論地下有多深。 此外,如果美國的演習還有六個月的時間,正如從 KAN 的故事中可以推斷出的那樣,對於耐心的伊朗人來說,這是一個非常微弱的威脅和遙遠的最後期限。 再加上在這一“威脅”被洩露的同一周,中央情報局局長威廉伯恩斯接受采訪時表示,中央情報局不相信伊朗最高領袖阿亞圖拉阿里哈梅內伊已決定採取措施將核裝置武器化,儘管它在濃縮鈾能力方面的所有進步。 為了讓伊朗伊斯蘭共和國的核威脅看起來更加遙遠,他警告說,即使伊朗決定繼續前進,在將核武器安裝到導彈上之前,仍需要大量工作才能將裂變材料武器化。 此外,他說,“他們在掌握核燃料循環方面走得更遠,這種知識很難被制裁或消失。” 因此,中央情報局局長,通常是外交界持槍的“壞警察”,正在淡化德黑蘭可能構成的威脅以及任何軍事行動“讓它消失”的能力。 人們可以暫時忽略伯恩斯是中央情報局局長,但仍然不是美國頂級外交官,這是他職業生涯的大部分時間。 不完全是一個統一的威懾信息。 此外,即使以更具體的方式發出威脅,如果演習發生得更早,如果拜登政府的所有官員都一致採取強硬措施,華盛頓現在也嚴重缺乏“街頭可信度”。 從阿富汗到烏克蘭再到其他衝突,拜登政府傳達的信息並不是用軍事和外交力量的平衡取代特朗普的好戰態度,而是幾乎完全放棄軍事力量,轉向外交。 如果這沒有達到目的,它只是用高尚的形容詞來譴責無視其超級大國地位的流氓行為——參見歐洲通常的劇本。 拜登政府可能需要讓伊朗特工在某個地方流血,即使是在第三國以小規模和有針對性的方式,以便其更廣泛的威脅得到認真對待。 相反,美國軍事威脅的真正目的或最可能的結果將是為核談判設定一個虛假的最後期限,而沒有設定一個正式的期限。 這對於確定秘密行動的時間很重要,或者這樣華盛頓就不需要在以後打破正式的最後期限,屆時拜登無意公開攻擊伊朗的意圖可能會變得明顯。 有一件事是肯定的:如果伊朗在不久的將來緩和其重返JCPOA 的立場,那將是因為以色列的威脅(官員說,即使現在已經在某種程度上準備好了),而不是美國的威脅。 聯大通過六項反以色列決議 週四在紐約通過的決議是聯合國大會計劃在年底前通過的關於以色列的 14 份文本的一部分。 作者:托瓦·拉扎羅夫 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 10 日 16:11 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 10 日 16:45 聯合國大會投票通過一項決議草案,譴責以色列軍隊在美國紐約聯合國總部對巴勒斯坦平民過度使用武力,2018 年 6 月 13 日 (圖片來源:路透社/MIKE SEGAR) 廣告 在聯大批准了一攬子一項譴責以色列定居點活動六反以色列的文本,要求從戈蘭高地撤軍,並重申聯合國救濟和工程處巴勒斯坦難民(UNRWA)的工作。 週四在紐約通過的決議是聯合國大會計劃在年底前通過的關於以色列的 14 份文本的一部分。 六份文件中最不受歡迎的文本是決議確認“調查以色列影響巴勒斯坦人民人權的行為的特別委員會的工作”。 它以 80 票對 18 票獲得批准,73 票棄權,這一數字表明它的支持率低於目前 193 個聯合國成員國的多數支持。 聯合國大會對調查以色列影響巴勒斯坦人民人權的行為特別委員會的工作進行投票,80 票贊成,18 票反對,73 票棄權(圖片來源:UN WEB TV/SCREENSHOT) 然而,儘管缺乏支持,但其大部分反對者——包括大多數歐盟國家,棄權而不是拒絕文本——的決定確保了它的通過。 去年,同樣的案文以 77-14 票獲得通過,83 票棄權。這些是改變投票的國家:奧地利、多米尼加共和國、密克羅尼西亞、菲律賓、斯洛文尼亞和英國。 這些是反對該決議的國家:澳大利亞、巴西、加拿大、哥倫比亞、危地馬拉、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、以色列、利比里亞、馬紹爾群島和美國。 去年反對該決議的兩個國家瑙魯和巴巴新幾內亞今年缺席投票。 睡前很喝一物,隔夜離開“宿便”,瘦到靠背!由減肥達人推薦贊助 該決議“譴責並呼籲以色列立即停止所有非法定居活動和修建隔離牆,解除對加沙地帶的封鎖,並完全停止過度和不分青紅皂白地使用武力和軍事行動。平民人口,解決有關聖地的暴力、挑釁和煽動、破壞和沒收財產、強迫平民流離失所、拘留和監禁數以千計的平民以及對巴勒斯坦平民採取的所有集體懲罰措施。” 獲得最多支持的案文是一項決議,該決議呼籲通過匯入近東救濟工程處的資金向巴勒斯坦難民提供財政援助。 它申明,"近東救濟工程處繼續為近東巴勒斯坦難民開展工作的必要性及其暢通無阻的運作和提供包括緊急援助在內的服務對於巴勒斯坦人民的福祉、保護和人類發展的重要性。在巴勒斯坦難民問題得到公正解決之前,巴勒斯坦難民和該地區的穩定。” 聯合國大會就援助巴勒斯坦難民問題進行投票(來源:聯合國網絡電視/屏幕截圖) 該決議以 16 票對 1 票通過,10 票棄權。以色列是唯一反對該決議的國家,該決議被視為所有案文中最溫和的,儘管該決議通過呼籲執行第 194 號決議第 11 段來確認巴勒斯坦難民返回以色列主權的權利。 該決議指出,“該決議遺憾地指出,聯合國巴勒斯坦和解委員會未能找到在執行大會第 194(III)號決議第 11 段方面取得進展的方法,並改革其要求調解委員會繼續努力落實。” 今年美國改變了對這項被前特朗普政府拒絕的決議的投票方式。拜登政府對該案文恢復了奧巴馬政府的投票模式並棄權。 棄權的其他九個國家是:喀麥隆、加拿大、基里巴斯、馬紹爾群島、密克羅尼西亞、帕勞、盧旺達、烏拉圭和讚比亞, 當爬樓梯時,升降機可能正是您所需要的。海拔升降機贊助| 搜索廣告 被推薦 一項確認近東救濟工程處工作的類似決議以 162 票對 5 票獲得批准,六票棄權。 近東救濟工程處為近東巴勒斯坦難民開展的行動(圖片來源:UN WEB TV/SCREENSHOT) 反對該案文的國家是:加拿大、以色列、馬紹爾群島、密克羅尼西亞和美國。棄權的國家是:澳大利亞、喀麥隆、危地馬拉、盧旺達、烏拉圭和讚比亞。 該決議“重申了該機構在向巴勒斯坦難民提供人道主義和發展援助方面的重要作用”。它還表示“儘管該機構已證明其運作能力已被證明,但仍對其企圖詆毀該機構表示嚴重關切。” 另一項題為“巴勒斯坦難民及其財產和收入”的決議以 159 票對 5 票獲得批准,8 票棄權。 聯合國大會對巴勒斯坦難民及其財產和收入進行投票(來源:UN WEB TV/SCREENSHOT) 該決議“重申巴勒斯坦難民有權根據平等和正義原則獲得他們的財產和由此產生的收入。” 名為“以色列在包括東耶路撒冷和被佔領戈蘭在內的巴勒斯坦被佔領土上的定居點”的第五項決議以 146 票對 7 票、20 票棄權獲得批准。 反對該案文的國家包括:加拿大、匈牙利、以色列、利比里亞、馬紹爾群島、密克羅尼西亞和美國。 巴勒斯坦被佔領土上的以色列定居點,包括東耶路撒冷和被佔戈蘭高地(圖片來源:UN WEB TV/SCREENSHOT) 歐盟 27 個成員國中約有 24 個支持該案文。去年投票贊成該案文的捷克共和國和斯洛文尼亞今年改變了投票並棄權,厄瓜多爾、斐濟和讚比亞等非歐盟國家也投了棄權票。去年,該決議以 150 票對 7 票通過,17 票棄權。 該決議重申,以色列的定居點“包括東耶路撒冷和被佔領的敘利亞戈蘭是非法的,是和平與經濟和社會發展的障礙”。 案文呼籲所有國家“不承認也不提供援助或協助維持國際法規定的非法措施所造成的局勢,包括旨在推進吞併巴勒斯坦被佔領土,包括東耶路撒冷和其他阿拉伯領土的措施。自 1967 年以來被以色列佔領。” 要求以色列從戈蘭高地撤出的最後一項決議以 149-2、23 票棄權獲得批准。以色列和美國都反對該文本,歐盟支持,而加拿大和澳大利亞棄權。 去年同樣的案文以 151-3 的票數通過,20 票棄權。利比里亞在 2020 年反對該案文,而今年卻沒有參加投票。 以色列在 1967 年六日戰爭期間從敘利亞手中奪取了戈蘭高地,並於 1981 年對其行使主權。美國在 2019 年承認該主權,但它是唯一這樣做的國家。 聯合國決議要求以色列撤銷該主權,並表示“以色列將其法律、管轄權和行政管理強加於被佔領的敘利亞戈蘭的決定是無效的,不具有國際法律效力。” UNGA approves six anti-Israel resolutions The resolutions approved in New York on Thursday are part of a package of 14 texts on Israel that the UNGA plans to pass by the end of the year. By TOVAH LAZAROFF Published: DECEMBER 10, 2021 16:11 Updated: DECEMBER 10, 2021 16:45 The United Nations General Assembly votes to adopt a draft resolution to deplore the use of excessive force by Israeli troops against Palestinian civilians at U.N. headquarters in New York, U.S., June 13, 2018 (photo credit: REUTERS/MIKE SEGAR) Advertisement The United Nations General Assembly approved a package of six anti-Israel texts that condemned Israeli settlement activity, called for a withdrawal from the Golan Heights and affirmed the work of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA). The resolutions approved in New York on Thursday are part of a package of 14 texts on Israel that the UNGA plans to pass by the end of the year. The least popular text of the six was the resolution affirming the "work of the special committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people." Top Articles By JPost Read More First in Israel: Mastectomy performed completely by 'hands' of a robot It was approved 80-18, with 73 abstentions, a tally that showed it had less than the majority support of the current 193 UN member states. UNGA vote on the Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People, with 80 in favor, 18 against, and 73 abstentions (credit: UN WEB TV/SCREENSHOT) The decision of the bulk of its opponents — including, most EU nations, to abstain rather than reject the text — ensured its passage, however, despite the lack of support. Last year, the same text was approved 77-14, with 83 abstentions. These are the countries that changed their vote: Austria, the Dominican Republic, Micronesia, the Philippines, Slovenia and the United Kingdom. These are the countries that opposed the resolution: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Israel, Liberia, the Marshall Islands, and the United States. Two countries that opposed the resolution last year, Nauru and Papa New Guinea, were absent from the vote this year. 睡前只需喝一物,隔夜排出“宿便”,瘦到尖叫!Sponsored by 減肥達人推薦 The resolution “condemns and calls for the immediate cessation of all illegal Israeli settlement activities and the construction of the wall, the lifting of the blockade of the Gaza Strip, as well as the complete cessation of the excessive and indiscriminate use of force and military operations against the civilian population, settle violence, provocation and incitements regarding the holy places, the destruction and confiscation of properties, the forced displacement of civilians, the detention and imprisonment of thousands of civilians and all measure of collective punishment against the Palestinian civilian population.” The text with the largest support was a resolution that called for financial assistance to Palestinian refugees through funds funneled to UNRWA. It affirmed, "the necessity for the continuation of the work of UNRWA for Palestine Refugees in the Near East and the importance of its unimpeded operation and its provision of services, including emergency assistance, for the well-being, protection and human development of the Palestine refugees and for the stability of the region, pending the just resolution of the question of the Palestine refugees." UNGA vote on Assistance to Palestinian Refugees (credit: UN WEB TV/SCREENSHOT) The resolution passed 16-1, with 10 abstentions. Israel was the only country that opposed the resolution, which is viewed as the most benign of all the texts, despite its affirmation of the right of return for Palestinian refugees to sovereign Israel by calling for the implementation of paragraph 11 of Resolution 194. The resolution noted with "The resolution noted with “regret that the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine has been unable to find a means of achieving progress in the implementation of paragraph 11, of General Assembly resolution 194 (III), and reforms its request to the conciliation Commission to continue exerting efforts toward the implementation.” The US this year changed its voting pattern on this resolution which the former Trump administration had rejected. The Biden administration reverted to the Obama administration's voting pattern on this text and abstained. The nine other countries that abstained were: Cameroon, Canada, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Rwanda, Uruguay and Zambia, The Japanese Way To Free Your Body from ToxinsSponsored by Recommended by A similar resolution affirming the work of UNRWA was approved 162-5, with six abstentions. Operations of the UNRWA for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (credit: UN WEB TV/SCREENSHOT) The countries that opposed the text were: Canada, Israel, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and the United States. Those that abstained were: Australia, Cameroon, Guatemala, Rwanda, Uruguay and Zambia. The resolution “reaffirms the Agency’s important role in providing humanitarian and development assistance to Palestinian refugees.” It also expressed “grave concern about the attempt to discredit the Agency despite its proven operational capacity.” Another resolution, "Palestinian refugees, their properties and their revenues" was approved, 159-5, with eight abstentions. UNGA vote on Palestinian refugees, their properties and their revenues (credit: UN WEB TV/SCREENSHOT) The resolution, "Reaffirms that the Palestinian refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefore in conformity with the principles of equality and justice." A fifth resolution, called "Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian territories, including east Jerusalem and the Occupied Golan" was approved 146-7, with 20 abstentions. Those counties that opposed the text were: Canada, Hungary, Israel, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia and the United States. Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian territories, including east Jerusalem and the Occupied Golan (credit: UN WEB TV/SCREENSHOT) Some 24 of the EU's 27 member states supported the text. The Czech Republic and Slovenia, which last year voted in favor of the text, changed their vote this year and abstained, as did the non-EU states of Ecuador, Fiji and Zambia. Last year the resolution passed 150-7, with 17 abstentions. The resolution reaffirmed that the Israeli settlements "including east Jerusalem and the occupied Syrian Golan are illegal and an obstacle to peace and economic and social development.” The text calls on all states “not to recognize and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by measures that are illegal under International law, including those aimed at advancing annexation in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967." The last resolution, which called for the Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights, was approved 149-2, with 23 abstentions. Both Israeli and the US opposed the text, the EU supported it, while Canada and Australia abstained. The same text last year, passed 151-3, with 20 abstentions. Liberia in 2020 opposed the text, while this year it was absent for the vote. Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria during the Six-Day War in 1967 and applied sovereignty to it in 1981. The US recognized that sovereignty in 2019, but it is the only country to do so. The UN resolution asked Israel to rescind that sovereignty and stated that "Israel’s decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction, and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan was null and void and without international legal effect.” UNGA vote on the ''Occupied Syrian Golan'' (credit: UN WEB TV/SCREENSHOT) “F *** 他”:特朗普在採訪中表達了對內塔尼亞胡的不滿 在接受以色列政治記者巴拉克·拉維德 (Barak Ravid) 採訪時,唐納德·特朗普透露了他與本傑明·內塔尼亞胡 (Benjamin Netanyahu) 的真實關係。 通過WALLA!,耶路撒冷郵政工作人員 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 10 日 08:10 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 10 日 17:45 2020 年 1 月 28 日,美國總統唐納德·特朗普在美國華盛頓白宮東廳舉行的聯合新聞發布會上討論中東和平計劃提案時,向以色列總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡眨眼。 (圖片來源:路透社/BRENDAN MCDERMID) 廣告 “自從[他祝賀喬拜登]之後,我就沒有和他談過話。去他媽的,”這是美國前總統唐納德特朗普在接受政治記者巴拉克拉維德的新任總理專訪時談到前總理本傑明內塔尼亞胡時所說的話。書特朗普的和平:亞伯拉罕協議和中東的重塑,部分錶明兩位世界領導人之間的關係並不像看起來那麼緊張。採訪的片段於週五早上發布。 壓垮兩人之間看似密不可分的關係的最後一根稻草是內塔尼亞胡在近一年前獲勝後向現​​任美國總統喬拜登發出的祝賀電話。 在選舉前,特別是在結果公佈後,特朗普一直堅持並宣傳選舉舞弊,聲稱結果不准確,他本應獲勝。 儘管內塔尼亞胡是第一個接電話給華盛頓的中東領導人,但記者們很快注意到,內塔尼亞胡實際上並不是第一個給拜登打電話祝賀的人。事實上,他是在拜登當選後近一個月才發出這個電話的,當時法國、德國、加拿大、英國和愛爾蘭的領導人已經打來電話。 特朗普對拉維德進行了兩次採訪——其中一次長達 90 分鐘。內塔尼亞胡背叛了他,儘管特朗普在他任職的四年里為他做了一切,他說,並在今年 4 月的佛羅里達州靜坐期間五次提到拜登的電話。 2020 年 1 月 28 日,美國總統唐納德·特朗普和以色列總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡抵達美國華盛頓白宮東廳,就中東和平計劃提案發表聯合評論。(來源:REUTERS/JOSHUA ROBERTS) 特朗普說:“第一個祝賀 [拜登] 的人是比比·內塔尼亞胡,我為他所做的比與我打交道的任何其他人都多。” “比比本可以保持安靜。他犯了一個可怕的錯誤。” 他補充說:“我喜歡比比。我還是喜歡比比。但我也喜歡忠誠。第一個祝賀拜登的人是比比。他不僅向他表示祝賀,還在錄音中做到了這一點,”Axios 說。 布蘭妮斯皮爾斯住的地方:在流行歌星的房地產投資組合中由 Mansion Global 贊助 特朗普提到了伊朗協議以及內塔尼亞胡與現任美國總統的長期友誼和聯繫。 “對於比比·內塔尼亞胡來說,在墨水還沒有乾之前,做一個信息,而不僅僅是一個信息,給喬·拜登錄製一段關於他們偉大、偉大的友誼的磁帶——他們沒有友誼,因為如果他們這樣做了,[奧巴馬政府] 不會完成伊朗協議,”特朗普說,據 Axios 稱。“猜猜看,現在他們又要這麼做了。” 特朗普告訴拉維德,他覺得他在白宮的職位上提出了某些沒有得到內塔尼亞胡應有的認可和感謝的政策。他舉的一個例子是美國在 2019 年公開承認戈蘭高地為以色列主權領土,並引起爭議。一年後,以色列政府以他的名義批准了該地區的一個城鎮,即“拉馬特特朗普”。 “那[舉動]是一件大事,”特朗普說。“當時人們說這是一份價值 100 萬美元的禮物……我在 [以色列] 選舉前就做了,這對他 [內塔尼亞胡] 幫助很大——如果沒有我,他可能會輸掉選舉,戈蘭高地事件使他在民意調查中提高了 10-15%。” 以色列總理本雅明內塔尼亞胡在簽署亞伯拉罕協議後與美國總統唐納德特朗普站在一起,使以色列與一些中東鄰國的關係正常化,中東國家對伊朗的戰略調整,在白宮南草坪我(信用:路透社/湯姆布倫納) 很難在戈蘭高地和內塔尼亞胡的勝利之間劃出一條直線。拉維德在他的書中指出,在 2019 年 4 月選舉前一周,以色列民主研究所 (IDI) 的一項民意調查顯示,66% 的以色列猶太人認為美國承認以色列對戈蘭高地的主權將加強內塔尼亞胡在民意調查。 內塔尼亞胡在一份聲明中回應說,他“非常感謝特朗普為以色列國及其安全做出的巨大貢獻”。 他還解釋了為什麼祝賀拜登擔任總統,因為他“讚賞以色列和美國之間聯盟的重要性,因此,祝賀即將上任的總統對他來說很重要。” 由莎拉·本-努( Sarah Ben-Nun)翻譯。  'F*** him': Trump expresses resentment towards Netanyahu in interview In interviews to Israeli political journalist Barak Ravid, Donald Trump reveals the real relationship he had with Benjamin Netanyahu. By WALLA!, JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: DECEMBER 10, 2021 08:10 Updated: DECEMBER 10, 2021 17:45 US President Donald Trump winks at Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as they discuss a Middle East peace plan proposal during a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington, US, January 28, 2020. (photo credit: REUTERS/BRENDAN MCDERMID) Advertisement "I haven't spoken with him since [he congratulated Joe Biden]. F*** him," are the words former-US president Donald Trump said about former-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an exclusive interview for political journalist Barak Ravid's new book Trump’s Peace: The Abraham Accords and the Reshaping of the Middle East, showing, in part, that the relationship between the two world leaders was not as tight as it seemed. Snippets of the interview were released on Friday morning. The straw that broke the camel's back on the seemingly airtight relationship between the two was Netanyahu's congratulatory call to current-US President Joe Biden after his victory nearly a year ago. Leading up to the election and particularly after the results were announced, Trump has consistently insisted and propagated election fraud, claiming the results were inaccurate and that he should have won. Latest articles from Jpost Top Articles READ MORE Israel to alter COVID isolation rulesfor students amid Omicron Though Netanyahu was the first leader in the Middle East to pick up the phone to Washington, journalists were quick to note that Netanyahu was actually not one of the first people to give Biden a congratulatory call. In fact, he made the call nearly a month after Biden's election, after calls had already come in from the leaders of France, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Trump gave Ravid two interviews - one of them 90 minutes long. Netanyahu betrayed him, despite everything Trump had done for him during his four years in office, he said, mentioning the call to Biden five times throughout the sitdown in Florida dated to April of this year. US President Donald Trump and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrive to deliver joint remarks on a Middle East peace plan proposal in the East Room of the White House in Washington, US, January 28, 2020. (credit: REUTERS/JOSHUA ROBERTS) "The first person that congratulated [Biden] was Bibi Netanyahu, the man that I did more for than any other person I dealt with," said Trump. "Bibi could have stayed quiet. He has made a terrible mistake." He added: “I liked Bibi. I still like Bibi. But I also like loyalty. The first person to congratulate Biden was Bibi. And not only did he congratulate him, he did it on tape," according to Axios. 睡前只需喝一物,隔夜排出“宿便”,瘦到尖叫!Sponsored by 減肥達人推薦 Trump made reference to the Iran deal and Netanyahu's longtime friendship and association with the current US president. “For Bibi Netanyahu, before the ink was even dry, to do a message, and not only a message, to do a tape to Joe Biden talking about their great, great friendship — they didn't have a friendship, because if they did, [the Obama administration] wouldn't have done the Iran deal," Trump said, according to Axios. "And guess what, now they're going to do it again." Trump told Ravid he felt that he advanced certain policies from his position in the White House that didn't receive the proper recognition and thanks from Netanyahu. One of the examples he gave was the US public and controversial recognition of the Golan Heights as sovereign Israeli territory in 2019. A year after, the Israeli government approved a town in the region in his name, "Ramat Trump." "That [move] was a big deal," said Trump. "People were saying at the time that it was a gift worth a million bucks… I did it before the [Israeli] elections, and that helped him [Netanyahu] a lot - maybe he would have lost the election without me, the Golan Heights affair raised him 10-15% in the polls." Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stands with US President Donald Trump after signing the Abraham Accords, normalizing relations between Israel and some of its Middle East neighbors, in a strategic realignment of Middle Eastern countries against Iran, on the South Lawn of the White House i (credit: REUTERS/TOM BRENNER) It is hard to draw a direct line between the Golan Heights and Netanyahu's win. Ravid notes in his book that one week before the April 2019 elections, a poll from the Israel Democratic Institute (IDI) showed that 66% of Jewish Israelis thought that the US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights was something that would strengthen Netanyahu in the polls. Netanyahu responded in a statement, saying that he "greatly appreciates the great contribution that Trump made to the nation of Israel and its security." He also explained why he congratulated Biden on his presidency because he "appreciates the importance of the alliance between Israel and the US and therefore, it was important to him to congratulate the incoming president." 以色列必須與敘利亞對話 - 意見 以色列參與這樣一項倡議並沒有什麼損失,但我們從中獲益良多。 由阿維·貝納亞 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 20:11 敘利亞總統巴沙爾·阿薩德(右)8 月在大馬士革舉行新內閣成員宣誓儀式。 (圖片來源:SANA/REUTERS) 廣告 在維也納恢復談判以恢復伊朗核協議以及伊朗在獲得核武器方面取得的進展,以及政府更迭以及總理納夫塔利·貝內特與其前任本傑明·內塔尼亞胡之間的指責,已經引發了對該問題的公開辯論 10年。內塔尼亞胡指責貝內特“浪費了六個月並打算遏制伊朗的核能力”。另一方面,貝內特指責內塔尼亞胡說的是話,而不是走路。 上週,貝內特和外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德以更激進的立場公開,現在正在談論以色列的準備情況以及即使沒有美國支持也可能進行軍事行動的可能性。相比之下,國防部長本尼·甘茨一直在談論與世界各國合作收集情報,以加強對伊朗的壓力和製裁。與此同時,甘茨還積極領導努力加強以色列的進攻準備。 就像十年前,以色列總理在中東積極領導戲劇性的努力;他再次公開增強以色列的軍事能力,同時依靠我們的安全機構來製衡伊朗,因為以美國為首的世界其他地區正在收緊對伊朗的壓力。 JPost 的熱門文章 Read More First in Israel: Mastectomy performed completely by 'hands' of a robot 以色列拒絕接受伊朗的核武器能力是既成事實,這一直被以色列所有猶太復國主義政黨廣泛接受。Bennett、Lapid 和 Gantz 必須確保這種支持保持堅定,尤其是當我們接近主場時。 誠然,當反對派領導人表現得不禮貌並拒絕接受總理的最新消息時,這有點困難,這是法律要求他這樣做的。然而,貝內特應該繼續向內塔尼亞胡派遣他的軍事秘書,並保持溝通渠道完好無損。 美國總統喬拜登 8 月在白宮發表講話時就阿富汗問題發表了講話。(來源:路透社/卡洛斯·巴里亞) 鑑於拜登政府組織不力,美國總統的支持率迅速下滑,導致他在全球的地位下降,這些努力也變得更加困難。儘管如此,這也是我們面臨的挑戰。 我們必須以良好的判斷力和戴著天鵝絨手套的鐵拳負責任地處理這場危機。必須達成廣泛的全國共識,貝內特、拉皮德和甘茨必須與前總理埃胡德·巴拉克、內塔尼亞胡和埃胡德·奧爾默特協商,即使他們需要在此類會議之前服用抗噁心藥丸。無論如何,我們是為他們的醫療費用提供資金的人。 愛好和平的以色列國從未獨自邁出參與和平倡議的第一步。這些倡議一直是由其他人發起的:薩達特、侯賽因、美國人、沙特人、法國人等。被命令“尋求和平並追求和平”的猶太人實際上並沒有為實現這一目標做任何事情。 表現出主動和大膽、積累經驗和積極探索實現和平的機會從來都不是我們所擅長的,原因有很多:大屠殺投下的陰影;我們在每個邊界都被敵人包圍;從未以任何方式、形式或形式帶來和平的單方面撤軍;政治分歧;以及我們的邊界尚未最終確定的事實。 這就是為什麼我同意我的同事Alon Ben-David 的觀點,即以色列需要與敘利亞進行對話。沒有比現在更好的時間了。敘利亞目前因被困在伊朗、真主黨和俄羅斯之間而飽受摧殘。其經濟陷入困境,以色列不僅可以作為向美國敞開大門和廢除 2019 年凱撒法案的一種方式,而且可以作為一種合作方式,從而改善其能源、健康和農業的經濟部門。 這聽起來可能是一項無法實現的壯舉,但我認為這是可能的,而且我們至少有義務盡最大努力。以色列參與這樣一項倡議並沒有什麼損失,但我們從中獲益良多。 將敘利亞從邪惡軸心中移除也將解決以色列在黎巴嫩北部邊界面臨的威脅——一石二鳥。並且已經有廣泛的全國共識,即以色列應該保留戈蘭高地,但應該解決和加強它。甚至美國人也明確承認以色列對戈蘭擁有主權。這是一個可以創造性地解決的問題。相信我 - 值得一試。如果阿薩德冷落我們,那麼至少我們會得到一些良好的公關,並被視為一個爭取和平的國家。 誰可以領導這項倡議?在美國、埃及和其他國家的支持下,我的第一選擇是法國。法國歷來在敘利亞和黎巴嫩具有政治、文化和經濟影響力,並將抓住機會在中東佔據一席之地。如果這個倡議成功,我可以保證美國人會主動提出在白宮北草坪舉行簽字儀式。 作者是以色列國防軍退役準將、戰略和通訊顧問、以色列國防軍前發言人、以色列總理和國防部長顧問。 Israel must engage in dialogue with Syria - opinion Israel has nothing to lose from engaging in such an initiative, but we have so much to gain from it. By AVI BENAYAHU Published: DECEMBER 9, 2021 20:11 SYRIA’S PRESIDENT Bashar Assad (right) stands as new cabinet members take the oath in Damascus in August. (photo credit: SANA/REUTERS) Advertisement The resumption of talks in Vienna to revive the Iran nuclear deal and regarding Iran’s progress toward obtaining nuclear weapons, alongside the change of government and the accusations slung between Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his predecessor Benjamin Netanyahu, have thrown public debate on the issue back 10 years. Netanyahu blames Bennett for “wasting six months and intending to contain Iran’s nuclear capabilities.” Bennett, on the other hand, blames Netanyahu for talking the talk, but not walking the walk. Last week, Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid went public with a more radical stance and are now talking about Israel’s readiness and the possibility of engaging in a military operation, even without American support. In contrast, Minister of Defense Benny Gantz has been talking about engaging in collaborative intelligence gathering with countries around the world in an effort to intensify pressure and sanctions against Iran. Concomitantly, Gantz is also actively leading efforts to bolster Israel’s readiness to attack. Just as a decade ago, Israel’s prime minister was actively leading dramatic efforts in the Middle East; he is once again publicly sharpening Israel’s military capabilities, while relying on our security establishment to counterbalance Iran, as the rest of the world – led by the US – tautens pressure on Iran. Israel’s refusal to accept Iran’s nuclear weapon capability as a fait accompli has always been widely accepted among all of Israel’s Zionist political parties. Bennett, Lapid and Gantz must ensure that this support remains stalwart, especially as we approach the home stretch. Admittedly, this is a tad bit difficult when the leader of the opposition is not behaving graciously and refuses to accept updates from the prime minister, something he is required to by law. Bennett should, however, continue sending his military secretary to Netanyahu with updates and to keep communication channels intact. US PRESIDENT Joe Biden delivers remarks on Afghanistan during a speech at the White House in August. (credit: REUTERS/CARLOS BARRIA) These efforts have also become exponentially more difficult given that the Biden administration is not sufficiently organized and the US president’s approval rate is rapidly slipping, which is leading to a drop in his status throughout the world. Nonetheless, this is the challenge we are facing. We must manage this crisis responsibly, with good judgment and with an iron fist in a velvet glove. There must be broad national agreement, and Bennett, Lapid and Gantz must consult with former prime ministers Ehud Barak, Netanyahu and Ehud Olmert, even if they need to take an anti-nausea pill before such meetings. In any case, we’re the ones financing their health expenses. THE PEACE-LOVING State of Israel has never taken the first step on its own to engage in a peace initiative. These initiatives have always been launched by others: Sadat, Hussein, the Americans, the Saudis, the French, etc. The Jewish people, who are commanded “Seek peace and pursue it,” have not actually done anything to achieve this goal. When Renovating to Sell, Focus on Kitchen Modernization, But Don’t Go OverboardSponsored by Mansion Global Showing initiative and daring, gaining experience and actively exploring opportunities to achieve peace has never been something we excelled at, for many reasons: the dark shadow cast by the Holocaust; the fact that we are surrounded by enemies on every border; the unilateral withdrawals that have never led to peace in any way, shape or form; political disagreements; and the fact that our borders are not finalized. This is exactly why I agree with my colleague Alon Ben-David that Israel needs to engage in dialogue with Syria. And there is no better time than the present. Syria is currently battered and bruised from being trapped between Iran, Hezbollah and Russia. Its economy is in distress, and Israel could serve as a way not only to open the door to the US and to the repeal of the Caesar Act of 2019, but also to cooperation that could lead to economic improvements in their energy, health and agriculture sectors. This might sound like an unattainable feat, but I think it’s possible and that we have an obligation at least to give it our best shot. Israel has nothing to lose from engaging in such an initiative, but we have so much to gain from it. Removing Syria from the axis of evil would also resolve the threat on Israel on its northern border from Lebanon – two birds with one stone. And there is already broad national consensus that Israel should retain the Golan Heights, but that it should be settled and reinforced. Even the Americans have expressly recognized Israel’s right to sovereignty on the Golan. This is a matter that can be settled creatively. Trust me – it’s worth giving it a try. And if Assad gives us a cold shoulder, then at least we’ll have gotten some good PR and be seen as a country that is striving for peace. Who could lead this initiative? My first choice would be France, with support from the US, Egypt and others. France has historically had political, cultural and economic influence in Syria and Lebanon, and would jump at a chance to assume a position of influence in the Middle East. And if this initiative were to succeed, I can guarantee that the Americans would offer to hold the signing ceremony on the North Lawn of the White House. The author is a retired IDF brigadier general, an adviser for strategy and communications, former IDF spokesman, and adviser to prime ministers and defense ministers in Israel. 以色列對伊朗真正的交易恐懼:美國脫離中東 - 意見 使這種情況引起極大關注的是它所說的關於美國參與世界的內容。 作者:雅科夫·卡茨 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 19:46 美國總統喬拜登 8 月在白宮發表講話時就阿富汗問題發表了講話。 (圖片來源:路透社/卡洛斯·巴里亞) 廣告 2019 年 10 月,唐納德·特朗普宣布決定從敘利亞撤軍時,震驚了以色列和幾乎所有其他美國盟友。此舉是對土耳其總統雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安的一種姿態,他對美國支持的庫爾德軍隊的敵意已不是什麼秘密。 以色列的震驚是難以掩飾的。考慮到它將如何單獨應對伊朗和俄羅斯軍隊在敘利亞不斷增加的存在,所有以色列人——來自各個政治派別——都大聲抗議。雖然美國從未全面撤軍——它確實降低了數字——特朗普的舉動不應該讓耶路撒冷的靈魂感到驚訝。 原因是因為自從巴拉克奧巴馬總統擔任總統以來,美國一直走在縮減其在中東的存在的明確軌道上,部分是對喬治·W·布什的兩個任期的反動舉動,看到戰爭在阿富汗開始和伊拉克,部分原因是人們了解到,在多年未見成功之後,是時候將部隊帶回家了。 JPost 的熱門文章 Read More First in Israel: Mastectomy performed completely by 'hands' of a robot 記住這一點很重要,因為目前耶路撒冷和華盛頓特區之間感受到的緊張局勢不僅僅是拜登政府可能會帶領 P5+1 與伊朗達成一項糟糕的協議。這是關於更廣泛的事情——美國參與中東的未來。 這些跡象令人擔憂。在競選期間,喬·拜登(Joe Biden)——就像特朗普一樣——發誓要結束所謂的“永遠的戰爭”,首先是阿富汗的戰爭。然而,當他去年夏天突然退出時,美國人和世界其他地方都驚呆了。不是因為拜登信守諾言,而是因為後果和塔利班立即接管該國。 9 月 2 日,塔利班部隊在阿富汗喀布爾的哈米德卡爾扎伊國際機場前巡邏(圖片來源:STRINGER/REUTERS) 然而,對於拜登來說,後果似乎不那麼重要。重要的是出去。接下來發生的事情就不那麼重要了。 這就是以色列在審視上週在維也納舉行並於週四續籤的伊朗會談時所擔心的。在內心深處,以色列已經了解了一段時間,對會談沒有太大的期望,但需要審視反對可能達成的協議,不僅因為它對伊朗意味著什麼,還因為它對美國意味著什麼. 問題是拜登是否真的在乎,這是以色列尚不確定的事情。一方面,拜登承諾伊朗“永遠”不會被允許獲得核武器。另一方面,他拒絕採取更激進的步驟,以超出樣板的“所有選項都擺在桌面上”來提高美國對伊朗的威脅,這在耶路撒冷引起了人們的擔憂,即總統想對伊朗做他對阿富汗所做的事情——制定一個交易,出去,忘記後果。 睡前很喝一物,隔夜離開“宿便”,瘦到靠背!由減肥達人推薦贊助 拜登不應該被嫉妒。他上任時接到的手不太好。當特朗普在 2018 年退出伊朗協議時,什麼也沒有發生,當伊朗繼續違反協議時——增加鈾濃縮等——沒有真正的代價。特朗普官員認為,如果他們贏得 2020 年大選,伊朗將別無選擇,只能屈服於更艱難的協議。那當然從來沒有發生過。 從一開始,就很明顯拜登將試圖恢復交易。他在競選期間明確表示了這一點。以色列的目標是試圖讓他為一項更艱難的交易而戰,以確保伊朗比以前更遠離炸彈。 以色列和美國看待伊朗核計劃的方式存在的問題之一是,這兩個國家經常關注不同的截止線。以色列甚至不希望伊朗成為一個核門檻國家,這個國家已經積累了足夠的濃縮鈾,已經掌握了製造炸彈的所有過程,現在正在等待這樣做的決定。 美國對事情的看法不同。正如拜登所說,它不希望伊朗得到炸彈。因此,當目標只是防止炸彈時,在門檻處阻止它並不重要。 納夫塔利·貝內特總理知道這一點,就像他知道美國、伊朗或任何其他核談判各方都沒有認真對待來自耶路撒冷的所有威脅一樣。原因是,目前,以色列沒有可行的軍事選擇。這可能會改變,但需要一些時間。 然而,即使有軍事選項擺在桌面上,使用它的支持者也需要記住,攻擊伊朗核設施不像2007年攻擊敘利亞反應堆或1981年攻擊伊拉克反應堆。然後,兩國都有一個地面上的主要設施,一旦被摧毀,幾乎意味著核計劃的結束。此外,科學知識是外國的。在敘利亞,反應堆由朝鮮建造,在伊拉克由法國建造。 在伊朗,技術知識是國內的。伊朗人正在建造設施和離心機。伊朗人正在操作它們,伊朗人正在濃縮鈾。這是一個巨大的差異,因為即使以色列攻擊並嚴重破壞了一些設施,知識仍然存在。不能以同樣的方式攻擊。 香蕉島是億萬富翁的天堂。由 Mansion Global 贊助 被推薦 這是否意味著一切都失去了?不。以色列是一個強大的國家,雖然它將面臨來自伊朗核的前所未有的威脅,但這並不意味著猶太復國主義夢想的終結。以色列仍將有必要的自衛手段。 使這種情況引起極大關注的是它所說的關於美國參與世界的內容。以色列人喜歡說,如果需要,他們會知道如何保護自己,但不能低估與美國結盟的重要性。 一個對中東不感興趣的美國意味著一個美國將不再感到有必要向以色列提供最先進的武器平台,一個美國將不再覺得有必要在聯合國安理會否決反以色列決議,以及一個美國如果以色列與其他阿拉伯國家實現關係正常化,這並不在乎。 具有諷刺意味的是,正是巴拉克·奧巴馬 (Barack Obama) 領導下的中東政策幫助以色列和海灣國家走到了一起。當阿拉伯聯合酋長國、沙特阿拉伯和巴林看到美國與伊朗達成一筆糟糕的交易時,他們知道他們需要一個新的戰略夥伴,而當時沒有比以色列更好的人了。 雖然這是積極的,但它還不能替代美國和與以色列戰略聯盟的價值。然而,這並不意味著以色列不需要開始考慮如果這種脫離接觸政策繼續下去會發生什麼。最終,這就是耶路撒冷的人們所關心的。 *** 在過去的兩年裡,我們已經習慣了政府在抗擊冠狀病毒傳播的鬥爭中做出的武斷決定。例如,在封鎖期間,您離家的距離可能不同。首先是一公里,然後是 500 米。為什麼會有差異?誰真的知道? 另一個例子是政府在 10 月份決定不接受美國的恢復證書,因為它們不像歐盟那樣數字化。這意味著——當以色列在 11 月對外國人開放時——是來自愛沙尼亞的從 COVID-19 中恢復過來並且與猶太國家沒有關係的人可以被允許進入,但可以允許在以色列經營一個與以色列有深厚聯繫的猶太組織的人並且也恢復了,不能。 像這樣的案例很多。組織負責人、向以色列醫院提供資金的大型基金會的受託人等上個月被禁止進入以色列,因為他們已經康復並且只打了一兩針,而不是以色列規定的三針。 這有意義嗎?一點也不。本週內政部長阿耶萊特·沙克德 (Ayelet Shaked) 決定——在倡導團體的明智運動之後——決定允許準媽媽的父母進入以色列以幫助生育和照顧孩子時,同樣的荒謬就很明顯了。這些都是完全接種疫苗的女性和男性,但由於禁止外國人進入。 原因?誰知道了? 在這場大流行病爆發兩年後,以色列和其他國家是時候意識到關閉和關閉不再是有效的工具了。生活還得繼續。人們需要接種疫苗,一旦接種,就需要限制限制。 相反,耶路撒冷政府更喜歡恐慌而不是推理。輝瑞說接種三針疫苗的人可以抵禦 Omicron?衛生部說,那又如何呢,它希望保持對外國人的禁令和抵達該國後的延長隔離期。 為什麼?不清楚。貝內特領導的政府需要製定明確的政策,而不是由公務員領導,他們的工作是嚇唬公眾,任意豁免一個國家並禁止另一個國家。那將被稱為領導力。 Israel's real Iran deal fear: US disengagement from Middle East - opinion What makes this situation of great concern is what it says about American involvement in the world. By YAAKOV KATZ Published: DECEMBER 9, 2021 19:46 US PRESIDENT Joe Biden delivers remarks on Afghanistan during a speech at the White House in August. (photo credit: REUTERS/CARLOS BARRIA) Advertisement In October 2019, Donald Trump stunned Israel and pretty much every other American ally when announcing his decision to withdraw troops from Syria. The move was made as a gesture to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan whose hostility for the Kurdish forces the US was supporting was no secret. The Israeli shock was hard to hide. Concerned how it would grapple alone with the growing presence of Iranian and Russian forces in Syria, all Israelis – from across the political spectrum – cried out in protest. While the US never went ahead with the full withdrawal – it did downscale numbers – Trump’s move should not have surprised a soul in Jerusalem. The reason is because ever since the presidency of Barack Obama, the US has been on a clear trajectory of scaling back its presence in the Middle East, partly a reactionary move to the two terms of George W. Bush, which saw wars started in Afghanistan and Iraq, and partly due to an understanding that after years of not seeing success it was time to bring the troops home. This is important to keep in mind because the tension right now being felt between Jerusalem and Washington DC is not just about the possibility that the Biden administration will lead the P5+1 into a bad deal with Iran. It is about something far broader – the future of American involvement in the Middle East. The signs are worrisome. Already during the campaign, Joe Biden – like Trump – vowed to end the so-called “forever wars,” first and foremost the one in Afghanistan. When he abruptly pulled out last summer, though, Americans and the rest of the world were aghast; not because Biden kept his word but because of the consequences and the Taliban’s immediate takeover of the country. TALIBAN FORCES patrol in front of Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, September 2 (credit: STRINGER/ REUTERS) For Biden, however, it seemed that the consequences were less important. What was important was getting out. What happened next mattered less. And this is what Israel’s fear is when it looks at the Iran talks that took place last week in Vienna and which were renewed on Thursday. Deep down, Israel has understood for a while that not much can be expected from the talks, but the opposition to a possible deal needs to be looked at not just because of what it means for Iran, but also because of what it means for America. The question is whether Biden really cares, and that is something about which Israel is not yet certain. On the one hand, there is the Biden promise that Iran will “never” be allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon. On the other hand, his refusal to take more aggressive steps, to up US threats against Iran beyond the boilerplate “all options are on the table” creates concern in Jerusalem that the president wants to do with Iran what he did with Afghanistan – make a deal, get out and forget about the consequences. 睡前只需喝一物,隔夜排出“宿便”,瘦到尖叫!Sponsored by 減肥達人推薦 Biden should not be envied. The hand he received when entering office was not good. When Trump pulled out of the Iran deal in 2018, nothing came in its place, and when Iran went ahead and violated the deal – upping enrichment of uranium and more – there was no real price to pay. Trump officials figured that if they had won the 2020 election, Iran would not have had a choice but to surrender to a tougher deal. That of course never happened. From the beginning, it was obvious that Biden was going to try to return to the deal. He made that clear during the campaign. Israel’s goal was to try to get him to fight for a tougher deal, one that would ensure Iran stays further away from a bomb than before. ONE OF the problems in the way Israel and the US view the Iranian nuclear program is that the countries are often looking at different cutoff lines. Israel does not want Iran to become even a nuclear threshold country, one that has amassed enough enriched uranium, has mastered all of the processes to build a bomb and is now just waiting for the decision to do so. The US looks at things differently. It, like Biden has said, does not want Iran to get a bomb. Stopping it at the threshold, therefore, is not as important when just preventing a bomb is the goal. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett knows this, just like he knows that all the threats coming out of Jerusalem are not being taken seriously by the US, Iran or any of the other parties to the nuclear negotiations. The reason is because, for the moment, Israel does not have a viable military option available. That might change but it will take some time. However, even once there is a military option on the table, the proponents of using it need to keep in mind that attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities is not like the attack against Syria’s reactor in 2007 or Iraq’s reactor in 1981. Then, both countries had one main facility above ground that once it was destroyed, pretty much meant the end of the nuclear program. In addition, the scientific know-how was foreign. In Syria, the reactor was being built by North Korea and in Iraq by the French. In Iran, the technical know-how is domestic. Iranians are building the facilities and the centrifuges. Iranians are operating them and Iranians are enriching the uranium. This is a huge difference, since even if Israel were to attack and severely damage some of the facilities, the knowledge would still be there. That cannot be attacked in the same way. When Renovating to Sell, Focus on Kitchen Modernization, But Don’t Go OverboardSponsored by Mansion Global Recommended by Does that mean all is lost? No. Israel is a powerful country, and while it would face an unprecedented threat from a nuclear Iran, that would not mean the end of the Zionist dream. Israel would still have means to defend itself as needed. What makes this situation of great concern is what it says about American involvement in the world. Israelis like to say that, if needed, they will know how to protect themselves by themselves, but there is no underestimating the importance of the alliance with the US. An America uninterested in the Middle East means an America that will no longer feel compelled to supply Israel with the most advanced weapons platforms, an America that would not feel a need to veto anti-Israel resolutions at the United Nations Security Council, and an America that would not care if Israel normalizes ties with additional Arab states. Ironically, it was exactly this policy in the Middle East under Barack Obama that helped bring Israel and the Gulf states together. When the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain saw the US make a bad deal with Iran, they knew they needed a new strategic partner, and there was no one better at the time than Israel. While that is positive, it is not yet a replacement for the United States and the value of the strategic alliance with Israel. However, it doesn’t mean that Israel does not need to start considering what will happen if this policy of disengagement continues. And that, ultimately, is what has people in Jerusalem concerned. *** OVER THE last two years, we’ve become used to arbitrary decisions being made by the government pertaining to the battle against the spread of the coronavirus. During lockdowns, for example, there were different distances you could travel from your home. First it was one kilometer and then 500 meters. Why the difference? Who really knows? Another example was the decision by the government in October not to accept American recovery certificates since they are not digitized like in the European Union. What this meant – back when Israel was open to foreigners in November – was that someone from Estonia who recovered from COVID-19 and had no ties with the Jewish state could be allowed in, but someone who runs a Jewish organization with deep ties in Israel and had recovered as well, could not. There were plenty of cases like this. Heads of organizations, trustees of massive foundations that gave money to Israeli hospitals and more, were not allowed into Israel last month because they had recovered and only had one or two shots, not the three mandated by Israel. Does this make sense? Not at all. The same absurdity was evident this week when Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked decided – after a smart campaign by advocacy groups – to allow parents of expectant mothers into Israel to help with the births and child care. These are all women and men who are fully vaccinated but because of the ban on foreigners were not being allowed in. The reason? Who knows anymore? After two years into this pandemic, it is time for Israel and other countries to realize that shutdowns and closures are no longer effective tools. Life has to be able to go on. People need to vaccinate and once they are, the restrictions need to be limited. Instead, the government in Jerusalem prefers panic over reasoning. Pfizer says that someone vaccinated with three shots is protected against Omicron? So what, says the Health Ministry, which wants to keep the ban on foreigners and the extended quarantine upon arrival in the country in place. Why? It’s unclear. The government led by Bennett needs to articulate a clear policy and not be led by civil servants whose job is to scare the public and arbitrarily exempt one country and ban another. That would be called leadership. 以色列作家大衛格羅斯曼暗示以色列已成為“種族隔離” 大衛·格羅斯曼 (David Grossman) 之前曾用“種族隔離”一詞來形容以色列。 作者:SHIRA HANAU/JTA 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 10 日 02:44 大衛·格羅斯曼在他的每一本書中都面臨著死亡的概念。 (圖片來源:OFER YANUV) 廣告 以色列著名作家大衛格羅斯曼在接受以色列國防軍廣播電台 Galatz 採訪時談到以色列政府的狀況時表示,以色列已經變成了一個“種族隔離”政權。 “也許它不應再被稱為'職業',但還有更嚴厲的名稱,例如'種族隔離',”他在周四的採訪中說。 談到今年早些時候上任並由納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 領導的以色列政府,格羅斯曼稱新政府“良好且重要”。 來自 Jpost 的最新文章 繼續觀看以色列的 COVID 爆發變得“重要” - HU廣告後 “但它不能做最重要的事情:治愈以色列佔領的病態邪惡,”他說。 格羅斯曼之前曾用“種族隔離”一詞來形容以色列。這位作家於 2006 年在第二次黎巴嫩戰爭中失去了一個兒子,他在 2018 年的一次活動中向一群在以巴衝突中失去家人的以色列人和巴勒斯坦人發表了講話。 以色列作家大衛·格羅斯曼 (David Grossman) 因其小說“Une femme fuyant l'annonce”獲得美第奇斯外國圖書獎後為攝影師擺姿勢(圖片來源:REUTERS) “但是,當以色列佔領和壓迫另一個國家長達 51 年,並在被佔領土上造成 種族隔離的現實時——它變得不再像一個家,”他說。 2018 年,格羅斯曼榮獲以色列最高平民榮譽以色列獎,以表彰他對希伯來文學的貢獻。該獎項由教育部任命的委員會頒發。在格羅斯曼獲得榮譽的時候,貝內特是教育部長。 格羅斯曼的作品已被翻譯成數十種語言並經常涉及以巴衝突,還贏得了其他著名獎項,如曼布克獎和猶太圖書委員會的國家猶太圖書獎。 Israeli author David Grossman suggests Israel has become ‘apartheid’ David Grossman has used the word “apartheid” to describe Israel before. By SHIRA HANAU/JTA Published: DECEMBER 10, 2021 02:44 DAVID GROSSMAN faces the concept of death in every one of his books. (photo credit: OFER YANUV) Advertisement Speaking about the state of Israel’s government in an interview with Galatz, the Israel Defense Forces’ radio station, prominent Israeli author David Grossman suggested Israel had turned into an “apartheid” regime. “Maybe it should no longer be called an ‘occupation,’ but there are much harsher names, like ‘apartheid,’ for example,” he said in the interview Thursday. Speaking about the Israeli government that took office earlier this year and is led by Naftali Bennett, Grossman called the new government “good and important.” Latest articles from Jpost “But it cannot do the most important thing: cure Israel of the sick evil that is the occupation,” he said. Grossman has used the word “apartheid” to describe Israel before. The writer, who lost a son in the second Lebanon War in 2006, addressed a group of Israelis and Palestinians who have lost family members in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at an event in 2018. Israeli author David Grossman poses for photographers after he received the Medicis Foreign book award for his novel ''Une femme fuyant l'annonce'' (credit: REUTERS) “But when Israel occupies and oppresses another nation, for 51 years, and creates an apartheid reality in the occupied territories — it becomes a lot less of a home,” he said. Grossman was honored with the Israel Prize, the country’s top civilian honor, in 2018, in recognition of his contributions to Hebrew literature. The prize is awarded by a committee appointed by the education ministry. At the time that Grossman was honored, Bennett was the minister of education. Grossman’s works, which have been translated into dozens of languages and often address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, have won other prestigious awards such as the Man Booker Prize and the Jewish Book Council’s National Jewish Book Award.

    Fri, 10 Dec 2021
  • 480 - 2021.12.10 國際新聞導讀-烏克蘭俄羅斯危機未解、美伊核武談判無進展美國動念武力解決、紐西蘭永久禁止14歲以下人購買煙品企圖斬斷吸煙人口之增加、巴基斯坦塔利班TTP與巴基斯坦政府之停火中止可能再度開戰

    2021.12.10 國際新聞導讀-烏克蘭俄羅斯危機未解、美伊核武談判無進展美國動念武力解決、紐西蘭永久禁止14歲以下人購買煙品企圖斬斷吸煙人口之增加、巴基斯坦塔利班TTP與巴基斯坦政府之停火中止可能再度開戰 俄羅斯稱烏克蘭可能重新陷入古巴導彈危機 烏克蘭表示,它擔心聚集在其邊界附近的數万名俄羅斯軍隊會入侵,而莫斯科則表示其姿態純粹是防禦性的。 俄羅斯週四表示,烏克蘭緊張局勢升級可能導致古巴導彈危機重演,當時世界正處於核戰爭的邊緣。 外交部副部長謝爾蓋里亞布科夫在被記者問及當前局勢是否會演變成類似於1962年美蘇冷戰僵局時作出上述評論。 國際文傳電訊社援引他的話說:“你知道,它真的可以做到這一點。” “如果事情就這樣繼續下去,按照事件的邏輯,完全有可能突然醒來,看到自己處於類似的境地。” 古巴危機是由蘇聯在加勒比島上部署核導彈引發的,並促使美國實施海上封鎖以阻止莫斯科的更多船隻進入。 莫斯科對尋求加入北約的烏克蘭表示擔心,該聯盟將在那裡部署導彈並將其瞄準俄羅斯。北約說它是一個防禦性聯盟,這種擔憂是沒有根據的。 這張照片拍攝於 1962 年 10 月 23 日(圖片來源:REUTERS/CECIL STOUGHTON/THE)白宮/約翰·肯尼迪總統圖書館) 烏克蘭表示,它擔心聚集在其邊界附近的數万名俄羅斯軍隊會入侵,而莫斯科則表示其姿態純粹是防禦性的。 週二,俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾普京和美國總統喬拜登在兩小時的視頻通話中討論了這場危機,拜登表示他計劃組織俄羅斯和北約國家之間的會議,討論莫斯科的擔憂以及“降低局勢升溫的方法”。東線。” 古巴導彈危機在蘇聯領導人尼基塔·赫魯曉夫同意拆除和移除核武器以換取美國總統約翰·肯尼迪承諾不重新入侵這個共產主義島嶼時得到化解。 華盛頓還秘密同意從土耳其撤出其核導彈,這是該協議的一部分,直到幾十年後才公佈。 Russia says Ukraine could turn into re-run of Cuban missile crisis Ukraine says it fears an invasion by tens of thousands of Russian troops gathered near its borders, while Moscow says its posture is purely defensive. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 9, 2021 16:39 Updated: DECEMBER 9, 2021 17:45 Russian President Vladimir Putin holds talks with U.S. President Joe Biden via a video link in Sochi, Russia December 7, 2021. (photo credit: SPUTNIK/SERGEI GUNEEV/KREMLIN VIA REUTERS) Russia said on Thursday that escalating tensions over Ukraine could lead to a repeat of the Cuban missile crisis, when the world stood on the brink of nuclear war. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov made the comment when asked by a reporter if the current situation could turn into something resembling the 1962 Cold War standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union. "You know, it really could come to that," Interfax news agency quoted him as saying. "If things continue as they are, it is entirely possible by the logic of events to suddenly wake up and see yourself in something similar." The Cuban crisis was triggered by the stationing of Soviet nuclear missiles on the Caribbean island and prompted the United States to impose a naval blockade to prevent Moscow shipping in more. Moscow's stated fear in Ukraine, which seeks to join NATO, is that the alliance will deploy missiles there and target them against Russia. NATO says it is a defensive alliance and such concerns are unwarranted. Ukraine says it fears an invasion by tens of thousands of Russian troops gathered near its borders, while Moscow says its posture is purely defensive. Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden discussed the crisis in a two-hour video call on Tuesday and Biden has said he plans to organize a meeting between Russia and NATO countries to discuss Moscow's concerns and ways of "bringing down the temperature on the eastern front." The Cuban missile crisis was defused when Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev agreed to dismantle and remove the nuclear weapons in return for a pledge by US President John F. Kennedy not to reinvade the Communist island. Washington also secretly agreed to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey, in a part of the deal that was not revealed until decades later. 美國威脅考慮打擊伊朗是真的嗎?- 分析 報導稱,美以準備工作凸顯了西方對核談判可能陷入死胡同的擔憂。 作者:尤娜傑瑞米鮑勃 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 20:15 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 20:51 路透社20日8月20日收到的這張照片中,伊朗公開的導彈在伊朗不明地點發射 (圖片來源:WANA(西亞新聞社)VIA REUTERS) 廣告 停止壓力機。 在拒絕對伊朗施加任何實際壓力近一年之後,美國在周三首次洩露了真正的軍事威脅。 還是做到了? 乍一看,威脅似乎是真實的。 一名美國高級官員向路透社透露,預計美國和以色列國防部長周四將討論可能的軍事演習,為如果外交失敗而摧毀伊朗核設施的最壞情況做準備。 五角大樓領導人於 10 月 25 日向白宮國家安全顧問傑克·沙利文通報了確保伊朗無法生產核武器的全套軍事選擇後,美國與來訪的國防部長本尼·甘茨進行了預定會談。官員說。 2021 年 12 月 6 日,伊朗總統易卜拉欣·賴西在伊朗德黑蘭會見了阿聯酋最高國家安全顧問謝赫·塔努恩·本·扎耶德·阿勒納哈揚。(圖片來源:MAJID ASGARIPOUR/WANA(西亞新聞社)VIA REUTERS) 報導稱,美以準備工作凸顯了西方對核談判可能陷入死胡同的擔憂。 但是,這種威脅似乎很快就變成了虛張聲勢的虛張聲勢。 這位美國官員拒絕提供有關潛在軍事演習的細節。 在以色列,KAN 新聞報導說,這個猶太國家將進行與路透社文章似乎描述的相符的軍事演習——但只會在六個月內進行。 這不是伊斯蘭共和國認真對待威脅的遊戲計劃。 2013 年和 2015 年多次,包括在 JCPOA 核協議簽署前兩週,美國對其威脅非常具體。 洩露給媒體的消息表明,華盛頓正在研製一種新的、威力更大的地堡破壞炸彈。 這很重要,因為伊朗的福爾多設施位於地下深處,無法被標準導彈摧毀。 地堡破壞者的更新版本將包括延遲引信,升級炸彈的製導系統和電子設備,以阻止干擾器將其發射出去。並註意到將投下兩枚炸彈。 這些洩漏給出了掩體破壞者測試的確切日期和地點,以確保它們完全運行並能夠完成清除任何伊朗核設施的任務,無論地下有多深。 此外,如果美國的演習還有六個月的時間,正如從 KAN 的故事中可以推斷出的那樣,對於耐心的伊朗人來說,這是一個非常微弱的威脅和遙遠的最後期限。 再加上在這一“威脅”被洩露的同一周,中央情報局局長威廉伯恩斯接受采訪時表示,中央情報局不相信伊朗最高領袖阿亞圖拉阿里哈梅內伊已決定採取措施將核裝置武器化,儘管它在濃縮鈾能力方面的所有進步。 為了讓伊朗伊斯蘭共和國的核威脅看起來更加遙遠,他警告說,即使伊朗決定繼續前進,在將核武器安裝到導彈上之前,仍需要大量工作才能將裂變材料武器化。 此外,他說,“他們在掌握核燃料循環方面走得更遠,這種知識很難被制裁或消失。” 因此,中央情報局局長,通常是外交界持槍的“壞警察”,正在淡化德黑蘭可能構成的威脅以及任何軍事行動“讓它消失”的能力。 人們可以暫時忽略伯恩斯是中央情報局局長,但仍然不是美國頂級外交官,這是他職業生涯的大部分時間。 不完全是一個統一的威懾信息。 此外,即使以更具體的方式發出威脅,如果演習發生得更早,如果拜登政府的所有官員都一致採取強硬措施,華盛頓現在也嚴重缺乏“街頭可信度”。 從阿富汗到烏克蘭再到其他衝突,拜登政府傳達的信息並不是用軍事和外交力量的平衡取代特朗普的好戰態度,而是幾乎完全放棄軍事力量,轉向外交。 如果這沒有達到目的,它只是用高尚的形容詞來譴責無視其超級大國地位的流氓行為——參見歐洲通常的劇本。 拜登政府可能需要讓伊朗特工在某個地方流血,即使是在第三國以小規模和有針對性的方式,以便其更廣泛的威脅得到認真對待。 相反,美國軍事威脅的真正目的或最可能的結果將是為核談判設定一個虛假的最後期限,而沒有設定一個正式的期限。 這對於確定秘密行動的時間很重要,或者這樣華盛頓就不需要在以後打破正式的最後期限,屆時拜登無意公開攻擊伊朗的意圖可能會變得明顯。 有一件事是肯定的:如果伊朗在不久的將來緩和其重返JCPOA 的立場,那將是因為以色列的威脅(官員說,即使現在已經在某種程度上準備好了),而不是美國的威脅。 Is US threat to consider striking Iran for real? - analysis According to the report, the US-Israeli preparations underscore Western concern about the nuclear talks potentially reaching a dead end. By YONAH JEREMY BOB Published: DECEMBER 9, 2021 20:15 Updated: DECEMBER 9, 2021 20:51 Stop the presses. After almost a year of declining to put any real pressure on Iran, the US leaked a real military threat on Wednesday for the first time. Or did it? At first glance, the threat appears genuine. A senior US official leaked to Reuters that US and Israeli defense chiefs were expected on Thursday to discuss possible military exercises that would prepare for a worst-case scenario to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities should diplomacy fail. The scheduled US talks with visiting Defense Minister Benny Gantz follow an October 25 briefing by Pentagon leaders to White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on the full set of military options available to ensure that Iran would not be able to produce a nuclear weapon, the anonymous official said. Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi meets with UAE's top national security adviser Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Tehran, Iran, December 6, 2021. (credit: MAJID ASGARIPOUR/WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS) According to the report, the US-Israeli preparations underscore Western concern about the nuclear talks potentially reaching a dead end. But the threat then pretty quickly seemed to peter out into an empty bluff. The US official declined to offer details on the potential military exercises. In Israel, KAN news reported that the Jewish state will be undertaking military exercises matching what the Reuters article seemed to describe – but only in six months. This is not the game plan for a threat to be taken seriously by the Islamic Republic. In 2013 and repeatedly in 2015, including only two weeks before the JCPOA nuclear deal was signed, the US got very specific about its threat. Leaks to the media indicated that Washington was developing a new, more powerful bunker-buster bomb. This was important because Iran’s Fordow facility is deep underground and cannot be destroyed by standard missiles. More updated versions of the bunker-buster would include a delayed fuse, upgrades to the bomb’s guidance system and electronics to stop jammers from sending it off course. And it was noted that two bombs would be dropped for good measure. These leaks gave exact dates and locations for when the bunker busters had been tested to make sure they were fully operational and up to the task of wiping out any Iranian nuclear facilities, no matter how deep underground. Also, if the US exercises are six months away, as could be inferred from the KAN story, it is a pretty weak threat and distant deadline for the patient Iranians. Add into the picture that in the same week this “threat” was leaked, CIA Director William Burns gave an interview in which he said the CIA does not believe Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has decided to take steps to weaponize a nuclear device, despite all of its advances in its ability to enrich uranium. To make the Islamic Republic’s nuclear threat seem even more distant, he cautioned that even if Iran decided to go ahead, it would still require a lot of work to weaponize that fissile material before attaching a nuclear weapon to a missile. In addition, he said, “They’re further along in their mastery of the nuclear fuel cycle and that’s the kind of knowledge that is very difficult to sanction away or make disappear.” So the CIA director, usually the gun-slinging “bad cop” in the diplomacy world, is downplaying both the threat Tehran could pose and the ability of any military operation to “make it disappear.” One could ignore for a moment that Burns is director of the CIA and still not a top US diplomat, a job in which he spent most of his career. Not exactly a unified message of deterrence. Moreover, even if the threat was being delivered with more specifics, if the drill was happening sooner and if all Biden administration officials were acting tough in unison, Washington right now is massively lacking in “street credibility.” From Afghanistan to Ukraine to other conflicts, the Biden administration’s message has not been to replace Trump’s militant attitude with a balance of military and diplomatic power, but to almost completely drop military power in favor of diplomacy. If that does not achieve its goals, it has just used high-minded adjectives to condemn the behavior of rogue actors ignoring its superpower status – see Europe’s usual script. The Biden administration would probably need to give Iranian operatives a bloody nose somewhere, even in a small and targeted way in a third country, in order for its broader threat to be taken seriously. Rather, the real purpose or most likely outcome of the US military threat will be to set a sort of fake deadline for nuclear negotiations without setting a formal one. This could be important to set timing for covert action or so that Washington will not need to break a formal deadline later, when it might become clear that Biden has no intention of attacking Iran overtly. One thing is sure: If Iran moderates its positions to return to the JCPOA in the near future, it will be because of the Israeli threat (which officials say is ready on some level even now), not the American one. 由於外交口吃,美國,以色列討論針對伊朗的軍事演習 美國和以色列的準備突顯了西方對與伊朗進行艱難核談判的擔憂。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 03:02 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 10:55 2015 年在華盛頓國會山上反對伊朗核協議。 (照片來源:喬納森·恩斯特/路透社) 廣告 一位美國高級官員告訴路透社,預計美國和以色列國防部長周四將討論可能的軍事演習,這些演習將為最壞的情況做準備,如果外交失敗並且如果兩國領導人提出要求,將摧毀伊朗的核設施。 五角大樓領導人於 10 月 25 日向白宮國家安全顧問傑克·沙利文通報了確保伊朗無法生產核武器的全套軍事選擇,之後美國與來訪的以色列國防部長本尼·甘茨進行了預定會談,這位不願透露姓名的官員周三表示。伊朗否認尋求核武器,稱其希望為和平目的掌握核技術。 此前未曾報導過的美國和以色列的準備工作突顯了西方對與伊朗進行艱難核談判的擔憂,喬拜登總統曾希望這將恢復其前任唐納德特朗普放棄的 2015 年核協議。 但美國和歐洲官員在上週就伊朗強硬新​​政府的全面要求進行會談後表達了失望,這加劇了西方的懷疑,即伊朗在推進其核計劃的同時是在拖延時間。 這位美國官員拒絕提供有關潛在軍事演習的細節。 這位官員說:“我們陷入困境,因為伊朗的核計劃正在發展到沒有任何常規理由的地步,”同時仍表示希望進行討論。 主持會談的歐盟官員表示,會談將於週四恢復,美國伊朗問題特使計劃在周末加入會談。 國際原子能機構(IAEA)上週表示,伊朗已開始在其福爾多工廠使用 166 台先進 IR-6 機器的級聯或集群將鈾濃縮至純度高達 20% ,使攻擊更難。 2015 年的協議解除了對伊朗的製裁,但對其鈾濃縮活動施加了嚴格限制,將其生產足夠用於核武器的裂變材料所需的時間從大約兩到三個月延長至至少一年。大多數核專家表示,這個時期現在要短得多。 強調該協議受到的侵蝕有多麼嚴重,該協議根本不允許伊朗在福爾多進行鈾濃縮,更不用說使用先進的離心機了。 妥協 由於該交易的核利益現已嚴重受損,一些西方官員表示,該交易的基礎已經無法修復,幾乎沒有時間了。 美國和以色列的此類演習可能會回應美國前高級官員和中東問題專家丹尼斯·羅斯 (Dennis Ross) 等人的呼籲,即公開向德黑蘭發出信號,即美國和以色列仍認真防止其獲得核武器。 羅斯上個月寫道:“拜登需要消除伊朗關於華盛頓不會採取軍事行動並將阻止以色列這樣做的看法。” 羅斯甚至建議美國或許應該向以色列軍方發出信號,表示願意向以色列軍方提供一枚 30,000 磅重的可破壞掩體的大型穿甲彈。 當被問及有關威懾的此類言論時,這位美國高級官員說:“當拜登總統說伊朗永遠不會擁有核武器時,我的意思是,他是認真的。” 中央情報局局長比爾伯恩斯週一表示,中央情報局不相信伊朗最高領導人已決定採取措施將核裝置武器化,但注意到其濃縮鈾能力的進步,這是製造炸彈的裂變材料的一種途徑。 伯恩斯警告說,即使伊朗決定繼續,在將核武器連接到導彈或其他運載系統之前,仍需要大量工作才能將裂變材料武器化。 “但他們在掌握核燃料循環方面走得更遠,這種知識也很難被制裁或消失,”他說。 長期以來,美國官員也一直擔心一旦生產出足夠的可裂變材料製造炸彈,美國是否有能力探測和摧毀伊朗核武器化計劃的分散部件。 由於外交口吃,美國,以色列討論針對伊朗的軍事演習 美國和以色列的準備突顯了西方對與伊朗進行艱難核談判的擔憂。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 03:02 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 10:55 一位美國高級官員告訴路透社,預計美國和以色列國防部長周四將討論可能的軍事演習,這些演習將為最壞的情況做準備,如果外交失敗並且如果兩國領導人提出要求,將摧毀伊朗的核設施。 五角大樓領導人於 10 月 25 日向白宮國家安全顧問傑克·沙利文通報了確保伊朗無法生產核武器的全套軍事選擇,之後美國與來訪的以色列國防部長本尼·甘茨進行了預定會談,這位不願透露姓名的官員周三表示。伊朗否認尋求核武器,稱其希望為和平目的掌握核技術。 此前未曾報導過的美國和以色列的準備工作突顯了西方對與伊朗進行艱難核談判的擔憂,喬拜登總統曾希望這將恢復其前任唐納德特朗普放棄的 2015 年核協議。 但美國和歐洲官員在上週就伊朗強硬新​​政府的全面要求進行會談後表達了失望,這加劇了西方的懷疑,即伊朗在推進其核計劃的同時是在拖延時間。 這位美國官員拒絕提供有關潛在軍事演習的細節。 這位官員說:“我們陷入困境,因為伊朗的核計劃正在發展到沒有任何常規理由的地步,”同時仍表示希望進行討論。 主持會談的歐盟官員表示,會談將於週四恢復,美國伊朗問題特使計劃在周末加入會談。 國際原子能機構(IAEA)上週表示,伊朗已開始在其福爾多工廠使用 166 台先進 IR-6 機器的級聯或集群將鈾濃縮至純度高達 20% ,使攻擊更難。 2015 年的協議解除了對伊朗的製裁,但對其鈾濃縮活動施加了嚴格限制,將其生產足夠用於核武器的裂變材料所需的時間從大約兩到三個月延長至至少一年。大多數核專家表示,這個時期現在要短得多。 強調該協議受到的侵蝕有多麼嚴重,該協議根本不允許伊朗在福爾多進行鈾濃縮,更不用說使用先進的離心機了。 妥協 由於該交易的核利益現已嚴重受損,一些西方官員表示,該交易的基礎已經無法修復,幾乎沒有時間了。 美國和以色列的此類演習可能會回應美國前高級官員和中東問題專家丹尼斯·羅斯 (Dennis Ross) 等人的呼籲,即公開向德黑蘭發出信號,即美國和以色列仍認真防止其獲得核武器。 羅斯上個月寫道:“拜登需要消除伊朗關於華盛頓不會採取軍事行動並將阻止以色列這樣做的看法。” 羅斯甚至建議美國或許應該向以色列軍方發出信號,表示願意向以色列軍方提供一枚 30,000 磅重的可破壞掩體的大型穿甲彈。 當被問及有關威懾的此類言論時,這位美國高級官員說:“當拜登總統說伊朗永遠不會擁有核武器時,我的意思是,他是認真的。” 中央情報局局長比爾伯恩斯週一表示,中央情報局不相信伊朗最高領導人已決定採取措施將核裝置武器化,但注意到其濃縮鈾能力的進步,這是製造炸彈的裂變材料的一種途徑。 伯恩斯警告說,即使伊朗決定繼續,在將核武器連接到導彈或其他運載系統之前,仍需要大量工作才能將裂變材料武器化。 “但他們在掌握核燃料循環方面走得更遠,這種知識也很難被制裁或消失,”他說。 長期以來,美國官員也一直擔心一旦生產出足夠的可裂變材料製造炸彈,美國是否有能力探測和摧毀伊朗核武器化計劃的分散部件。 As diplomacy stutters, US, Israel to discuss military drills for Iran scenario US-Israeli preparations underscore Western concern about difficult nuclear talks with Iran. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 9, 2021 03:02 Updated: DECEMBER 9, 2021 10:55 RALLYING AGAINST the Iran nuclear deal on Capitol Hill in Washington, 2015. (photo credit: JONATHAN ERNST / REUTERS) Advertisement US and Israeli defense chiefs are expected on Thursday to discuss possible military exercises that would prepare for a worst-case scenario to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities should diplomacy fail and if their nations' leaders request it, a senior US official told Reuters. The scheduled US talks with visiting Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz follow an Oct. 25 briefing by Pentagon leaders to White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan on the full set of military options available to ensure that Iran would not be able to produce a nuclear weapon, the official said on Wednesday, speaking on condition of anonymity. Iran denies seeking nuclear weapons, saying it wants to master nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. The US-Israeli preparations, which have not been previously reported, underscore Western concern about difficult nuclear talks with Iran that President Joe Biden had hoped would revive a 2015 nuclear deal abandoned by his predecessor Donald Trump. But US and European officials have voiced dismay after talks last week at sweeping demands by Iran's new, hardline government, heightening suspicions in the West that Iran is playing for time while advancing its nuclear program. The U.S. official declined to offer details on the potential military exercises. "We're in this pickle because Iran's nuclear program is advancing to a point beyond which it has any conventional rationale," the official said, while still voicing hope for discussions. The European Union official chairing the talks has said they will resume on Thursday, and the U.S. special envoy for Iran plans to join them over the weekend. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said last week that Iran had started the process of enriching uranium to up to 20% purity with one cascade, or cluster, of 166 advanced IR-6 machines at its Fordow plant, which dug into a mountain, making harder to attack. The 2015 agreement gave Iran sanctions relief but imposed strict limits on its uranium enrichment activities, extending the time it would need to produce enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon, if it chose to, to at least a year from around two to three months. Most nuclear experts say that period is now considerably shorter. Underlining how badly eroded the deal is, that pact does not allow Iran to enrich uranium at Fordow at all, let alone with advanced centrifuges. COMPROMISED With the deal's nuclear benefits now badly compromised, some Western officials say there is little time left before the foundation of the deal is damaged beyond repair. Such drills by the United States and Israel could address calls by Dennis Ross, a former senior U.S. official and Middle East expert, and others to openly signal to Tehran that the United States and Israel are still serious about preventing it from obtaining a nuclear weapon. "Biden needs to disabuse Iran of the notion that Washington will not act militarily and will stop Israel from doing so," Ross wrote last month. Ross even suggested the United States should perhaps signal a willingness to give the Israeli's the U.S. military's bunker-busting Massive Ordnance Penetrator, a 30,000-pound bomb. Asked about such remarks about deterrence, the senior U.S. official said: "When President Biden says Iran will never get a nuclear weapon, I mean, he means it." Central Intelligence Agency Director Bill Burns said on Monday that the CIA does not believe Iran's supreme leader has decided to take steps to weaponize a nuclear device but noted advances in its ability to enrich uranium, one pathway to the fissile material for a bomb. Burns cautioned that, even if Iran decided to go ahead, it would still require a lot of work to weaponize that fissile material before attaching a nuclear weapon to a missile or other delivery system. "But they're further along in their mastery of the nuclear fuel cycle and that's the kind of knowledge that is very difficult to sanction away or make disappear, as well," he said. U.S. officials have also long worried about America's ability to detect and destroy dispersed components of Iran's nuclear weaponization program once enough fissile material for a bomb were produced. 巴基斯坦塔利班宣布結束停火 阿富汗塔利班在 8 月震驚地推翻了西方支持的政府,為談判提供了新的動力,但 TTP 指責伊斯蘭堡未能遵守停火協議。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 21:01 2021 年 11 月 2 日,塔利班戰士在阿富汗喀布爾急診醫院門口檢查受傷的同志 (圖片來源:路透社/ZOHRA BENSEMRA) 廣告 巴基斯坦的塔利班武裝分子宣布結束在阿富汗塔利班的幫助下安排的為期一個月的停火,指責政府違反了包括釋放囚犯協議和組建談判委員會在內的條款。 巴基斯坦塔利班,或稱Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP),是一個獨立於阿富汗塔利班的運動,多年來一直在努力推翻伊斯蘭堡政府,並以他們自己的伊斯蘭教法進行統治。 上個月的停火一直持續到週四,如果雙方同意,則有可能延長,這是一系列試圖達成和解以結束已造成數千人死亡的衝突的最新嘗試。 阿富汗塔利班在 8 月震驚地推翻了西方支持的政府,為談判提供了新的動力,但 TTP 指責伊斯蘭堡未能遵守停火協議。 它說,政府沒有按照承諾釋放超過 100 名囚犯,也沒有任命談判小組進行談判。它還說,在停火生效期間,安全部隊進行了突襲。 2021 年 9 月 7 日,在阿富汗喀布爾舉行的反巴基斯坦抗議活動中,塔利班士兵走在抗議者面前。(圖片來源:WANA(西亞新聞社)VIA REUTERS) “現在讓巴基斯坦人民決定是TTP還是巴基斯坦軍隊和機構不遵守協議?” 該集團在一份聲明中說。 “在這種情況下,不可能推進停火,”它說。 在西方,因襲擊因促進女童教育而獲得諾貝爾獎的女學生馬拉拉·優素福扎伊而聞名,TTP 多年來在爆炸和自殺式襲擊中殺死了數千名軍人和平民。 其中包括 2014 年襲擊阿富汗邊境附近白沙瓦的一所軍事學校,造成 149 人死亡,其中包括 132 名兒童。 Pakistan Taliban declare end to ceasefire The Afghan Taliban's shock overthrow of the Western-backed government in August gave the talks fresh impetus but the TTP accused Islamabad of failing to respect the ceasefire agreement. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 9, 2021 21:01 Taliban fighters check on injured comrades at the entrance of the emergency hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan November 2, 2021 (photo credit: REUTERS/ZOHRA BENSEMRA) Advertisement Taliban militants in Pakistan declared an end to a month-long ceasefire arranged with the aid of the Afghan Taliban, accusing the government of breaching terms including a prisoner release agreement and the formation of negotiating committees. The Pakistani Taliban, or Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), are a separate movement from the Afghan Taliban and have fought for years to overthrow the government in Islamabad and rule with their own brand of Islamic Sharia law. Last month's ceasefire, which was always set to run until Thursday with the possibility of extending if both parties agreed, was the latest in a series of attempts to broker a settlement to end a conflict that has killed thousands. Top Articles By JPost Read More US signs $1 billion deal for COVID-19 antibody drug The Afghan Taliban's shock overthrow of the Western-backed government in August gave the talks fresh impetus but the TTP accused Islamabad of failing to respect the ceasefire agreement. It said the government had not released more than 100 prisoners as promised and had not appointed negotiating teams to conduct talks. It also said security forces had carried out raids while the ceasefire was in force. Taliban soldiers walk in front of protesters during the anti-Pakistan protest in Kabul, Afghanistan, September 7, 2021. (credit: WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS) "Now let the Pakistani people decide whether it is the TTP or the Pakistani army and establishment that is not abiding by the agreements?" the group said in a statement. "In these circumstances, it is not possible to advance the ceasefire," it said. Best known in the West for attacking Malala Yousafzai, the schoolgirl who went on to win the Nobel Prize for her work promoting girls' education, the TTP has killed thousands of military personnel and civilians over the years in bombings and suicide attacks. Among its attacks was a 2014 assault on a military-run school in Peshawar, near the border with Afghanistan, which killed 149 people including 132 children. 美國必須採取雷根的方式來擊敗伊朗 中以色列:華盛頓必須在查爾斯·林登伯格和羅納德·雷根的遺產之間做出選擇。 作者:AMOTZ ASA-EL 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 21:16 上個月,在一次紀念“美國驅逐”伊朗的活動中,示威者站在前美國駐德黑蘭大使館牆上的反美壁畫前。 (圖片來源:MAJID ASGARIPOUR/WANA(西亞新聞社)通過路透社) 廣告 在 1950 年代作為財政部長領導了西德的經濟奇蹟後,新任總理路德維希·艾哈德 (Ludwig Erhard) 有了一個沒人想到的想法:購買東德。 埃哈德認為自己是一名經濟學家,後來成為政治家,他認為 250 億美元的貸款對蘇聯來說是不可抗拒的,當時蘇聯的經濟問題已經變得明顯。是的,貸款可能會被償還,但這是德國領導人準備為他的國家統一付出的代價。 該計劃直到冷戰結束後才為人所知(“德國前總理考慮購買東德”,《明鏡周刊》,2011 年 10 月 4 日)提交給林登·約翰遜,但遭到拒絕。問題是為什麼,這個問題的答案雖然不完全清楚,但對美國、歐洲和以色列圍繞伊朗的這些天發生的事情具有指導意義。 從技術上講,美國人認為俄羅斯人不會接受該計劃。然而,實質上,這一集中真正發揮作用的是華盛頓和波恩之間戰略重點的差異。艾哈德的想法是全國性的。他希望他的國家重新統一。約翰遜的思想是全球性的。他希望共產主義在經濟上的失敗成熟起來,而向它注入現金幾乎無濟於事。 歐洲其他地區似乎沒有被告知該計劃,但其概念思想後來變得清晰,當時另一位德國領導人威利·勃蘭特 (Willy Brandt) 構想了“東方政治”(Ostpolitik),即一種既非全國性也非全球性,而是大陸性的前景。 2019 年 12 月 19 日,歐盟旗幟在比利時布魯塞爾的歐盟委員會總部外飄揚。(來源:REUTERS/YVES HERMAN) 在東方政治的追隨者看來,最重要的不是改變東歐,而是防止戰爭。這就是為什麼站在柏林牆要求摧毀它的人不是歐洲人,而是美國人羅納德·裡根。 現在,就像他那個時代的艾哈德一樣,以色列正在考慮全國性,而歐洲又一次在考慮大陸問題。這是兩人所知道的唯一思考方式,因此他們別無選擇。然而,美國面臨兩難選擇,必須做出選擇。 以色列在伊朗的戰略目標不是糾正伊朗政權,而是恢復波斯的友誼,就像以色列從上個世紀和猶太人從古代回憶起的那樣。 與此同時,以色列的總體目標是自衛。那不是以色列的伊朗戰略,而是其生存戰略。這就是為什麼從以色列的任何角度來看德黑蘭的核計劃都是不能容忍的。這就是為什麼這裡沒有人不同意正在進行的破壞伊朗核計劃的努力,並破壞其在我們家門口安插敵對民兵的努力。 因此,圍繞以色列可能對伊朗發動襲擊的困境不是戰略而是戰術。以色列攻擊的一個戰略限制是它不應該讓無可指責的伊朗人民受到羞辱,就像過去在這裡爭論的那樣(“不要轟炸伊朗”,2011 年 11 月 4 日)。 那麼,這就是指導以色列伊朗戰略的國家思想。 歐洲的伊朗戰略也是不費吹灰之力。布魯塞爾不會像面對蘇聯那樣更加積極地面對德黑蘭的道德記錄。他們在布魯塞爾關心的不是如何為正義而戰,而是如何讓正義之戰遠離歐洲海岸。 不管喜歡與否,歐盟的組織原則是大陸性的。從其狹隘的觀點來看,人們不得不承認它奏效了。歐洲外交確實服務於其創始人的願景,歸結為“我們大陸時代的和平”。 美國的情況完全不同。 美國面臨兩難境地。它可以求助於傳說中的飛行員查爾斯·林德伯格 (Charles Lindbergh) 的遺產,他甚至在納粹主義的攻擊面前也宣揚孤立主義,但也是道德的。 林德伯格在二戰爆發兩年後、珍珠港事件發生前三個月在愛荷華州得梅因發表講話,在他著名的中立演講中說:“我們不能讓其他民族的自然激情和偏見導致我們的國家走向毀滅。 ” 就連他也很快意識到,導致毀滅的力量不在美國內部,而是在美國之外,它們所引發的破壞本質上是無限的,因此需要一種權力與道德相結合的對抗,這種結合只有美國才有。 伊朗現在也是如此,其神職人員的原罪不是他們的核災難,而是他們解除了從紐約、布宜諾斯艾利斯和巴厘島到伏爾加格勒、巴黎和馬德里造成數千人死亡的宗教暴力。 儘管經常由其他人執行,但伊斯蘭恐怖主義對文明的攻擊受到阿亞圖拉對伊朗的暴力佔領以及他們在其他地方不受懲罰的暴力行為的啟發。這場戰爭始於阿亞圖拉的崛起,不會在他們垮台之前結束。 因此,與他們談論他們的核計劃就像與希特勒談論蘇台德地區一樣。它沒有抓住重點。相反,關於放鬆制裁的談判應該從要求伊朗釋放所有政治犯、舉行自由選舉並承認以色列的生存權開始,就像大多數阿拉伯政府現在所做的那樣。 是的,毛拉們會斷然拒絕這一點,就像蘇聯人在聽到裡根的喊聲“先生”時所做的那樣。戈爾巴喬夫,推倒這堵牆,”但伊朗人民,就像他們那個時代的東歐居民一樣,會受到鼓舞。 赫爾穆特·科爾 (Helmut Kohl) 頌揚統一德國的總理裡根 (Reagan),他在講話時也站在裡根的身邊,他說裡根是“世界,尤其是歐洲的幸運之舉”。一切都是真的,說得好,除了裡根代表的不是運氣。這是信念。這就是擊敗蘇聯的原因,也是擊敗伊朗伊斯蘭共和國的原因。 The US must take the Reagan approach to beat Iran MIDDLE ISRAEL: Washington must choose between the legacies of Charles Lindenbergh and Ronald Reagan. By AMOTZ ASA-EL Published: DECEMBER 9, 2021 21:16 DEMONSTRATORS STAND in front of anti-American murals on a wall of the former US embassy in Tehran last month, during an event commemorating the ‘US expulsion’ from Iran. (photo credit: MAJID ASGARIPOUR/WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS) Advertisement Having led West Germany’s economic miracle as finance minister in the 1950s, newly appointed chancellor Ludwig Erhard had an idea of which no one had thought: Buy East Germany. Thinking as the economist-turned-statesman that he was, Erhard figured that a $25 billion loan would be irresistible for the Soviet Union, whose economic ailments had by then become glaring. Yes, the loans would doubtfully be repaid, but that was a price the German leader was prepared to pay for his nation’s reunification. The plan, which did not become known until well after the end of the Cold War (“Former German chancellor considered buying East Germany,” Der Spiegel, October 4, 2011), was presented to Lyndon Johnson, who rejected it. The question is why, and the answer to that, though not fully clear, is instructive for what is happening these days between America, Europe and Israel surrounding Iran. TECHNICALLY, THE Americans argued that the Russians would not accept the plan. Substantively, however, what was really at play in this episode was the difference in strategic priorities between Washington and Bonn. Erhard’s thinking was national. He wanted his country reunified. Johnson’s thinking was global. He wanted communism’s economic failure to mature, and infusing it with cash would hardly serve that cause. The rest of Europe appears to have not been told of the plan, but its conceptual thinking became clear later, when another German leader, Willy Brandt, conceived Ostpolitik, an outlook that was neither national nor global, but continental. A European Union flag flies outside the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, December 19, 2019. (credit: REUTERS/YVES HERMAN) As Ostpolitik’s followers saw things, the most important thing was not to change East Europe, but to prevent war. That is why the man who stood at the Berlin Wall and demanded its destruction was not a European, but the American Ronald Reagan. Now, like Erhard in his time, Israel is thinking nationally, while Europe is once again thinking continentally. These are the only ways of thinking the two know, and they thus have no choice. America, however, faces a dilemma, and must make a choice. ISRAEL’S STRATEGIC aim in Iran is not the correction of Iran’s regime, but the restoration of Persia’s friendship as Israel recalls it from last century and as the Jewish people recalls it from antiquity. The U.S grants 55,000 Green Cards! You Can Be One Of Them!Sponsored by At the same time, Israel has an overarching aim of defending itself, by itself. That is not Israel’s Iran strategy, but its survival strategy. That is why Tehran’s nuclear program is intolerable from any Israeli viewpoint. That is why no one here disagrees with the ongoing effort to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program, and to derail its efforts to plant hostile militias at our doorstep. The dilemmas surrounding a prospective Israeli attack in Iran are therefore not strategic but tactical. An Israeli assault’s one strategic constraint is that it should not leave the blameless Iranian people humiliated, as argued here in the past (“Don’t bomb Iran,” November 4, 2011). This, then, is the national thinking that guides Israel’s Iran strategy. Europe’s Iran strategy is also a no-brainer. Brussels will not confront Tehran’s moral record any more energetically than it confronted the USSR’s. What they care about in Brussels is not how to fight for justice, but how to keep the war for justice away from European shores. Like it or not, the EU’s organizing principle is continental. And from its narrow viewpoint, one has to admit that it worked. European diplomacy has indeed served its founders’ vision, which boiled down to “peace in our time in our continent.” America’s situation is entirely different. AMERICA FACES a dilemma. It can turn to the legacy of Charles Lindbergh, the fabled aviator who preached isolationism even in the face of Nazism’s assault, and it can turn to the legacy of Ronald Reagan, who stood up to the communist scourge and confronted it not only diplomatically and economically, but also morally. Lindbergh, speaking in Des Moines, Iowa, two years after World War II’s outbreak and three months before Pearl Harbor, said in his famous Speech on Neutrality: “We cannot allow the natural passions and prejudices of other peoples to lead our country to destruction.” As even he soon realized, the forces leading to destruction were not within America, but outside it, and the destruction they were inspiring was by nature limitless, and thus demanded a confrontation that would blend power and morality, a combination that only America possessed. The same now goes for Iran, whose clerics’ original sin is not their nuclear scourge, but their uncorking of the religious violence that has killed thousands from New York, Buenos Aires, and Bali to Volgograd, Paris and Madrid. Though often performed by others, Islamist terrorism’s attack on civilization was inspired by the ayatollahs’ violent seizure of Iran, and by their unpunished violence elsewhere. This war began with the rise of the ayatollahs and will not end before their downfall. It follows that talking with them about their nuclear program is like talking with Hitler about the Sudetenland. It misses the point. Instead, talks about easing sanctions should begin with a demand that Iran free all political prisoners, hold free elections and recognize Israel’s right to exist, as most Arabs’ governments now do. Yes, the mullahs would reject this flatly, the way the Soviets did when they heard Reagan’s cry “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,” but the Iranian people, like the East Bloc’s residents in their time, would be inspired. Eulogizing Reagan, the chancellor who unified Germany and also stood at Reagan’s side as he spoke, Helmut Kohl, said Reagan was “a stroke of luck for the world, especially for Europe.” All true and well said, except that what Reagan represented was not luck. It was conviction. That is what defeated the Soviet Union, and that is what will defeat the Islamic Republic of Iran. The writer’s bestselling Mitzad Ha’ivelet Ha’yehudi (The Jewish March of Folly, Yediot Sefarim, 2019), is a revisionist history of the Jewish people’s leadership from antiquity to modernity. 與伊朗相比,以色列是否是超級大國? 地緣政治事務:第二輪核武器談判從一開始就停滯不前——除了耶路撒冷的外卡。 作者:尤娜傑瑞米鮑勃 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 21:30 代表團昨天在維也納召開了 JCPOA 聯合委員會會議。 (圖片來源:路透社) 廣告 進入周四與強硬派伊朗總統易卜拉欣·賴西的新代表的第二輪核會談,可能最有趣的問題是關於一個甚至不參加會談的一方——以色列。 談判各方的立場,儘管一些歐洲官員感到驚訝,但實際上與各方在過去半年裡所說的一致。 當你把這些頭寸加起來時,你不會得到新的交易,或者坦率地說,甚至不會接近新的交易。 以色列可能是一張可以改變局面的外卡。 這是為什麼? 2021 年 5 月 24 日,在奧地利維也納,在冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19) 大流行期間,伊朗國旗飄揚在國際原子能機構總部所在的聯合國辦公大樓前。(來源:LISI NIESNER/REUTERS) 讓我們來看看各國的立場。 自 6 月 Raisi 接管伊朗(代表最高領袖阿亞圖拉·阿里·哈梅內伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)在幕後牽線搭橋)以來,他就明確表示,在美國首先取消制裁之前,他不會恢復核限制。即便如此,伊朗也會這樣做,前提是有一種機制可以驗證制裁救濟是否滲透到伊斯蘭共和國的經濟中。 哦,德黑蘭也不急於達成協議,無論其經濟多麼糟糕,因為它知道只要中俄繼續支持它,它就可以生存。更不用說它指望美國和歐盟先眨眼,因為他們一直公開渴望達成協議。 美國曾表示,它不會事先給伊朗任何它想要的東西,但會在同時互惠的行動中給它大部分它想要的東西。 包括法國、英國和德國在內的歐盟 3 國一直寄希望於 Raisi 非常感激他有拜登而不是特朗普打交道,他會理性和成熟並同意拜登相互恢復核限制以解除制裁。 此外,他們希望,由於他們與伊朗前政府哈桑·魯哈尼 (Hassan Rouhani) 談判了 80% 的交易,這將限制 Raisi 的野心。 任何關注過的人都可以看到,美歐三國和伊朗的立場之間幾乎沒有實質性的重疊,而賴西的主要觀點之一就是將魯哈尼的實用主義視為無用的弱點。 但美國和歐盟 3 國直到上週才予以否認,當時他們震驚地得知 Raisi 和他的使者不是在開玩笑,而是他們大聲說的意思。 現在美國和歐盟 3 國陷入困境,因為:華盛頓想考慮 B 計劃,因為談判陷入僵局,但它無法決定 B 計劃應該是什麼,也無法調和它會導致的後果。 德國、法國和英國都在伊朗表達了他們在歐洲最好的震驚,但他們甚至不想討論 B 計劃,基本上讓他們成為完全不合格的球員。 中國實際上可能是一個主要變量,它可能會迫使 Raisi 遵守規定並在沒有新的讓步的情況下重返2015 年的交易。然而,北京現在對美國在台灣、香港、貿易戰、榮譽和美國屈尊俯就的態度太生氣了,不想提供幫助。 俄羅斯可能看起來想提供幫助,弗拉基米爾·普京總統私下對拜登這麼說。但通常普京很高興美國因混亂而分心,特別是如果它使莫斯科更容易重新奪回烏克蘭的更多部分,或者因為足夠仁慈避免入侵而獲得其他一些讓步。 無論如何,儘管伊朗採取了極端的邊緣政策,但你還沒有聽到中國或俄羅斯公開對伊朗進行猛烈抨擊。 事實上,全世界都被台灣、烏克蘭、德國新總理、英國鮑里斯約翰遜的醜聞、美國內部持續不斷的政治戰爭——當然還有最新的冠狀病毒浪潮所困擾。 因此,除了以色列之外,實際上沒有人將伊朗視為近期威脅或願意承擔很大風險——同時也有能力對局勢採取行動(溫和的遜尼派國家將伊朗視為威脅,但他們太弱了,無法應對)。自行處理)。 這讓我們回到以色列是否可以成為讓德黑蘭採取更合理立場的變量。 這個問題實際上歸結為以色列是否比伊朗更強大,以至於它可以對其核計劃進行長期的嚴重打擊,而不會被伊斯蘭共和國及其代理人削弱。 四位前摩薩德酋長——塔米爾·帕爾多、埃弗萊姆·哈萊維、丹尼·亞托姆和沙布泰·沙維特——認為,面對一個擁有 8500 萬人口的國家,以色列必須表現出一些謙遜,在一個次大陸大小的區域內分佈著數十個核電站它可以容納歐洲的大部分地區,並且已經掌握了幾乎整個核鈾濃縮循環。 前摩薩德首領尤西·科恩在 2016 年至 2021 年 6 月的任期內明確表示不同意。科恩強烈認為,耶路撒冷已經超越了早期的概念,即伊朗為其使用武力製造了匹配問題,並且它必須始終等待美國的批准才能採取行動。 他的信念是,以色列已經獲得了自己的地區超級大國地位,並且幾乎可以隨意在伊朗使用秘密和公開的武力,就像它近年來在敘利亞和伊拉克開始做的那樣——這是它永遠不會做的在作為一個不起眼的地區大國的舊安全概念下。 然而,最重要的問題是現任摩薩德主管大衛·巴尼亞會站在哪一邊。 巴尼亞由科恩和前總理本傑明內塔尼亞胡精心挑選,但正在為總理納夫塔利貝內特服務,後者最初主張不要像他的前任那樣公開與美國發生衝突。 作為新的摩薩德首領,他也不需要將自己束縛在科恩的遺產上。鑑於內塔尼亞胡和特朗普政府試圖在沒有明確 B 計劃的情況下破壞伊朗協議的批評越來越多,許多人認為他可能會朝著大多數前摩薩德酋長的方向前進。 巴尼亞上週在光明節的演講讓這一切戛然而止。 他相信這個猶太國家有權在認為有必要時對伊朗使用武力,並親自承諾他會在他的監督下這樣做以阻止核武器。 儘管在後內塔尼亞胡時代有一些與政治無關的高級安全官員準備對伊朗採取行動,但基於以色列強大無比的假設,這可能會讓一些人感到驚訝,但事實並非如此。 巴尼亞不是第一個。 該部門的真正突破是以色列國防軍參謀長中將軍一月份的一次演講。阿維夫·科哈維。 在那次演講中,他表示,重返 2015 年與伊朗的核協議,或者“稍微改進”的協議,將是世界的一個操作和戰略錯誤。 此外,他說,如果伊朗在濃縮鈾方面的先進離心機進展和跳躍不被阻止,它最終可能會使其距離核彈“只有幾週”。 這位以色列國防軍負責人表示,美國和其他國家現在必須保持所有製裁和壓力,因為德黑蘭處於最弱的狀態,最接近做出真正的讓步。 此外,他表示,他已下令在必要時準備好打擊伊朗核計劃的行動計劃,但是否使用這些計劃以及在什麼情況下由政治梯隊決定。 此外,他說,以色列對敘利亞和中東其他未定義地區的襲擊,對以色列的敵人造成了迄今為止最大的威懾。 如果像加比·阿什肯納茲、本尼·甘茨和加迪·艾森科特這樣的前以色列國防軍首領想要淡化內塔尼亞胡的劍拔弩張的企圖,以免過早地讓他們對伊朗的核計劃進行空襲,科哈維似乎是在告訴內塔尼亞胡不要插手他的大大地。 如果許多前國防和情報官員擔心攻擊伊朗會帶來不穩定和不確定的反彈,科哈維似乎暗示他的以色列國防軍在 2021 年可能會主宰比賽場地。 科哈維和巴尼亞是對的嗎?以色列能否將伊朗的核計劃推遲足夠長的時間,以值得承擔以伊朗彈道導彈和來自真主黨和加沙地帶的火箭彈形式的攻擊和潛在反擊的風險? 考慮到伊朗的核設施有多分散,它從三起據稱摩薩德對其設施進行的秘密破壞行動中恢復的速度有多快,以及無法轟炸其核科學家在 2020-2021 年獲得的知識,這個問題變得更加強烈。 此外,甘茨在這個問題上的立場仍然發出混合信號,他所有的重大政治和安全決策都表現出不願承擔重大風險。 除了達成協議或戰爭之外,談判還有另一種可能的結果,有些人稱之為伊朗“將在門檻上睡覺”。 就實現威脅的明顯減少而言,這對以色列不利,但對華盛頓和德黑蘭來說可能是最不壞的選擇,因為它避免了危機,任何一方都不需要做出它不想做出的讓步。 實際上,它基本凍結了伊朗接近門檻的當前核形勢的實質,沒有越過門檻,只是要求雙方不要吵得太多。 歸根結底,與伊朗是否相信威脅並相信以色列是一個可以大大超越它的超級大國相比,Kohavi 和 Barnea 是否正確更不重要。 在這裡,這是任何人的猜測。 近年來,伊朗人在對摩薩德和以色列國防軍錶示敬畏和恐懼,以及對以色列進行高風險的大膽賭博之間交替。 但德黑蘭是否相信耶路撒冷是一個準備將其摧毀的地區超級大國,可能會決定核僵局的結果。 Is Israel a superpower in relation to Iran or not? GEOPOLITICAL AFFAIRS: Round two of nuke negotiations look stalled from the start – other than the Jerusalem wild card. By YONAH JEREMY BOB Published: DECEMBER 9, 2021 21:30 DELEGATIONS CONVENE for a meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission in Vienna, yesterday. (photo credit: REUTERS) Advertisement Going into Thursday’s second round of nuclear talks with the new representatives of hardliner Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, probably the most interesting question is about a party that is not even part of the talks – Israel. The positions of the parties to the talks, despite some European officials being surprised, are actually quite consistent with what all the parties have been saying for the last half-year. And when you add up those positions, you get no new deal or, to be blunt, not even close to a new deal. Top Articles By JPost Israel may be the one wild card that could shake things up. Why is that? Iranian flag flies in front of the UN office building, housing IAEA headquarters, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in Vienna, Austria, May 24, 2021. (credit: LISI NIESNER/ REUTERS) Let’s run down the various countries’ positions. Since Raisi took over Iran (on behalf of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who pulls all the strings behind the scenes) in June, he has unambiguously said that he would not return to nuclear limits until the US first removed sanctions. And even then, Iran would do so only if there was a mechanism to verify that sanctions relief filtered down into the Islamic Republic’s economy. Oh, and Tehran is in no rush for a deal, no matter how bad its economy is, because it knows that as long as China and Russia keep it propped up, it can survive. Not to mention it was counting on the US and the EU to blink first since they have been openly desperate for a deal. The US has said it will not give Iran anything it wants beforehand, but will give it most of what it wants in a simultaneous reciprocal move. The EU-3, including France, England and Germany, have been banking on Raisi being so grateful that he has Biden to deal with and not Trump that he would be rational and mature and agree to Biden’s mutual return of nuclear limits for lifting sanctions. Also, they hoped that since they had 80% of a deal negotiated with the previous Iranian government of Hassan Rouhani, this would constrain Raisi’s ambitions. Anyone who has paid attention can see that there is virtually no substantive overlap between the US-EU-3 and Iranian positions, and that one of Raisi’s main points was to toss Rouhani’s pragmatism to the wind as useless weakness. But the US and the EU-3 were in denial until last week, when they were shocked to learn Raisi and his messengers were not kidding and meant what they had been saying out loud. Now the US and the EU-3 are stuck because: Washington wants to think about a plan B, given that the talks are stuck, but it cannot decide what plan B should be, nor can it reconcile the consequences of where it would lead. Germany, France and England all expressed their best European consternation at Iran, but do not even want to discuss a plan B, essentially leaving them as totally feckless players. China actually could be a major variable which could force Raisi to toe the line and return to the 2015 deal with no new concessions. However, Beijing is too mad right now at the US about Taiwan, Hong Kong, trade wars, honor and perceived American condescension to want to help. Russia might want to look like it wants to help, and President Vladimir Putin said so privately to Biden. But often Putin is happy for the US to be distracted by chaos, especially if it makes it easier for Moscow to retake more parts of Ukraine or get some other concessions for being gracious enough to refrain from invading. In any event, you have not heard any full-throated criticism of Iran publicly from either China or Russia, despite extreme Iranian brinkmanship. And the world is in fact very distracted by the situation in Taiwan, Ukraine, a new German premier, the UK’s Boris Johnson’s scandals, constant internal US political warfare – and, of course, the latest coronavirus waves. So no one besides Israel is actually focused on Iran as a near-term threat or willing to take much risk – along with having the power to do something about the situation (the moderate Sunni states view Iran as a threat, but are too weak to act on their own). THIS BRINGS us back to whether Israel can be the variable that could get Tehran to take a more reasonable position. This question really comes down to whether Israel is overwhelmingly more powerful than Iran to the extent that it could dish out a long-term crippling blow to its nuclear program without being crippled itself by the Islamic Republic and its proxies. Four former Mossad chiefs – Tamir Pardo, Efraim Halevy, Danny Yatom and Shabtai Shavit – think that Israel must show some humility in the face of a country of 85 million people, with dozens of nuclear sites spread out over an area the size of a subcontinent which could fit much of Europe inside it, and which has already mastered almost the entire nuclear uranium enrichment cycle. Former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen made it clear during his 2016-June 2021 term that he disagreed. Cohen felt strongly that Jerusalem has outgrown the earlier concept that Iran creates matchup problems for it for using force and that it must always wait for US approval to act. His belief was that Israel had achieved its own regional superpower status and can use a mix of covert and overt force in Iran virtually at will, the same as it has started to do in recent years in Syria and Iraq – something it never would have done under the old security concept of being a humble regional power. And yet the all-important question was which side current Mossad Director David Barnea would take. Barnea was handpicked by Cohen and former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but is serving Prime Minister Naftali Bennett who initially advocated not publicly banging heads with the US like his predecessor. As the new Mossad chief, he also did not need to tie himself down to Cohen’s legacy. Given the rising criticism of the Netanyahu-Trump administrations trying to wreck the Iran deal without a clear plan B, many thought he might move in the direction of the majority of the former Mossad chiefs. Barnea’s Hanukkah speech last week put that to rest. He believes the Jewish state has the power to use force against Iran whenever it feels necessary and personally promised he would do so to block a nuclear weapon on his watch. Although it might come as a surprise to some that there are apolitical top security officials in a post-Netanyahu era who are ready to act against Iran based on the presumption that Israel is overpoweringly stronger, it should not. Barnea is not the first. The real breakthrough in this department was a January speech by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi. In that speech, he said a return to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, or a “slightly improved” deal, would be an operational and strategic mistake for the world. Further, he said that if Iran’s advanced centrifuge progress and jumps in enriching uranium were not stopped, it could eventually bring it to be “only weeks” away from a nuclear bomb. The IDF chief said that the US and others must maintain all sanctions and pressure now, as Tehran is at its weakest and closest to making real concessions. Further, he said that he had ordered operational plans to strike Iran’s nuclear program to be ready if necessary, but that whether to use those plans and under what circumstances was a decision for the political echelon. In addition, he said that Israel’s strikes in Syria and other undefined parts of the Middle East had created the greatest deterrence Israel has ever known against its enemies. If prior IDF chiefs like Gabi Ashkenazi, Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot had wanted to water down Netanyahu’s attempts at saber-rattling so as not to prematurely commit them to an airstrike on Iran’s nuclear program, Kohavi seemed to be telling Netanyahu not to get in his way. If many former defense and intelligence officials feared the destabilizing and uncertain backlash of attacking Iran, Kohavi seemed to suggest his IDF in 2021 could dominate the playing field. ARE KOHAVI and Barnea right? Could Israel both set back Iran’s nuclear program long enough to be worth the risks of an attack and potential blowback in the form of Iranian ballistic missiles and rockets from Hezbollah and Gaza? The question gets stronger taking into account how spread out Iran’s nuclear facilities are, how quickly it has recovered from three alleged Mossad covert sabotage operations of its facilities, and that one cannot bomb the knowledge its nuclear scientists have gained in 2020-2021. Also, Gantz still sends out mixed signals on his position on the issue, and all of his major political and security decisions have shown an aversion to taking major risks. There is another possible outcome of negotiations besides a deal or war that some are referring to as something along the lines of Iran “going to sleep on the threshold.” This would be bad for Israel in terms of achieving a clear reduction in the threat, but it may be the least bad option for Washington and Tehran because it avoids a crisis and neither side needs to make concessions it does not want to make. In fact, it basically freezes the substance of the current nuclear situation where Iran is close to the threshold without crossing it, and just asks both sides not to make too much noise. At the end of the day, it is less relevant whether Kohavi and Barnea are right than whether Iran believes the threat and believes that Israel is a superpower that can substantially outmatch it. Here, it is anyone’s guess. The Iranians in recent years have alternated between expressing awe and fear of the Mossad and the IDF, and attempting audacious gambles against Israel which carried high risk. But whether Tehran believes Jerusalem is a regional superpower ready to take it down may determine the outcome of the nuclear standoff. 新西蘭禁止為後代銷售捲菸 新西蘭正在打擊購買香煙——這是世界上最嚴厲的措施之一。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 07:21 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 9 日 07:22 深呼吸:特拉維夫的吸煙污染 (照片來源:說明性像素) 廣告 新西蘭計劃禁止年輕人在有生之年購買香煙,這是世界上對煙草業最嚴厲的打擊之一,理由是其他戒菸努力花費的時間太長。 到 2027 年,太平洋地區 500 萬人口的國家將永遠不允許 14 歲及以下的人購買捲菸,週四公佈的部分提案還將限制被授權銷售菸草的零售商數量,並降低所有產品中的尼古丁含量。 該禁令將在該人的餘生中一直有效。這意味著 2073 年 60 歲的人將被禁止購買香煙,而 61 歲的人將被允許這樣做。 新西蘭衛生部副部長 Ayesha Verrall 在一份聲明中說:“我們希望確保年輕人永遠不會開始吸煙,因此我們將向新的青年群體銷售或供應吸煙產品定為犯罪。” “如果沒有任何改變,毛利人的吸煙率要降到 5% 以下還需要幾十年的時間,而且這個政府不准備讓人們掉隊。” 根據政府數據,目前,15 歲以上的新西蘭人中有 11.6% 吸煙,而在土著毛利成年人中,這一比例上升到 29%。 新西蘭總理傑辛達·阿德恩 (Jacinda Ardern) 於 2020 年 3 月 13 日在新西蘭克賴斯特徹奇舉行的新聞發布會上。(來源:路透社/馬丁·亨特) 政府將在未來幾個月與毛利人衛生特別工作組協商,然後於明年 6 月將立法提交議會,目標是在 2022 年底前使其成為法律。 這些限制措施將從 2024 年開始分階段推出,首先是授權銷售商的數量急劇減少,然後是 2025 年降低尼古丁要求,並從 2027 年開始創建“無菸”一代。 一攬子措施將使新西蘭的煙草零售業成為世界上最受限制的煙草業之一,僅次於完全禁止銷售捲菸的不丹。新西蘭的鄰國澳大利亞於 2012 年成為世界上第一個強制要求對捲菸進行平裝的國家。 新西蘭政府表示,雖然無裝飾包裝和銷售稅等現有措施減緩了煙草消費,但要實現到 2025 年每天吸煙人數少於 5% 的目標,還需要採取更嚴厲的措施。 政府表示,新規定將在生效後短短 10 年內將該國的吸煙率減半。 在新西蘭,吸煙每年導致約 5,000 人死亡,使其成為該國可預防死亡的主要原因之一。該國政府表示,五分之四的吸煙者在 18 歲之前開始吸煙。 New Zealand to ban cigarette sales for future generations New Zealand is combating the purchase of cigarettes - with one of the harshest measures in the world. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 9, 2021 07:21 Updated: DECEMBER 9, 2021 07:22 Deep breaths: Smoking pollution in Tel Aviv (photo credit: ILLUSTRATIVE PEXELS) Advertisement New Zealand plans to ban young people from ever buying cigarettes in their lifetime in one of the world's toughest crackdowns on the tobacco industry, arguing that other efforts to extinguish smoking were taking too long. People aged 14 and under in 2027 will never be allowed to purchase cigarettes in the Pacific country of five million, part of the proposals unveiled on Thursday will also curb the number of retailers authorized to sell tobacco and cut nicotine levels in all products. The ban will remain in place for the rest of the person's life. That means a person aged 60 in 2073 will be banned from buying cigarettes, while a person aged 61 would be allowed to do so. "We want to make sure young people never start smoking so we will make it an offense to sell or supply smoked tobacco products to new cohorts of youth," New Zealand Associate Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall said in a statement. "If nothing changes, it would be decades till Māori smoking rates fall below 5%, and this government is not prepared to leave people behind." Currently, 11.6% of all New Zealanders aged over 15 smoke, a proportion that rises to 29% among indigenous Maori adults, according to government figures. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern during a news conference in Christchurch, New Zealand, March 13, 2020. (credit: REUTERS/MARTIN HUNTER) The government will consult with a Maori health task force in the coming months before introducing legislation into parliament in June next year, with the aim of making it law by the end of 2022. The restrictions would then be rolled out in stages from 2024, beginning with a sharp reduction in the number of authorized sellers, followed by reduced nicotine requirements in 2025 and the creation of the "smoke-free" generation from 2027. The package of measures will make New Zealand's retail tobacco industry one of the most restricted in the world, just behind Bhutan where cigarette sales are banned outright. New Zealand's neighbor Australia was the first country in the world to mandate plain packaging of cigarettes in 2012. The New Zealand government said while existing measures like plain packaging and levies on sales had slowed tobacco consumption, the tougher steps were necessary to achieve its goal of fewer than 5% of the population smoking daily by 2025. The new rules would halve the country's smoking rates in as few as 10 years from when they take effect, the government said. Smoking kills about 5,000 people a year in New Zealand, making it one of the country's top causes of preventable death. Four in five smokers started before age 18, the country's government said.

    Fri, 10 Dec 2021
  • 478 - 2021.12.09 國際新聞導讀-美國沒收繳獲的伊朗武器與石油、美國盟邦紛紛抵制中國冬季奧運、智利通過同性婚姻法、土耳其企圖改善與中東國家的關係、針對民主的統治所做之民調報告

    2021.12.09 國際新聞導讀-美國沒收繳獲的伊朗武器與石油、美國盟邦紛紛抵制中國冬季奧運、智利通過同性婚姻法、土耳其企圖改善與中東國家的關係、針對民主的統治所做之民調報告 英國、加拿大聯合抵制北京奧運會 英國將與加拿大、澳大利亞和美國一道,通過外交抵制北京冬奧會,抗議中國侵犯維吾爾人的人權。 通過路透 加拿大總理賈斯汀·特魯多周三表示,加拿大將與盟國一道,通過外交抵制北京 2022 年冬季奧運會,向中國發出關於其人權記錄的信息。 澳大利亞和英國的總理週三表示,澳大利亞和英國將加入外交抵制行列,因為其他盟友正在權衡類似的舉動,以抗議中國的人權記錄。 喬拜登總統的政府引用了美國所謂的針對中國新疆地區少數穆斯林的種族滅絕。中國否認所有侵犯人權的行為。 上週在北京舉行的 2022 年冬季奧運會開幕倒計時 100 天的展示。(信用:托馬斯·彼得/路透社) 特魯多對記者說:“世界各地的許多合作夥伴都對中國政府一再侵犯人權的行為極為關切。這就是為什麼我們今天宣布,我們不會向北京奧運會派駐任何外交代表。” 英國周三表示,它也將加入抵制行列,遭到中國的嚴厲譴責,中國稱英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜試圖抹黑奧運會。 白宮週一宣布,美國政府官員將抵制即將在北京舉行的北京冬奧會,理由是中國的人權“暴行”,儘管該行動允許美國運動員前往參加比賽。 如果英國效仿,約翰遜在議會中受到兩名不同立法者的壓力,他說:“北京冬奧會實際上將受到外交抵制,預計沒有部長出席,也沒有官員出席。” “我認為抵制體育運動是不明智的,這仍然是政府的政策,”他補充道。 中國表示沒有邀請任何英國部長。 “北京冬奧會是全世界奧林匹克運動員和冬季運動愛好者的聚會,不是任何國家的政治操縱工具,”中國大使館發言人說。 這位發言人說:“在北京冬奧會期間利用政府官員的存在來製造問題實質上是一種政治抹黑運動。” “愛就是愛:”智利國會在歷史性投票中通過同性婚姻 就在分裂的總統選舉前幾週,智利在一次歷史性的投票中使同性婚姻合法化。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 7 日 19:34 2021 年 12 月 7 日,在智利瓦爾帕萊索,參議院投票通過一項同性婚姻法案,人們在眾議院做出反應 (圖片來源:路透社/羅德里戈·加里多) 廣告 智利國會周二通過了一項法律,使同性婚姻合法化,這對保守的南美國家來說是一個里程碑,經過漫長的法律程序,就在智利人前往投票站進行分裂總統選舉前幾週。 “今天是歷史性的一天,我們的國家批准了同性婚姻,在正義、平等方面又向前邁進了一步,認識到愛就是愛,”社會發展部長卡拉·魯比拉爾在投票後說。 智利參議院和下議院週二均投票贊成該法案,此前該法案於 11 月獲得部分批准,然後參議院將其送回委員會以澄清歧義。 無法競選連任的現任總統塞巴斯蒂安·皮涅拉 (Sebastian Pinera) 已支持該法案,並有望很快將其簽署成為法律。 投票結束了一個始於 2007 年的過程,當時的總統米歇爾·巴切萊特 (Michelle Bachelet) 推動國會通過了一項同性法律。智利現在準備加入全球 20 多個合法同性婚姻的國家,包括拉丁美洲的阿根廷、巴西、哥倫比亞、哥斯達黎加和烏拉圭 智利將於 12 月 19 日選舉新總統,在進步的加布里埃爾·博里克和社會保守派的天主教徒何塞·安東尼奧·卡斯特之間做出選擇。 雖然卡斯特表示他不同意同性婚姻,但他曾表示,如果在他潛在的總統任期內獲得國會通過,他無論如何都會簽署該法案成為法律。 智利長期以來一直享有保守的聲譽,即使與其信仰虔誠的拉丁美洲同行相比也是如此。儘管如此,絕大多數智利人現在支持同性婚姻,而且智利人近年來在社會和文化問題上表現出左傾的跡象。 自 2015 年以來,智利已允許民事結合,這為同性伴侶提供了許多但不是所有已婚夫婦的好處,例如收養權。 'Love is love:' Chile Congress passes same-sex marriage in historic vote Same-sex marriage was legalized in Chile in a historic vote, just weeks before a divisive presidential election. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 7, 2021 19:34 People react at the Chamber of Deputies as the Senate vote to approve a same-sex marriage bill in Valparaiso, Chile December 7, 2021 (photo credit: REUTERS/RODRIGO GARRIDO) Advertisement Chile's Congress on Tuesday passed a law to legalize same-sex marriage in a milestone for the conservative South American nation after a lengthy legal process, just weeks before Chileans head to the polls in a divisive presidential election. "Today is a historic day, our country has approved same-sex marriage, one more step forward in terms of justice, in terms of equality, recognizing that love is love," Minister of Social Development Karla Rubilar said after the vote. Chile's Senate and lower house of parliament both voted in favor of the bill on Tuesday, which had previously been partially approved in November before the Senate sent it back to a committee to clarify ambiguities. Current President Sebastian Pinera, who is not able to run for reelection, has backed the bill and is expected to sign it into law soon. The vote culminates a process that began in 2007, when then-President Michelle Bachelet pushed Congress to pass a same-sex law. Chile is now poised to join over 20 countries globally with legal same-sex marriage, including Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica and Uruguay in Latin America A couple reacts with their daughter outside the Congress as the Senate vote to approve a same-sex marriage bill in Valparaiso, Chile December 7, 2021. (credit: REUTERS/RODRIGO GARRIDO) Chile will elect a new president on Dec. 19, choosing between progressive Gabriel Boric and social conservative Jose Antonio Kast, a practicing Catholic. While Kast has said he disagrees with same-sex marriage, he had said he would have signed the bill into law anyway had it been passed by Congress during a potential presidency of his. Chile has long had a conservative reputation even compared with its deeply Catholic Latin American peers. Still, a strong majority of Chileans now support same-sex marriage and Chileans have shown signs of moving left on social and cultural issues in recent years. Civil unions have been permitted in Chile since 2015, which affords same-sex partners many but not all the benefits of married couples, like the right to adoption. 更好的土以關係取決於巴勒斯坦問題 - 埃爾多安 土耳其總統雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)表示,他“過去曾與以色列進行過會談,但它需要對巴勒斯坦採取更敏感的行動。” 通過LAHAV哈爾科夫 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 8 日 14:48 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 8 日 20:41 土耳其總統塔伊普·埃爾多安於 2020 年 3 月 5 日在俄羅斯莫斯科與俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京會面。 (圖片來源:PAVEL GOLOVKIN/POOL VIA REUTERS) 廣告 土耳其總統雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安( Recep Tayyip Erdogan)週三表示,如果土耳其朝著與巴勒斯坦人的和平邁進,它將改善與以色列的關係。 據《沙巴日報》報導,埃爾多安說:“我過去曾與以色列進行過會談,但以色列需要對其巴勒斯坦地區政策採取更加敏感的行動。” 土耳其總統說,如果以色列改變在土耳其視為危險信號的領域的路線,以色列和土耳其可以再次交換大使,土耳其總統特別指的是耶路撒冷和阿克薩清真寺,報告稱。 埃爾多安在訪問卡塔爾期間對記者發表講話時提到了阿拉伯聯合酋長國修復與土耳其關係的步驟。 “類似的過程也可能發生在以色列身上;為什麼不?” 他說,並補充說他贊成地區和平。 土耳其總統塔伊普·埃爾多安於 2020 年 12 月 14 日在土耳其安卡拉舉行內閣會議後的新聞發布會上發表講話(來源:總統新聞辦公室/通過路透社的講義) 埃爾多安在上週的新聞發布會上發表了類似言論,在回答有關以色列和埃及的問題時說:“無論與阿聯酋採取什麼樣的步驟,我們也將對其他國家採取類似的措施。” 埃爾多安上個月還罕見地與總理納夫塔利·貝內特通了電話,並在土耳其釋放納塔利和莫迪·奧克寧(一對因拍攝埃爾多安伊斯坦布爾住所被拘留的以色列夫婦)幾個月後與總統艾薩克·赫爾佐格進行了第二次通話。 “如果在雙邊和地區問題上相互理解,可以最大限度地減少意見分歧,”土耳其對埃爾多安-赫爾佐格通話的宣讀稱。 埃爾多安在過去一年向以色列示好,這可以被視為土耳其參與該地區天然氣開發並改善其經濟的一種方式。此外,改善與以色列的關係可能​​有助於修復土耳其總統與稱埃爾多安為獨裁者的美國總統喬拜登之間的不良關係。 2010 年,與埃爾多安有關聯的 IHH(人道主義救濟基金會)派遣 Mavi Marmara 船破壞以色列國防軍對加沙的海上封鎖,武裝了船上的一些人,以色列和土耳其的關係在 2010 年達到了低點。以色列國防軍海軍突擊隊員攔住了這艘船,遭到船上 IHH 成員的襲擊,其中 9 人喪生。 在接下來的十年中,以色列和土耳其保持著外交關係,甚至在 2016 年重新安置了大使,直到 2018 年安卡拉因以色列對加沙邊境騷亂的反應而驅逐了以色列大使。 近年來,土耳其窩藏哈馬斯恐怖分子,支持東耶路撒冷破壞穩定的活動,埃爾多安指責以色列故意殺害巴勒斯坦兒童。 與此同時,以色列與土耳其的歷史對手希臘和塞浦路斯建立了密切的關係,尤其是在天然氣和國防領域。 這三個國家週二舉行了第八次峰會,這是與納夫塔利·貝內特總理舉行的第一次峰會。 希臘和塞浦路斯領導人在峰會期間的三邊新聞聲明中公開反對土耳其在塞浦路斯陸地和海上邊界的“不可接受的挑釁”。 Better Turkey-Israel ties depend on Palestinian issue - Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he "had talks with Israel in the past, but it needs to act more sensitively regarding Palestine." By LAHAV HARKOV Published: DECEMBER 8, 2021 14:48 Updated: DECEMBER 8, 2021 20:41 Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan attends a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia March 5, 2020. (photo credit: PAVEL GOLOVKIN/POOL VIA REUTERS) Advertisement Turkey will improve its relations with Israel if it moves toward peace with the Palestinians, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday. “I’d had talks with Israel in the past, but Israel needs to act more sensitively regarding its regional policies on Palestine,” Erdogan said, according to Daily Sabah. Israel and Turkey can exchange ambassadors again if Israel changes course in areas Turkey views as red flags, the Turkish president said, referring specifically to Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque, the report said. Latest articles from Jpost Speaking to reporters while on a visit to Qatar, Erdogan mentioned the United Arab Emirates’ steps to repair ties with Turkey. “A similar process could happen with Israel, too; why not?” he said, adding that he favors regional peace. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a news conference following a cabinet meeting in Ankara, Turkey, December 14, 2020 (credit: PRESIDENTIAL PRESS OFFICE/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS) Erdogan made a similar remark in a press conference last week, saying in response to a question about Israel and Egypt: “Whatever kind of step was taken with the UAE, we will also take similar ones with the others.” Erdogan also held a rare phone call with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett last month, and had his second call with President Isaac Herzog in several months after Turkey’s release of Natali and Mordy Oaknin, an Israeli couple detained for photographing Erdogan’s Istanbul residence. “Differences of opinion can be minimized if acted with mutual understanding in both bilateral and regional issues,” the Turkish readout of the Erdogan-Herzog call stated. Erdogan has made overtures toward Israel in the past year, which could be seen as a way for Turkey to get in on the natural gas developments in the region and improve its economy. In addition, improved ties with Israel could help repair bad relations between the Turkish president and US President Joe Biden, who has called Erdogan an autocrat. Israel-Turkey ties hit a low point in 2010 when the Erdogan-linked IHH (Humanitarian Relief Foundation) sent the Mavi Marmara ship to bust the IDF’s naval blockade of Gaza, arming some of the people aboard. IDF naval commandos stopped the ship, were attacked by IHH members aboard and killed nine of them. Over the ensuing decade, Israel and Turkey maintained diplomatic relations, even reinstalling ambassadors in 2016, until Ankara expelled Israel’s ambassador in 2018 over Israel’s response to rioting on the Gaza border. In recent years, Turkey harbored Hamas terrorists and backed destabilizing activities in east Jerusalem, and Erdogan accused Israel of intentionally killing Palestinian children. Meanwhile, Israel has developed close ties with Turkey’s historic adversaries Greece and Cyprus, especially in the areas of natural gas and defense. The three countries held their eighth summit on Tuesday, which was the first with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. The Greek and Cypriot leaders came out against Turkey’s “unacceptable provocations” in Cypriot land and maritime borders in a trilateral press statement during the summit. 美國宣布“有史以來最大規模”沒收伊朗導彈和美國海軍突襲中繳獲的石油 美國司法部宣布美國政府沒收了伊朗燃料和武器,這是有史以​​來最大的一次沒收。 作者:邁克爾·斯塔爾 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 8 日 07:28 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 8 日 13:22 美國海軍於 2020 年 2 月 9 日繳獲的 358 型地對空導彈。 (圖片來源:美國司法部) 廣告 美國司法部在周三晚間的一份聲明中證實,美國司法部於 2019 年底和 2020 年初成功沒收了美國海軍在阿拉伯海從幾艘伊朗船隻上繳獲的約 110 萬桶石油和數百枚導彈。 這是美國政府沒收的伊朗燃料和武器有史以來最大的一次美國沒收。沒收財產——懲罰不法行為的所有者——允許美國政府佔有並出售它。 據稱策劃了這些貨物的伊斯蘭革命衛隊被美國司法部指定為外國恐怖組織,允許扣押和沒收。 “美國在這兩起案件中的行動對伊朗政府和支持伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛隊的犯罪網絡造成了沉重打擊,”司法部國家安全司助理總檢察長馬修·奧爾森說。“司法部將繼續使用所有可用的工具來打擊恐怖組織和所有試圖傷害美國及其盟友的人構成的威脅。” 8 枚地對空導彈、171 枚反坦克導彈和熱光學器件以及海軍地對地巡航導彈、反艦巡航導彈、無人機和其他導彈的部件的兩個武器庫被指控被司法部認定屬於伊斯蘭革命衛隊,並被送往也門的胡塞武裝分子。兩艘無旗船隻單桅帆船分別於 2019 年 11 月 25 日和 2020 年 2 月 9 日遭到襲擊。 司法部的公告包含關於繳獲的不同類型導彈數量的矛盾,在新聞稿的開場白中列出了 171 枚地對空導彈和 8 枚反坦克導彈。 “非法轉讓伊朗製造的武器對我們的國家安全構成了重大而直接的威脅,”國防部國防刑事調查局局長凱利·P·梅奧 (Kelly P. Mayo) 表示。“今天宣布的判決是我們努力識別、破壞和繩之以法的重要一步,這些人危及對我們的安全至關重要的資源。” 2020 年 2 月 9 日,美國海軍繳獲的伊朗 Dehlavieh 反坦克導彈。(來源:美國司法部) 2020 年 7 月左右,還在阿拉伯海附近緝獲了來自四艘懸掛外國國旗的船隻的約 110 萬桶石油產品。據稱,這些貨物乘坐懸掛利比里亞國旗的Bella、Bering、Pandi和Luna號船運往委內瑞拉。 美國政府以超過 2,600 萬美元的價格出售了被沒收的石油產品,其中一部分出售給了美國國家資助恐怖主義受害者基金會,該基金會對成為國際恐怖主義受害者的美國公民進行賠償。 “這兩個案例表明,我們不僅可以破壞伊斯蘭革命衛隊通過石油銷售為其運營提供資金的能力,而且還可以阻止其利用此類銷售的收益來武裝其恐怖主義代理人和將恐怖主義出口到國外的能力, ”哥倫比亞特區的美國檢察官馬修·格雷夫斯說。 他說:“鑑於我們的專業知識和特殊的法定權力,哥倫比亞特區美國檢察官辦公室處於獨特的地位,可以在此類恐怖主義案件中支持其執法合作夥伴。我們堅定地致力於這一使命。” 地對空導彈是伊朗製造的 358 型,據 Jane's 稱,在這些緝獲之前,這種導彈是未知的。根據 8 月提交的法庭文件,所有 171 枚反坦克導彈都是伊朗製造的 Dehlavieh。據伊斯蘭共和國通訊社報導,它們是本土生產的,並於 2015 年首次在伊朗軍隊中服役。 10 Rayan Roshd Afzar RU60G 熱武器光學器件也是伊朗生產的。 美國已對伊朗和委內瑞拉的石油出口實施制裁。德黑蘭曾多次嘗試向該國在南美洲北部地區輸送石油。美國對伊朗的製裁是拜登政府試圖重新實施的伊朗核協議談判的關鍵要素。 US announces 'largest-ever' forfeiture of Iranian missiles, oil seized in US Navy raids The US Department of Justice announced the largest-ever forfeitures of Iranian fuel and weapons to have been seized by the US government. By MICHAEL STARR Published: DECEMBER 8, 2021 07:28 Updated: DECEMBER 8, 2021 13:22 A type 358 surface-to-air missile seized by the US Navy in February 9, 2020. (photo credit: US Department of Justice) Advertisement The US Department of Justice successfully forfeited approximately 1.1 million barrels of oil and hundreds of missiles seized by the US Navy from several Iranian vessels in the Arabian Sea late in 2019 and early 2020, the US Department of Justice confirmed in an announcement on Wednesday night. These represent the largest-ever American forfeitures of Iranian fuel and weapons to have been seized by the US government. Forfeiture of property – penalizing the owner for wrongdoing – allows the US government to take possession of and sell it. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which is alleged to have orchestrated the shipments, is designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the DOJ, which allowed for the seizures and forfeitures. “The actions of the United States in these two cases strike a resounding blow to the Government of Iran and to the criminal networks supporting Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps,” said Assistant Attorney-General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “The Department of Justice will continue to use all available tools to combat the threats posed by terrorist organizations and all those who seek to harm the United States and its allies.” The two weapons caches of eight surface-to-air missiles, 171 anti-tank missiles and thermal optics – as well as components for naval surface-to-surface cruise missiles, anti-ship cruise missiles, drones, and other missiles – were alleged by the DOJ to have belonged to the IRGC and were destined for Houthi militants in Yemen. The two flagless vessels, dhow sailboats, were raided on November 25, 2019, and February 9, 2020. The DOJ announcement contains contradictions about the number of different types of missiles seized, in the opening sentence of the press release listing 171 surface-to-air missiles and eight anti-tank missiles. “The illegal transfer of Iranian-made weapons poses a significant and immediate threat to our national security,” according to Kelly P. Mayo, director of the Defense Department's Defense Criminal Investigative Service. “The judgment announced today is an important step in our efforts to identify, disrupt and bring to justice those who imperil resources vital to our safety.” Iranian Dehlavieh anti-tank Missiles seized by the US Navy on February 9, 2020. (credit: US Department of Justice) Around July 2020, petroleum seizures of approximately 1.1 million barrels of petroleum products from four foreign-flagged vessels were also conducted in the vicinity of the Arabian Sea. The shipments were allegedly destined for Venezuela aboard the Liberia-flagged Bella, Bering, Pandi and Luna. The US government sold the confiscated petroleum products for over $26 million, with part of the sales being directed to the US Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund, which compensates American citizens who have been victims of international terrorism. “These two cases demonstrate that not only can we disrupt the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ ability to finance its operations through petroleum sales, but we can also thwart its ability to use the proceeds of such sales to arm its terrorist proxies and export terrorism abroad,” said US Attorney Matthew M. Graves for the District of Columbia. “Given our expertise and special statutory authority, the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia is uniquely positioned to support its law enforcement partners in such terrorism cases," he said. "We are deeply committed to this mission.” The surface-to-air missiles were Iranian-made Type 358, which according to Jane's were previously unknown until these seizures. According to court documents filed in August, all 171 anti-tank missiles were the Iranian-made Dehlaviehs. According to the Islamic Republic News Agency, they were indigenously produced and first introduced into service in the Iranian Army in 2015. The Ten Rayan Roshd Afzar RU60G thermal weapons optics are also Iranian-produced. The US has imposed sanctions on oil exports of both Iran and Venezuela. Tehran has made several attempts to transfer oil to the country in South America's northern region. US sanctions on Iran are a key element of the negotiations for the Iranian nuclear deal that the Biden administration is attempting to reimplement. 巴林與以色列開始首次人道主義合作 巴林特使在霍隆救助兒童之心的家中會見了西爾萬·亞當斯。 通過耶路撒冷郵報STAFF 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 8 日 22:06 右起:Save a Child's Heart 執行董事 Simon Fisher;慈善家西爾萬·亞當斯;巴林駐以色列大使 Khaled Yousif al-Jalahma 和他的妻子 Nouf;和 Save a Child's Heart,澳大利亞首席執行官 Doron Lazarus。 (圖片來源:拯救孩子的心) 廣告 巴林駐以色列大使哈立德·優素福·賈拉赫馬 (Khaled Yusuf Al Jalahma)和他的妻子努夫 (Nouf) 週日在霍隆 (Holon) 的“救助兒童之心”兒童之家會見了商人和慈善家西爾萬·亞當斯 (Sylvan Adams)。 兩人會見了許多來自非洲、緬甸和伊拉克的兒童,他們在過去幾個月抵達以色列,在新的Sylvan Adams兒童醫院接受挽救生命的心臟手術,該醫院以其捐助者的名字命名,位於 Wolfson Medical中心。 雙方首次討論了實現以色列和巴林之間人道主義合作的各種方式,包括將需要挽救生命的心臟護理的兒童帶入並派遣聯合醫療代表團進行培訓和指導。 Bahrain, Israel begin first humanitarian cooperation Bahraini envoy meets Sylvan Adams at Save a Child’s Heart home in Holon. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: DECEMBER 8, 2021 22:06 FROM RIGHT: Save a Child’s Heart executive director Simon Fisher; philanthropist Sylvan Adams; Bahrain’s Ambassador to Israel, Khaled Yousif al-Jalahma, and his wife, Nouf; and Save a Child’s Heart, Australia CEO Doron Lazarus. (photo credit: SAVE A CHILD'S HEART) Advertisement Ambassador of Bahrain to Israel Khaled Yusuf Al Jalahma and his wife, Nouf, met businessman and philanthropist Sylvan Adams on Sunday in the Children’s Home of Save a Child’s Heart in Holon. The two met many of the children from Africa, Myanmar, and Iraq who have arrived in Israel over the last few months to undergo life-saving heart procedures at the new Sylvan Adams Children’s Hospital, named after its benefactor, and located at the Wolfson Medical Center. The parties discussed various ways to enable humanitarian cooperation for the first time between Israel and Bahrain, including bringing children in need of life-saving heart care and sending joint medical delegations for training and instruction. 全球公眾目前對民主不滿意——皮尤研究 皮尤研究中心的調查為傳統民主政府制度的現在和未來描繪了一幅黑暗的圖景。 本·錫安·加德 (Ben Zion GAD) 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 8 日 02:11 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 8 日 13:58 一名抗議者在法國民族主義政黨“愛國者”(愛國者)呼籲反對法國限制抗擊冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19) 爆發的示威活動中舉著標語牌,上面寫著“馬克龍恐怖分子”,在“Droits de l”特洛卡 (Troca) 的“Homme”(人權)濱海藝術中心 (圖片來源:路透社) 廣告 全球公眾中的許多人認為民主沒有按照應有的方式運作——而且這種情緒正在增長。 根據皮尤研究中心的一篇互動文章,大多數民主國家認為他們國家的政治制度已經衰落,政府不再為人民的利益而工作,他們自己的政治制度需要改革——其中包括對其民主制度的抱怨和不滿。 在皮尤研究中心審查的眾多調查中發現的數據中,有一項數據顯示,自 2002 年以來,認為州政府是為了更廣泛人口的利益而統治的人的百分比急劇下降。例如,2019 年接受調查的意大利人中只有 30% 的人認為國家是為了“所有人的利益”而運作的——與 2002 年 88% 的意大利人有這種感覺相比,這一比例驚人地下降。 2019 年,幾乎一半 (46%) 的美國人有同樣的感覺,而 2002 年這一比例為 65%,而同意德國這種情緒的人的比例幾乎下降了一半,從 86% 降至 48%。 根據 2018 年的一項調查,對民主不滿的主要因素包括經濟鬥爭、執政的自滿和個人權利受到限制的感覺——例如言論自由。 自從十年之交進行調查以來發生了很大變化——2020 年帶來了一個多世紀以來最大規模的流行病,並改變了全球的社會規則。皮尤 2021 年春季的一項調查反映了這一點,該調查顯示,在美國、意大利、西班牙、法國、韓國、比利時和日本等著名民主國家,超過四分之三的受訪者認為其國家的政治制度需要進行重大或完全改革。約 85% 的美國人認為需要做出改變,而在意大利接受調查的人中有 89% 表示該國的政治制度需要重大變革或徹底改革——相比之下,加拿大為 47%,新西蘭僅為 24%。 1 月 6 日起義期間,美國總統唐納德·特朗普的支持者在前往美國國會大廈二樓後揮舞著特朗普和邦聯旗幟。(圖片來源:MIKE THEILER/REUTERS) 美利堅合眾國長期以來被世界尊為自由和民主的燈塔,但也失去了“山上閃耀的城市”的光彩,這是許多美國政客用來形容世界上最著名的捍衛者的經典短語的自由。 在 2021 年“全球態度”調查中接受調查的 17 個國家中,只有一個國家超過 30% 的受訪者表示美國是“其他民主國家可以效仿的好榜樣”,中位數為 17%——美國人自己也接近只有 19% 的人同意該聲明。平均而言,57% 的受訪者表示美國“曾經是一個好榜樣,但最近幾年不再是”,而 23% 的人表示美國從來都不是其他民主國家的好榜樣。 雖然傳統民主國家的居民可能對他們的政治制度不滿甚至厭倦,但他們無意改變他們的統治制度。“民主是最糟糕的政府形式——除了已經嘗試過的所有其他形式”,正如英國的溫斯頓·丘吉爾曾經說過的那句名言。在 2017 年皮尤的民意調查中,四分之三 (78%) 的受訪者表示代議制民主是一種有效的治理方法,而只有四分之一 (26%) 的受訪者認為“強有力的領導者”的統治是一種良好的政治制度, 24% 的人表示軍事統治是一個很好的製度。 然而,有趣的是,當被問及“專家統治”政治體系(稱為技術官僚主義)時,受訪者意見不一。幾乎一半 (49%) 的受訪者認為這個系統會很好,而 46% 的人認為它會很糟糕。前蘇聯被稱為技術官僚主義,儘管蘇聯國家的自由受到嚴格限制,而當今最類似於“專家統治”制度的國家是中國——它本身缺乏自由和人性。維權記錄受到嚴密審查和廣泛批評。 直接民主的想法——公民直接投票決定什麼成為法律——在全球範圍內也越來越受歡迎,在 2017 年的調查中,三分之二 (66%) 的受訪者表示這是一種有效的政府方式,相比之下,只有 30% 的人認為它低劣。 Global public currently dissatisfied with democracy - Pew research Pew Research Center surveys paint a dark picture for the present – and future – of conventional democratic systems of government. By BEN ZION GAD Published: DECEMBER 8, 2021 02:11 Updated: DECEMBER 8, 2021 13:58 A protester holds a placard that reads "Macron terrorist" during a demonstration called by the French nationalist party "Les Patriotes" (The Patriots) against France's restrictions to fight the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, on the "Droits de l'Homme" (human rights) esplanade at the Troca (photo credit: REUTERS) Advertisement Many in the global public feel democracy is not working the way that it should – and this sentiment is growing. According to an interactive essay by the Pew Research Center, a large majority in democratic countries believe that their nation’s political system has declined, governments no longer work for the benefit of the population, and that their own political systems need to be reformed – among other complaints and grievances about their democratic systems. Among the data discovered in numerous surveys reviewed by Pew, one showed that the percentage of people who said their state government is ruled for the benefit of the broader population has starkly decreased since 2002. For instance, just 30% of Italians surveyed in 2019 felt the state is run for the “benefit of all” – a staggering drop from the 88% of Italians who felt this way in 2002. Almost half (46%) of Americans felt the same way in 2019, compared to 65% in 2002, while the rate of those who agreed with the sentiment in Germany declined by almost half, from 86% to 48%. Latest articles from Jpost Top Articles READ MORE One** injured in SheikhJarrahterror attack** Major factors in dissatisfaction with democracies include economic struggle, complacency in governing and a feeling of individual rights being curtailed – such as freedom of speech – per a 2018 survey . Much has changed since the surveys were conducted at the turn of the decade – 2020 brought along the largest pandemic in over a century and changed the rules of society around the globe. This was reflected in a spring 2021 Pew survey, which showed that in prominent democracies – such as the US, Italy, Spain, France, South Korea, Belgium and Japan – over three-fourths of the surveyed population believe their country’s political system needs to be significantly or completely reformed. Some 85% of Americans think changes need to be made, while 89% of those surveyed in Italy said the country’s political system needs major changes or complete reform – compared to 47% in Canada and just 24% in New Zealand. A supporter of US President Donald Trump waves Trump and Confederate flags after making his way to the second floor of the US Capitol during the insurrection on January 6. (credit: MIKE THEILER/REUTERS) The United States of America, long revered around the world as a beacon of freedom and democracy, has also lost some of its luster as the “shining city on a hill,” a classical phrase many American politicians use to describe the world’s most famous defender of freedom. Of the 17 countries surveyed in a 2021 “Global Attitudes” survey, just one had over 30% of respondents say the US is a “good example for other democracies to follow,” with the median figure being 17% – Americans themselves being close to that, with just 19% agreeing with the statement. On average, 57% of respondents said America “used to be a good example but has not been in recent years,” while 23% said that America has never been a good example for other democratic nations. While perhaps displeased and even jaded with their political systems, residents of conventional democracies have no intention of changing their system of rule. “Democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried,” as the UK’s Winston Churchill once famously said. In a 2017 Pew poll, three-fourths (78%) of respondents said that representative democracy was an effective method of governance, compared to just a quarter (26%) who believe rule by a “strong leader” was a good political system and 24% saying that military rule was a good system. Fugitive Businessman Jho Low to Forfeit Over $100 Million in Luxury HomesSponsored by Mansion Global Interestingly, however, respondents were split when asked about a “rule by experts” political system, known as a technocracy. Almost half (49%) of respondents felt this system would be good, compared to 46% who said it would be bad. The former Soviet Union was known as something of a technocracy, though freedoms were severely limited in the soviet state, while the nation that most closely resembles a “rule by experts” system today is China – which has had its own lack of freedoms and human rights record closely scrutinized and widely criticized. The idea of direct democracy – where citizens vote directly on what does or does not become law – is also increasingly popular around the globe, with two-thirds (66%) of respondents in the 2017 survey saying it was an effective method of government, compared with just 30% who called it inferior. 緬甸士兵在發現燒焦的遺體後被指控殺害11人 聲稱顯示被燒毀屍體的視頻片段在社交媒體上流傳,一些媒體發布了圖像,包括緬甸現在的新聞門戶網站。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 8 日 21:32 2 月 1 日在政變中推翻民選政府的緬甸軍政府首席大將敏昂萊 (Min Aung Hlaing) 於 2021 年 3 月 27 日在緬甸內比都舉行了武裝部隊日閱兵式。 (照片來源:路透社/STRINGER/文件照片) 廣告 據當地居民和媒體報導,緬甸士兵被指控在這個飽受衝突蹂躪的國家中心地區的一個村莊圍捕 11 人,然後向他們開槍並縱火焚燒他們的屍體。 居民說,在實皆的一個村莊發現了燒焦的遺骸,自 2 月 1 日發生政變以來,該地區的安全部隊和反對軍事統治的民兵之間發生了激烈的戰鬥。燒了。 聲稱顯示被燒毀屍體的視頻片段在社交媒體上流傳,一些媒體發布了圖像,包括緬甸現在的新聞門戶網站。 繼續觀看載有印度國防部長的直升機墜毀——7人死亡廣告後 路透社無法獨立核實鏡頭的真實性或關於 11 人死亡的說法。軍政府發言人沒有接聽尋求置評的電話。 該地區一名不願透露姓名的志願援助人員通過電話說,週二早些時候,部隊已進入唐陶村,遇難者在當天上午 11 點左右被殺。 2019 年 3 月 27 日,在緬甸首都內比都,士兵們參加了慶祝第 74 屆武裝部隊日的閱兵式。(圖片來源:REUTERS/ANN WANG/文件照片) “軍隊只是殘忍地殺害他們能找到的任何人,”這名志願者援引目擊者的說法說。志願者幫助了逃離Don Taw和其他附近村莊的人們。 這名志願者說,目前還不清楚受害者是民兵還是普通平民。 自從軍方推翻昂山素季的民選政府以來,緬甸一直處於混亂之中,抗議活動廣泛,並組建了名為人民國防軍 (PDF) 的民兵組織,以對抗裝備精良的軍隊。 該地區的 PDF 成員 Kyaw Wunna 通過電話說,他被告知部隊已經抵達並開火,被拘留的人在被殺之前被帶到了村莊附近的一塊田地。 Kyaw Wunna 拒絕透露信息的來源。 另一名志願援助工作者說,他們與從該地區五個村莊逃離並躲藏起來的 3,000 人中的一些人進行了交談,他們擔心會有更多人被捕和被殺。 其中一名受害者的親屬告訴路透社,死者 Htet Ko 是一名 22 歲的大學生,不是任何民兵的成員,也沒有武裝。 “這是不人道的。我的內心深處感到深深的痛苦,”這位親戚說,他說這名男子試圖逃跑,但被槍傷。 政變後成立的緬甸影子文職政府發言人薩薩博士聲稱,受害者“被捆綁在一起,遭受酷刑,最終被活活燒死”。 在社交媒體上的一篇帖子中,他列出了他所說的 11 個人的名字,都是男性,包括一個 14 歲的男孩。 “這些可怕的襲擊表明軍方不尊重人的生命的神聖性,”他說。 聯合國發言人斯蒂芬·杜加里克 (Stephane Dujarric) 表示,聯合國對“可怕的殺戮”的報導深表關切。 “我們強烈譴責這種暴力行為,並提醒緬甸軍事當局他們根據國際法有義務確保平民的安全和保護。必須追究對這一令人髮指的行為負責的人,”杜加里克說。 聯合國援引的監測組織政治犯援助協會 (AAPP) 表示,自軍隊奪取政權以來,已有 10,700 多名平民被安全部隊拘留,1,300 多人被殺。 軍方表示,AAPP 有偏見,使用誇大數據,數百名士兵也被殺。 Myanmar soldiers accused of killing 11 after charred remains found Video footage purporting to show the burned bodies was circulated on social media and images were published by some media, including the Myanmar Now news portal. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 8, 2021 21:32 Myanmar's junta chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, who ousted the elected government in a coup on February 1, presides an army parade on Armed Forces Day in Naypyitaw, Myanmar, March 27, 2021. (photo credit: REUTERS/STRINGER/FILE PHOTO) Advertisement Myanmar soldiers have been accused of rounding up 11 people in a village in a central area of the strife-torn country before shooting them and setting fire to their bodies, according to residents in the area and media reports. The charred remains were found in a village in Sagaing, an area that has seen fierce fighting between security forces and militia set up by opponents of military rule since a Feb. 1 coup, said residents, who said some of the victims were still alive when burned. Video footage purporting to show the burned bodies was circulated on social media and images were published by some media, including the Myanmar Now news portal. Reuters could not independently verify the authenticity of the footage or claims over how the 11 died. A spokesman for the junta did not answer calls seeking comment. A volunteer aid worker in the area, who asked not to be identified, said by telephone troops had entered Don Taw village early on Tuesday and the victims were killed at around 11 a.m. that day. Soldiers take part in a military parade to mark the 74th Armed Forces Day in the capital Naypyitaw, Myanmar, March 27, 2019. (credit: REUTERS/ANN WANG/FILE PHOTO) "The troops were just brutally killing anyone they could find," the volunteer said, citing witness accounts. The volunteer has assisted people who have fled Don Taw and other nearby villages. The volunteer said it was unclear if the victims were militia members or ordinary civilians. Myanmar has been in chaos since the military overthrew Aung San Suu Kyi's democratically elected government, with widespread protests and the formation of militia, known as People's Defence Forces (PDF), to take on the well-equipped army. Kyaw Wunna, a member of a PDF in the region, said by telephone he was informed that troops had arrived firing weapons and those detained were taken to a field near the village before being killed. Kyaw Wunna declined to disclose the source of the information. Another volunteer aid worker said they had spoken to witnesses among some of the 3,000 people who had fled from five villages in the area and had gone into hiding, fearful of more arrests and killings. A relative of one of the victims told Reuters the dead man, Htet Ko, was a 22-year-old university student and not a member of any militia and not armed. "This is inhumane. I feel deep pain in my heart," said the relative, who said the man had tried to flee, but had been wounded by gunfire. Dr Sasa, a spokesperson for Myanmar's shadow civilian government set up following the coup, alleged the victims had been "lashed together, tortured, and ultimately burned alive". In a post on social media, he listed what he said were the names of the 11, all male and including a boy of 14. "These horrific attacks show that the military have no regard for the sanctity of human life," he said. UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the United Nations was deeply concerned by the reports of the "horrific killing." "We strongly condemn such violence and remind Myanmar’s military authorities of their obligations under international law to ensure the safety and protection of civilians. Those individuals responsible for this heinous act must be held to account," Dujarric said. The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), a monitoring group cited by the United Nations, says more than 10,700 civilians have been detained and 1,300 killed by security forces since the military seized power. The military says the AAPP is biased and uses exaggerated data and that hundreds of soldiers have also been killed.

    Wed, 08 Dec 2021
  • 477 - 2021.12.08 國際新聞導讀-美俄領袖電話會談兩小時就烏克蘭等問題交換意見、美國官員將不出席北京冬奧、沙烏地與葉門胡塞政權軍之交戰激烈、緬甸翁山蘇姬被判兩年監禁、臉書被羅興雅人告並索要賠償1500億美元、印尼塞梅魯火山週一再度爆發

    2021.12.08 國際新聞導讀-美俄領袖電話會談兩小時就烏克蘭等問題交換意見、美國官員將不出席北京冬奧、沙烏地與葉門胡塞政權軍之交戰激烈、緬甸翁山蘇姬被判兩年監禁、臉書被羅興雅人告並索要賠償1500億美元、印尼塞梅魯火山週一再度爆發 拜登和普京就烏克蘭和戰爭恐懼中的其他話題進行了兩個小時的會談 克里姆林宮表示,希望兩國領導人能夠舉行面對面的峰會,討論美俄關係“可悲”的狀況,美俄關係已跌至冷戰結束以來的最低水平。 通過路透 由於西方擔心莫斯科準備入侵其南部鄰國,美國總統喬拜登和俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾普京周二就烏克蘭和其他爭端進行了兩個小時的虛擬會談。 俄羅斯電視畫面顯示,拜登和普京在緊張的交流開始時以友好的方式互相問候。拜登告訴普京,他希望他們的下一次會面是面對面的。 白宮發表聲明說會談已經開始,但沒有展示拜登所在的安全“戰情室”的任何畫面。 據白宮稱,兩位領導人談了兩小時一分鐘。 克里姆林宮曾表示,希望兩國領導人能夠舉行面對面的峰會,討論美俄關係的可悲狀況,美俄關係已跌至冷戰結束以來的最低水平。 在烏克蘭武裝部隊總參謀部於 2021 年 11 月 17 日發布的這張講義圖片中,烏克蘭武裝部隊的坦克在烏克蘭赫爾鬆地區與俄羅斯吞併的克里米亞邊界附近的一個訓練場進行軍事演習。 (圖片來源:烏克蘭武裝部隊總參謀部新聞處/路透社提供的資料) 美國官員在視頻會議前表示,拜登將告訴普京,如果攻擊烏克蘭,俄羅斯及其銀行可能會受到迄今為止最嚴厲的經濟制裁。 他們表示,制裁旨在阻止普京動用集結在烏克蘭邊境附近的數万名士兵攻擊其南部鄰國,其中一位消息人士稱,制裁可能針對俄羅斯最大的銀行以及莫斯科將盧布兌換成美元和其他貨幣的能力。 克里姆林宮在周二的會議前表示,預計不會有任何突破,但否認有任何攻擊烏克蘭的意圖,並表示其部隊姿態是防禦性的。 但莫斯科對西方對烏克蘭的軍事援助表達了越來越多的不滿,烏克蘭自 2014 年民眾起義推翻親俄羅斯總統以來一直向西方傾斜,並稱之為北約逐漸擴張。 莫斯科同樣質疑烏克蘭的意圖,並表示希望保證基輔不會使用武力試圖奪回 2014 年被俄羅斯支持的分離主義分子奪走的領土,烏克蘭排除了這種情況。 克里姆林宮發言人德米特里佩斯科夫說:“我們正在尋找與美國的良好、可預測的關係。俄羅斯從未打算攻擊任何人,但我們有我們的擔憂,我們有我們的紅線。” 白宮和英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜的辦公室表示,在拜登與普京會談後,英國、美國、法國、德國和意大利的領導人將在格林威治標準時間 1800 舉行電話會議。 白宮表示,這些盟友週一發表了講話,並“同意就俄羅斯在烏克蘭邊境的軍事集結採取協調和全面的方法保持密切聯繫”。 '冷靜的頭腦' 佩斯科夫呼籲每個人保持“冷靜”,他說,鑑於歐洲緊張局勢異常升級,普京和拜登發表講話至關重要。 俄羅斯盧布週二小幅走弱,一些市場分析師預測談判將緩和緊張局勢,其他人則表示美國的製裁威脅削弱了找到共同點的希望。 拜登政府的一名高級官員說,拜登的團隊已經確定瞭如果俄羅斯發動入侵,將實施一系列經濟處罰。 另一位熟悉情況的消息人士稱,已經討論了針對普京的核心圈子,但沒有做出任何決定。另一位消息人士稱,也在考慮對俄羅斯最大的銀行實施制裁,並限制盧布兌換成美元和其他貨幣。 週二,俄羅斯最高銀行 Sberbank 的首席執行官 German Gref 稱這個想法是“無稽之談”,“不可能執行”。 美國有線電視新聞網報導稱,制裁可能包括將俄羅斯與世界各地銀行使用的 SWIFT 國際支付系統斷開連接的極端步驟。 彭博社報導稱,美國和歐洲盟國正在權衡針對俄羅斯直接投資基金的措施。彭博社援引知情人士的話稱,美國還可能限制投資者在二級市場上購買俄羅斯債券的能力。 拉脫維亞外交部長周二在倫敦接受采訪時表示,莫斯科在採取行動之前需要知道“經濟代價”是什麼,他說這應該擴展到俄羅斯 110 億美元通往德國的北溪 2 天然氣管道。 白宮拒絕置評。 更多歐盟制裁? 歐盟首席執行官烏爾蘇拉·馮德萊恩週二向烏克蘭表示,歐盟將全力支持烏克蘭,並表示歐盟將考慮對俄羅斯實施更多製裁。 烏克蘭和北約大國指責俄羅斯在邊境附近集結軍隊,引發對可能發生襲擊的擔憂。莫斯科否認任何此類計劃,並指責基輔在其東部集結自己的軍隊,俄羅斯支持的分裂分子控制著烏克蘭的大部分領土。 美國已敦促兩國回到 2014 年和 2015 年簽署的一系列基本未執行的協議,這些協議旨在結束烏克蘭東部的戰爭。 拜登高級政府對記者說:“他(拜登)將明確表示,如果俄羅斯選擇繼續前進,將會付出非常實際的代價,但他也將明確表示,在外交方面存在有效的推進方式。” 普京曾表示,他希望得到具有法律約束力的保證北約不會進一步向東擴張,並承諾不會在靠近俄羅斯的國家部署某些類型的武器,包括烏克蘭。 Biden, Putin talk for two hours on Ukraine, other topics amid war fears The Kremlin said it hopes the two leaders can hold an in-person summit to discuss what the 'lamentable' state of US-Russia relations, which have sunk to their lowest since the end of the Cold War. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 7, 2021 19:09 Updated: DECEMBER 7, 2021 19:54 Russian President Vladimir Putin holds talks with U.S. President Joe Biden via a video link in Sochi, Russia December 7, 2021. (photo credit: SPUTNIK/SERGEI GUNEEV/KREMLIN VIA REUTERS) Advertisement US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin held two hours of virtual talks on Ukraine and other disputes on Tuesday amid Western fears that Moscow is poised to invade its southern neighbor. Russian TV footage showed Biden and Putin greeting each other in a friendly manner at the start of what was expected to be a tense exchange. Biden told Putin he hoped their next meeting would be in person. The White House issued a statement saying the talks had started, but did not display any visuals from the secure 'Situation Room' where Biden was located. The two leaders talked for two hours and one minute, according to the White House. The Kremlin has said it hopes the two leaders can hold an in-person summit to discuss what it has described as the lamentable state of US-Russia relations, which have sunk to their lowest since the end of the Cold War. Tanks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces drive during military drills at a training ground near the border with Russian-annexed Crimea in Kherson region, Ukraine, in this handout picture released by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine press service November 17, 2021. (credit: PRESS SERVICE OF GENERAL STAFF OF THE ARMED FORCES OF UKRAINE/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS) US officials said before the video conference that Biden would tell Putin that Russia and its banks could be hit with the toughest economic sanctions yet if it attacks Ukraine. They said the sanctions, which one source said could target Russia's biggest banks and Moscow's ability to convert roubles into dollars and other currencies, were designed to dissuade Putin from using tens of thousands of troops massed near the Ukrainian border to attack its southern neighbor. The Kremlin, which said before Tuesday's meeting it did not expect any breakthroughs, has denied harboring any intention to attack Ukraine and has said its troop posture is defensive. You Can Buy a French Chateau for Less Than a Paris Apartment—but Don’t Expect the Life of a PrincessSponsored by Mansion Global But Moscow has voiced rising vexation over Western military aid to Ukraine, a fellow former Soviet republic that has tilted towards the West since a popular revolt toppled a pro-Russian president in 2014, and what it calls creeping NATO expansion. Moscow has likewise questioned Ukrainian intentions and said it wants guarantees that Kyiv will not use force to try to retake territory lost in 2014 to Russia-backed separatists, a scenario Ukraine has ruled out. "We're looking for good, predictable relations with the United States. Russia has never intended to attack anyone, but we have our concerns and we have our red lines," said Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov. Leaders from Britain, the United States, France, Germany and Italy will hold a call at 1800 GMT following the Biden-Putin talks, the White House and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's office said. The same allies spoke on Monday and "agreed to stay in close touch on a coordinated and comprehensive approach in response to Russia’s military build-up on Ukraine’s borders," the White House said. 'A COOL HEAD' Simon Cowell Loses on Beverly Hills Mansion SaleSponsored by Mansion Global Recommended by Calling for everyone to keep "a cool head," Peskov said it was vital that Putin and Biden speak given what he called the extraordinary escalation of tensions in Europe. The Russian rouble weakened slightly on Tuesday, with some market analysts predicting the talks would de-escalate tensions and others saying that the US sanctions threat eroded hopes of finding common ground. Biden's team has identified a set of economic penalties to impose should Russia launch an invasion, a senior Biden administration official said. A separate source familiar with the situation said targeting Putin's inner circle has been discussed but no decision made. Sanctions against Russia's biggest banks and curbing the conversion of roubles into dollars and other currencies were also being considered, another source said. German Gref, the chief executive of Russia's top bank Sberbank, on Tuesday called that idea "nonsense" and "impossible to execute." CNN reported sanctions could include the extreme step of disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT international payment system used by banks around the world. Bloomberg reported that the United States and European allies were weighing measures targeting the Russian Direct Investment Fund. The United States could also restrict the ability of investors to buy Russian debt on the secondary market, Bloomberg said, citing people familiar with the matter. Latvia's foreign minister said in an interview in London on Tuesday that Moscow needed to know before it acted what "the economic price tag" would be, something he said should extend to Russia's $11 billion Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany. The White House declined to comment. MORE EU SANCTIONS? The European Union's chief executive, Ursula von der Leyen, offered Ukraine the EU's full support on Tuesday and said that the bloc would consider more sanctions on Russia. Ukraine and NATO powers accuse Russia of building up troops near the border, sparking fears of a possible attack. Moscow denies any such plan and accuses Kyiv of massing its own forces in its east, where Russian-backed separatists control a large part of Ukrainian territory. The United States has urged both countries to return to a set of largely unimplemented agreements signed in 2014 and 2015 which were designed to end the war in eastern Ukraine. "He (Biden) will make clear that there will be very real costs should Russia choose to proceed, but he will also make clear that there is an effective way forward with respect to diplomacy," the senior Biden administration told reporters. Putin has said he wants legally binding guarantees NATO will not expand further eastwards and a pledge that certain types of weapons will not be deployed in countries close to Russia, including Ukraine. 沙特聯軍轟炸薩那與胡塞武裝針鋒相對 儘管美國和聯合國努力在這場長達七年的戰爭中實現停火,但過去幾個月針鋒相對的暴力事件急劇升級 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 7 日 17:01 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 7 日 21:16 人們在也門亞丁亞丁國際機場外的爆炸現場看著著火的汽車。 (照片來源:OSAMA AL-MAHRAMI / 路透社) 廣告 在沙特在也門主導,聯盟戰鬥週二表示,轟炸軍事目標在首都薩那的伊朗比對後,胡塞發射彈道導彈和無人機武裝進入沙特,包括在吉達石油公司石油設施。 儘管美國和聯合國努力在導致可怕的人道主義危機的長達七年的戰爭中實現停火,但過去幾個月針鋒相對的暴力事件急劇升級。 該聯盟的一份聲明稱,該聯盟“對薩那的合法軍事目標進行了精確打擊”,並在過去 24 小時內還襲擊了馬里布和朱夫的胡塞目標。 胡塞軍方發言人早些時候曾表示,該組織發射了多枚彈道導彈,並使用 25 架武裝無人機襲擊了沙特目標,其中包括位於吉達的沙特阿美石油設施和位於首都利雅得的國防部。 該聯盟週一晚間表示,一枚彈道導彈在利雅得上空被攔截,當地居民報告稱發生了巨響,並摧毀了從也門向該王國發射的兩架武裝無人機。 2019 年 10 月 4 日,在也門薩那,一名男子和胡塞運動的支持者參加集會慶祝該組織在與沙特阿拉伯接壤的邊界附近取得軍事進展時高呼口號。(圖片來源:MOHAMED AL-SAYAGHI/REUTERS ) 在吉達設有石油產品分銷廠的沙特阿美沒有立即回應置評請求。 沒有關於胡塞襲擊造成人員傷亡或重大損失的報告,發言人說,除了利雅得的軍事基地和該市的機場外,還包括塔伊夫地區的法赫德國王空軍基地。 聯合國也門問題特使漢斯·格倫德伯格表示,也門衝突的軍事升級“令人深感震驚”,並呼籲交戰雙方保持克制。 “軍事選擇不會導致可持續的解決方案。各方有責任優先考慮平民的需求,並與聯合國為重振政治進程的努力合作,”格倫德伯格在一份聲明中說。 隨著聯盟加強對薩那和富含天然氣的馬里布的空襲,胡塞武裝加強了跨境襲擊,今年這裡成為戰爭的焦點,雙方數千名戰士在那裡喪生。 沙特指責伊朗向胡塞武裝提供導彈,而聯合國調查人員表示,其中一些武器的技術特徵與伊朗製造的武器相似。胡塞武裝說他們自己製造武器。 2015 年,在胡塞武裝將國際公認的薩那政府趕下台後,該聯盟在也門進行了乾預。 戰爭已造成數万人死亡,其中主要是平民,並將也門推向了飢荒的邊緣。 Saudi coalition bombs Sanaa in tit-for-tat violence with Houthis The tit-for-tat violence has escalated dramatically over the last months despite efforts by the US and UN to engineer a ceasefire in the seven-year-old war By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 7, 2021 17:01 Updated: DECEMBER 7, 2021 21:16 People look at cars on fire at the site of an explosion outside Aden international airport in Aden, Yemen. (photo credit: OSAMA AL-MAHRAMI/REUTERS) Advertisement The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen said on Tuesday it bombed military targets in the capital Sanaa after the Iran-aligned Houthis launched ballistic missiles and armed drones into Saudi Arabia, including at Aramco oil facilities in Jeddah. The tit-for-tat violence has escalated dramatically over the last months despite efforts by the United States and the United Nations to engineer a ceasefire in the seven-year-old war that has caused a dire humanitarian crisis. The coalition conducted "precision strikes on legitimate military targets in Sanaa" and in the last 24 hours also struck Houthi targets in Marib and Jouf, a statement from the coalition said. The Houthi military spokesman had earlier said the group fired several ballistic missiles and used 25 armed drones in attacks on Saudi targets, including an Aramco oil facility in Jeddah and the defense ministry in the capital Riyadh. The coalition said late on Monday one ballistic missile was intercepted over Riyadh, where residents reported loud blasts, and destroyed two armed drones launched from Yemen towards the kingdom. Aramco, which has a petroleum products distribution plant in Jeddah, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. There were no reports of casualties or significant damage from the Houthi strikes, which the spokesman said also included King Fahad air base in Taif region in addition to military sites in Riyadh and the city's airport. UN Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg said the military escalation of the conflict in Yemen is "deeply alarming" and called on the warring sides to exercise restraint. "Military options will not result in sustainable solutions. The parties have a responsibility to prioritize the needs of civilians and to cooperate with the UN efforts to revive a political process," Grundberg said in a statement. The Houthis have stepped up cross-border attacks as the coalition has intensified airstrikes on Sanaa and gas-rich Marib, which this year became the focus of the war and where thousands of fighters from both sides have been killed. The Saudis accuse Iran of supplying the Houthis with missiles, while U.N. investigators have said some of the weapons have technical characteristics similar to arms manufactured by Iran. The Houthis say they manufacture their weapons themselves. The coalition intervened in Yemen in 2015 after the Houthis ousted the internationally recognized government from Sanaa. The war has killed tens of thousands, predominantly civilians, and pushed Yemen to the brink of famine. 美國官員因人權“暴行”抵制北京奧運會 北京威脅要對任何此類舉動採取“堅決反制”,但並未具體說明。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 6 日 20:22 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 7 日 07:34 2021 年 11 月 30 日,一名男子走過在中國北京舉行的 2022 年北京奧運會的標誌時,鏡子中的倒影。 (圖片來源:路透社/托馬斯·彼得) 廣告 白宮週一表示,由於中國的人權“暴行”,美國政府官員將抵制在北京舉行的 2022 年冬季奧運會,就在旨在緩解兩個超級大國之間緊張關係的會談幾週後。 幾個月來,一些國會議員和維權團體一直鼓勵外交抵制,讓運動員可以自由前往北京參加比賽。 在周一宣布之前,北京威脅要對任何此類舉動採取未指明的“堅決反制措施”,這肯定會使已經處於幾十年來最低點的關係進一步緊張。 喬拜登總統的政府強調了華盛頓所說的針對中國西部新疆地區少數民族穆斯林的種族滅絕。 白宮新聞秘書 Jen Psaki 在每日新聞發布會上說:“面對中國在新疆的嚴重侵犯人權和暴行,美國外交或官方代表會像往常一樣對待這些遊戲,而我們根本不能那樣做。” ,指中華人民共和國。 2021 年 11 月 19 日,中國河北省張家口市,男子在通往 2022 年北京奧運會場館的高速公路上的交通標誌上工作。(來源:REUTERS/THOMAS PETER) “美國隊的運動員得到我們的全力支持,”Psaki 補充道。“當我們在家為他們加油時,我們將 100% 支持他們。” 儘管上個月拜登與中國領導人習近平舉行了視頻會議以穩定關係,但此舉仍然存在。 中國駐華盛頓大使館稱此次抵制是“政治操縱”,因為沒有向美國政界人士發出邀請。 使館發言人劉鵬宇說:“事實上,沒有人會關心這些人來不來,這對北京2022年冬奧會的成功舉辦沒有任何影響。” 中國常駐聯合國代表團發言人在一份聲明中表示,此次抵制反映了美國的冷戰思維。 聲明說:“美國祇是想將體育政治化,製造分歧,挑起對抗。” 這種方法得不到支持,注定要失敗。” 國務卿安東尼·布林肯表示,美國就北京奧運會的“共同做法”與盟友進行了磋商。目前還不清楚他們是否會效仿美國。 加拿大外交部在一份聲明中說:“加拿大仍然對有關中國侵犯人權的令人不安的報導深感不安。” “我們被告知美國的決定,我們將繼續與我們的合作夥伴和盟友討論此事。” 澳大利亞和日本政府週二表示,他們還在考慮他們在 2 月 4 日開幕的奧運會上的立場。 日本首相岸田文雄對記者說:“我們將考慮奧運會的意義和我們的外交關係等問題,並希望根據最符合我們國家利益的方式做出自己的決定。” 布蘭妮斯皮爾斯住的地方:在流行歌星的房地產投資組合中由 Mansion Global 贊助 被推薦 新西蘭副總理格蘭特·羅伯遜 (Grant Robertson) 表示,他的國家不會派遣政府官員,但該決定主要是基於對 COVID-19 的擔憂,並且是在美國抵制之前做出的。 據新西蘭國家廣播公司 TVNZ 報導,羅伯遜對記者說:“我們已多次向中國表明我們對人權問題的擔憂——就在最近總理與習主席談話時。” “他們很清楚我們對人權的看法,但我們已經做出不參加的決定。” 歐盟外交部門負責人斯特凡諾·桑尼諾 (Stefano Sannino) 週五表示,抵制是個別成員國的問題,而不是歐盟的共同外交政策。 俄羅斯總統普京是唯一接受中國邀請的大國領導人。 美國國務院發言人內德·普萊斯告訴記者,政府不會規定私營部門的做法,但表示企業應該“充分意識到”新疆正在發生的事情。 負責監督奧運會轉播權交易的哥倫比亞廣播公司體育部前總裁尼爾·皮爾森說,外交抵制使企業奧運贊助商處於“尷尬的境地”,但與包括運動員在內的全面抵制相比,這並不令人擔憂。 康卡斯特旗下 NBCUniversal 的一位發言人表示,它將按計劃轉播奧運會。 潛在的報復 因對中國的正確記錄視而不見而受到批評的國際奧委會(IOC)表示,奧運會應該“超越政治”。 美國奧林匹克和殘奧會委員會首席執行官莎拉·赫什蘭 (Sarah Hirshland) 表示,美國隊“興奮並準備好讓這個國家感到自豪”。 許多美國運動員認為,禁止他們參加奧運會是不公平的,一些支持不派官員的美國立法者表示,在美國人獲得獎牌時在北京奏國歌符合美國的利益。 四屆奧運會選手安吉拉·魯杰羅(Angela Ruggiero)對這一宣布鬆了一口氣,稱重要的是運動員沒有因政治受到懲罰。 “你知道,你一生都在為競爭而工作,你從不希望政治阻礙這個機會,”魯杰羅說。 人權組織對此舉表示歡迎,但表示華盛頓可以採取更多措施讓中國承擔責任。 華盛頓戰略與國際研究中心的中國問題專家斯科特·肯尼迪表示,北京的報復選擇包括限制雙邊對話、拖延簽證,或在奧運會上限制體育代表團和記者。 美國將在洛杉磯舉辦 2028 年夏季奧運會。 US officials to boycott Beijing Olympics over rights 'atrocities' Beijing threatened unspecified 'resolute countermeasures' against any such move. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 6, 2021 20:22 Updated: DECEMBER 7, 2021 07:34 A man is reflected in a mirror as he walks past the logo of the Beijing 2022 Olympics in Beijing, China, November 30, 2021. (photo credit: REUTERS/THOMAS PETER) Advertisement US government officials will boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing because of China's human rights "atrocities," the White House said on Monday, just weeks after talks aimed at easing tense relations between the two superpowers. The diplomatic boycott, which leaves athletes free to travel to Beijing to compete, has been encouraged by some members of Congress and rights advocacy groups for months. Beijing threatened unspecified "resolute countermeasures" against any such move before Monday's announcement, which is certain to further strain relations already at their lowest point in decades. President Joe Biden's administration highlighted what Washington says is genocide against minority Muslims in China's western region of Xinjiang. "US diplomatic or official representation would treat these games as business as usual in the face of the PRC's egregious human rights abuses and atrocities in Xinjiang, and we simply can't do that," White House press secretary Jen Psaki told a daily press briefing, referring to the People's Republic of China. Men work on a traffic sign on a highway leading to venues of the Beijing 2022 Olympics in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, China, November 19, 2021. (credit: REUTERS/THOMAS PETER) "The athletes on Team USA have our full support," Psaki added. "We will be behind them 100% as we cheer them on from home." The move comes despite an effort to stabilize ties with a video meeting last month between Biden and China's leader Xi Jinping. China's embassy in Washington called the boycott "political manipulation" as no invitations had been extended to US politicians. "In fact, no one would care about whether these people come or not, and it has no impact whatsoever on the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics to be successfully held," embassy spokesman Liu Pengyu said. The boycott reflects the Cold War mentality of the United States, the spokesperson of the Chinese Mission to the United Nations said in a statement. "The US just wants to politicize sports, create divisions and provoke confrontation," the statement said. This approach will find no support and is doomed to fail." Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said the United States consulted allies on a "shared approach" to the Beijing Games. It was unclear if they would follow the US lead. "Canada remains deeply disturbed by the troubling reports of human rights violations in China," Canada's foreign ministry said in a statement. "We were notified of the US decision and we will continue to discuss this matter with our partners and allies." The Australian and Japanese governments said on Tuesday they were also still considering their positions for the Games, which begin on Feb. 4. "We will consider matters such as the meaning of the Olympic Games and our diplomatic relations, and would like to make our own decision based on what is best for our national interest," Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told reporters. New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson said his country would not be sending government officials but that decision was based largely on COVID-19 concerns and preceded the US boycott. "We've made clear to China on numerous occasions our concerns about human rights issues - as recently as the Prime Minister talking to President Xi," Robertson told reporters, according to state broadcaster TVNZ. "They're well aware of our view on human rights but we'd already made that decision not to attend." Stefano Sannino, chief of the European Union's diplomatic service, said on Friday that boycotts were a matter for individual member states, not common EU foreign policy. Russian President Vladimir Putin is the only leader of a major country who has accepted China's invitation. US State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters the government would not dictate private sector practices, but said firms should be "fully cognizant" of what is transpiring in Xinjiang. The diplomatic boycott puts corporate Olympic sponsors in "an awkward spot" but was less concerning than a full boycott including athletes, said Neal Pilson, a former president of CBS Sports who has overseen Olympics broadcast rights deals. A spokesperson from Comcast-owned NBCUniversal said it would broadcast the Games as planned. POTENTIAL RETALIATION The International Olympic Committee (IOC), which has faced criticism for turning a blind eye to China's right record, said the Games should be "beyond politics." Sarah Hirshland, chief executive of the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee, said Team USA was "excited and ready to make the nation proud." Many US athletes argued it would have been unfair to ban them from the Games, and some US lawmakers who supported not sending officials had said it was in US interests for its national anthem to be playing in Beijing as Americans received medals. Four-time Olympian Angela Ruggiero greeted the announcement with relief, saying it was important athletes were not penalized for politics. "You know, you work all your life to compete and you never want politics to get in the way of that chance," Ruggiero said. Human rights groups welcomed the move, but said Washington could do more to hold China accountable. Scott Kennedy, a China expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said Beijing's options to retaliate included limiting bilateral dialog, stalling visas, or hamstringing athletic delegations and journalists at the Games. The United States is due to host the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles 世界譴責緬甸將被罷免的領導人昂山素季定罪 美國、歐盟、聯合國、英國和日本都譴責緬甸判處被罷免的領導人昂山素季兩年監禁。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 6 日 08:09 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 6 日 17:05 緬甸領導人昂山素季 (圖片來源:DONDI TAWATAO/路透社) 廣告 緬甸被罷免的領導人昂山素季週一被判處兩年監禁,罪名是煽動和違反冠狀病毒限制,她的支持者稱其為出於政治動機。 據國家電視台報導,她最初被判處四年有期徒刑,但軍政府領導人在她目前的地點將其減為兩年監禁。 在法庭記錄了對 2 月 1 日軍事政變後被拘留的文職領導人的首次判決後,總統溫敏也被判處四年徒刑,後來也減為兩年。 美國批評緬甸對昂山素季的定罪是對民主和正義的侮辱,並要求立即釋放諾貝爾獎獲得者和其他被拘留的民選官員。 “緬甸軍政府對昂山素季的不公正定罪以及對其他民選官員的鎮壓,進一步侮辱了緬甸的民主和正義,”美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯在一份聲明中說。 抗議者在緬甸曼德勒的示威活動中手持火炬。(信用:路透社) 聯合國人權事務高級專員米歇爾·巴切萊特也譴責了這一判決。 “在軍事控制的法庭進行秘密訴訟的虛假審判後,國務資政被定罪,這只不過是出於政治動機。這不僅是關於任意剝奪她的自由——它還關閉了政治對話的另一扇門。” “軍方正試圖利用法庭來消除所有政治反對派。但這些案件不能為政變和軍事統治的非法性提供合法的偽裝。” “對昂山素季的這一判決只會加深對政變的拒絕。當需要對話和和平、政治解決這場危機時,它會加強立場。” 歐盟、英國和日本也發表聲明譴責這一判決,要求釋放昂山素季。 World condemns Myanmar for conviction of ousted leader Suu Kyi The United States, EU, UN, the UK and Japan all condemned Myanmar for sentencing deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi to two years in detention. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 6, 2021 08:09 Updated: DECEMBER 6, 2021 17:05 Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi (photo credit: DONDI TAWATAO/ REUTERS) Advertisement Myanmar's deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi was sentenced on Monday to two years in detention on charges of incitement and breaching coronavirus restrictions in a case her supporters called politically motivated. She was originally sentenced to four years in prison but the military junta leader reduced it to two years' detention in her current location, state TV reported. President Win Myint was also sentenced to four years, also later reduced to two, after the court recorded its first verdicts against the civilian leaders detained after a military coup on February 1. The United States criticized Myanmar's conviction of Suu Kyi as an affront to democracy and justice and demanded the immediate release of the Nobel laureate and other elected officials detained. "The Burmese military regime's unjust conviction of Aung San Suu Kyi and the repression of other democratically elected officials are yet further affronts to democracy and justice in Burma," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement. PROTESTERS HOLD torches during a demonstration in Mandalay, Myanmar. (credit: REUTERS) The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michele Bachelet also condemned the sentencing. "The conviction of the State Counsellor following a sham trial in secretive proceedings before a military-controlled court is nothing but politically-motivated. It is not only about arbitrary denial of her freedom – it closes yet another door to political dialog." "The military is attempting to instrumentalize the courts to remove all political opposition. But these cases cannot provide a legal veneer to the illegitimacy of the coup and military rule." "This verdict against Aung San Suu Kyi will only deepen rejection of the coup. It will harden positions when what is needed is dialog and a peaceful, political settlement of this crisis." The EU, UK and Japan also released statements condemning the verdict, demanding Suu Kyi's release. 七名在加沙行動期間拒絕命令的以色列國防軍預備役軍人出院 以色列國防軍和國防部發言人此前否認了有關預備役軍官在 5 月的行動中拒絕命令的報導。 通過耶路撒冷郵報STAFF 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 6 日 19:29 LT.-COL。城牆守護者行動期間的多莉薩爾(中)。 (圖片來源:以色列國防軍發言人單位) 廣告 以色列國防軍周一表示,在 5 月的加沙城牆守護者行動期間,它解雇了七名拒絕他們的tzav shmoneh 的以色列預備役軍官,這是戰爭時期的緊急徵兵。 以色列國防軍和國防部發言人此前否認了有關預備役軍官在 5 月的行動中拒絕命令的報導。 這七個人,都是卡車司機,沒有報到他們的預備役服務,並被標記為缺席者。在以色列議會外交和國防委員會就此事進行的討論中,披露了他們退伍的消息。 JPost 的熱門文章 Read More First in Israel: Mastectomy performed completely by 'hands' of a robot 委員會討論由 Yesh Atid MK Ram Ben Barak 領導,由反對派 MKs Orit Struck、Moshe Arbel、Keren Barak 和 Meir Porush 發起。 儘管有 7 人缺席,但在加沙行動期間召集的後備軍官中有 98% 報告了預備役職責,以色列國防軍技術和後勤局 Brig.-Gen 負責人。Pini Ben Moyal 在委員會討論中指出。 以色列國防軍技術和物流局局長 Brig.-Gen。Pini Ben Moyal(來源:DANNY SHEMTOV/KNESSET SPOKESPERSON'S OFFICE) 以色列國防軍人力部規劃與研究部負責人阿米爾·瓦德馬尼(Amir Vadmani)在討論中表示,以色列國防軍“為每年增加的少數民族徵兵人數感到自豪”時,暗指這七人可能屬於少數民族和宗教少數群體。 然而,Vadmani 補充說,在“城牆守護者行動”期間記錄了 20 多起少數民族拒絕命令或棄權的案例。他補充說,這些案例中的大多數是士兵在最初的基礎訓練期間,這意味著他們尚未與以色列軍隊形成情感聯繫,他解釋說。 瓦德馬尼說:“這些案例中的大多數是周末在家的士兵,由於周圍人的壓力而選擇不回來。” “我們決定只釋放所有拒絕服務的人中的七人,”他說。“唯一的結論是,我們需要信任我們正在起草的人。” Seven IDF Reservists who refused orders during Gaza operation discharged IDF and Defense Ministry's spokespersons previously denied reports that reserve officers refused orders during the operation in May. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: DECEMBER 6, 2021 19:29 LT.-COL. DORI Saar (center) during Operation Guardian of the Walls. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT) Advertisement The IDF said on Monday that it discharged seven Israeli reserve officers who refused their tzav shmoneh, the emergency draft in times in war, during May's Operation Guardian of the Walls in Gaza. IDF and Defense Ministry's spokespersons previously denied reports that reserve officers refused orders during the operation in May. The seven, all truck drivers, did not report for their reserves service and were marked as absentees. Their discharge from the military was disclosed during a Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee discussion on the matter. Top Articles By JPost Read More First in Israel: Mastectomy performed completely by 'hands' of a robot Skip Ad The committee discussion, headed by Yesh Atid MK Ram Ben Barak, was initiated by opposition MKs Orit Struck, Moshe Arbel, Keren Barak and Meir Porush. Despite the seven absentees, 98% of reserve officers called up during the Gaza operation reported for reserves duty, head of the IDF Technological and Logistics Directorate Brig.-Gen. Pini Ben Moyal noted in the committee discussion. Head of the IDF Technological and Logistics Directorate Brig.-Gen. Pini Ben Moyal (credit: DANNY SHEMTOV/KNESSET SPOKESPERSON'S OFFICE) Amir Vadmani, head of the IDF Manpower Directorate's Planning and Research Department, alluded to the fact the seven might be of ethnic and religious minorities when he stated during the discussion that the IDF is "proud of the yearly increase in the conscription of minorities." However, Vadmani added, over 20 cases of minorities refusing orders or abstentions were recorded during Operation Guardian of the Walls. He added that most of these cases were of soldiers during their initial basic training, meaning they have yet to form an emotional connection to the Israeli military, he explained. "Most of these cases were of soldiers who were at home during the weekend and chose not to return due to peer pressure from those surrounding them," Vadmani stated.  Avery Residential Tower in San FranciscoSponsored by Mansion Global "We decided to release only seven of all those who refused service," he said. "The only conclusion is that we need to trust the people we are drafting." 阿富汗:塔利班禁止強迫婚姻 但沒有關於是否允許女孩、婦女重返學校或工作的消息。 作者:ARSHAD MEHMOOD/媒體熱線 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 7 日 18:54 2021 年 10 月 3 日,阿富汗喀布爾,數名平民在爆炸中喪生後,一名塔利班武裝人員站在急診醫院外 (照片來源:JORGE SILVA / 路透社) 廣告 美國阿富汗問題特別代表托馬斯·韋斯特對塔利班最高領導人要求婦女同意結婚的法令表示歡迎。“與此同時,還需要做更多的工作來確保阿富汗社會各個方面的婦女權利,包括學校、工作場所、政治和媒體,”他在周六的一條推文中說。 有關 The Media Line 的更多故事,請訪問 該法令沒有提到女性接受教育或外出工作的機會。 美國及其盟國仍然擔心塔利班自重新掌權以來大幅削弱了婦女的權利。要求人權的街頭抗議遭到暴力鎮壓。大多數七年級以上的女孩和婦女不被允許上學,衛生部門以外的大多數婦女被禁止上班。 星期五,塔利班最高領袖毛拉希巴圖拉·阿洪扎達 (Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada) 發布了一項法令,規定女性不應被視為“財產”,並且必須在婚前同意“[女性和男性]應該平等,”它寫道。 “沒有人可以通過脅迫或壓力強迫女性結婚,”該法令繼續說道。“沒有人可以通過脅迫或壓力強迫女性結婚。” 上週,塔利班代表抵達卡塔爾多哈會見美國和歐洲代表。(信用:路透社) 根據該法令,寡婦有權在 Sharaie Adat 時期(丈夫去世或懷孕後四個月零 10 個晚上)之後選擇自己的未來。寡婦還有“繼承和固定丈夫、孩子、父親和親屬財產份額的權利”。 婦女不是財產,“而是高尚而自由的人;沒有人可以將她交給任何人以換取 [a] 和平協議或結束仇恨,”該法令指出。 根據阿富汗部落傳統,寡婦在丈夫去世時與其兄弟或其他親屬結婚是一種習俗。女孩被強迫結婚,作為對家庭男性犯下的謀殺、通姦、綁架和綁架的補償。 在阿富汗和巴基斯坦的部落文化中,強迫女孩結婚已經持續了幾個世紀。通常,被指控的家庭不是支付“血錢”來解決血仇,而是將他們的女孩嫁給一個受屈的家庭。 阿富汗伊斯蘭酋長國新聞部副部長兼首席發言人 Zabiullah Mujahid 告訴媒體專線,“該法令保護在丈夫去世後沒有獲得權利的寡婦的權利。 “根據伊斯蘭教法[伊斯蘭宗教法],丈夫死後,寡婦不能被迫結婚,她有權結婚並決定自己的未來,”他說。 “我們從未否認阻止女孩學習和工作,但是,考慮到伊斯蘭教法的參數,正在製定這方面的連貫政策,”穆賈希德繼續說道。 “根據伊斯蘭教法,我們絕對支持婦女的權利,”他說。“所有部長和官員都被指示在全國人民中傳播對婦女權利的認識。 穆賈希德說:“我們向全世界保證,阿富汗婦女的權利將得到保護和尊重。” 塔利班政府駐聯合國候任大使穆罕默德·蘇海爾·沙欣告訴媒體專線,“我們完全致力於根據伊斯蘭教的黃金原則行使婦女的權利,我們充分意識到我們在這方面的責任。” “最近關於婦女權利的法令是我國政府為恢復飽受長期戰爭蹂躪的國家而採取的一系列舉措的一部分,”他說。 紐約州立大學手指湖社區學院中東和恐怖主義問題專家阿德里安·卡拉梅爾教授說,阿富汗正處於嚴峻的困境中,“塔利班正在發起這種溫和/魅力攻勢,以確保國際援助和在聯合國的位置。 “他們(塔利班)的言行完全不同。西方傾聽但看不到他們的行為與他們的言論相矛盾,”他告訴媒體專線。“西方的頭埋在沙子裡。 卡拉梅爾說,塔利班只兌現了兩項承諾,在這一點上,他們從未動搖過。首先,他們將收回阿富汗。其次,他們不會交出基地組織成員。 “我知道當地有人在阿富汗被獵殺,沒有[西方媒體]報導。幾個月來,我一直試圖讓人們離開;現在這幾乎是不可能的,”他繼續說道。 “西方政府和記者團的行為可恥,他們仍然認為塔利班有溫和的一面,”卡拉梅爾說。 常駐紐約的國家安全分析師兼人權律師伊琳娜·楚克曼 (Irina Tsukerman) 告訴媒體,“在多哈 [卡塔爾,其談判代表所在地] 多年的政治存在之後,塔利班已經了解了很多政治話語和信息傳遞在西方觀眾中取得了成功。 “美國政府、五角大樓和其他西方國家非常清楚塔利班的意識形態傾向和在婦女權利方面的立場,”她說。“最高指南的法令不符合當地的現實,即女性被剝奪了受教育和工作的機會,並且越來越多地被從公共領域抹去。 “在一定程度上允許女性接受某種程度的單獨教育,它主要由宗教灌輸組成,不給她們提供改善生活的機會,”楚克曼強調說。 “然而,塔利班希望繼續從美國及其西方盟友那裡獲得人道主義援助。此外,鑑於美國凍結的資金,他們面臨著治理和合法性的主要障礙,”她補充道。 “最新聲明是遊戲的一部分,旨在為西方政府提供支持,以證明他們的政治選擇是合理的,同時又不會在自己的選區面前丟臉,”楚克曼說。 大西洋理事會南亞中心的非常駐高級研究員、馬蘇德基金會的高級顧問卡邁勒·阿拉姆告訴媒體,“歐洲國家和美國儘管普遍憎惡塔利班及其所代表的立場,已經意識到只有一種選擇可以幫助阿富汗人民,那就是與塔利班做生意。 “甚至早在 9 月,美國官員就表示,塔利班在 [美軍] 撤離和人道主義援助方面非常專業和商業化,”他說。 “最近,世界糧食計劃署負責人戴維·比斯利 (David Beasley) 進行了一次非常富有成效的 [阿富汗] 之行,這開啟了與塔利班在協調援助努力方面的更多合作,甚至是到了以前禁止前往的地區,”他說。繼續。 “雖然比斯利展示瞭如何在不完全放棄所有影響力的情況下與塔利班接觸的方式,但這似乎是目前未能在西方國家獲得全面認可的最佳選擇,”阿拉姆說。 居住在巴基斯坦白沙瓦的阿富汗僑民和婦女權利倡導者 Hina Gul 告訴媒體專線,“遺憾的是,我們生活在一個社會和道德價值觀被迴避的社會。” “在男性主導、保守和強硬的社會,女性在阿富汗的生活真的很丟臉。在違反法律令狀很容易但逃避傳統規範和價值觀是一項艱鉅的工作時,考慮基本的婦女權利變得必要,”她說。 “目前,塔利班已經建立了與婦女權利和教育相關的新敘事,並經常使用‘伊斯蘭’框架來避免以有形的方式製定他們的政策。現在他們掌權了,他們的主張將受到考驗,”她補充道。 對於新法令,古爾表示,“從表面上看,塔利班的這個決定是一個很好的步驟,但塔利班並沒有明確的政策將如何執行。” Afghanistan: Taliban bans forced marriage But there is no word on whether girls, women will be allowed to return to school or work. By ARSHAD MEHMOOD/THE MEDIA LINE Published: DECEMBER 7, 2021 18:54 An armed member of Taliban forces stands outside an emergency hospital, after several civilians were killed in an explosion, in Kabul, Afghanistan, October 3, 2021 (photo credit: JORGE SILVA / REUTERS) Advertisement Thomas West, the US special representative for Afghanistan, welcomed the Taliban‘s supreme leader’s decree requiring a woman’s consent to marriage. “At the same time, much more is needed to ensure women’s rights in every aspect of Afghan society, including schools, workplaces, politics and media,” he said in a tweet on Saturday. For more stories from The Media Line go to The decree does not mention female access to education or to work outside the home. The US and its allies remain concerned that the Taliban have significantly reduced women’s rights since regaining power. Street protests demanding human rights have been violently suppressed. Most girls and women from grade seven on up have not been allowed to attend school, and most women outside the health sector have been barred from going to work. On Friday, Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, the Taliban’s supreme leader, issued a decree stating that women should not be considered “property” and must consent before marriage “Both [women and men] should be equal,” it reads. “No one can force women to marry by coercion or pressure,” the decree continues. “No one can force women to marry by coercion or pressure.” Taliban delegates arrive to meet with US and European delegates in Doha, Qatar, last week. (credit: REUTERS) Widows have the right to choose their future after the Sharaie Adat period (four months and 10 nights after their husband’s death or pregnancy), according to the decree. A widow also has the “right to heritage and fixed share in the property of her husband, children, father, and relatives.” Women are not property “but a noble and free human being; no one can give her to anyone in exchange for [a] peace deal and or to end animosity,” the decree states. Under Afghan tribal traditions, it is customary for a widow to marry one of her husband’s brothers or other relatives in the event of his death. Girls are given forcibly in marriage as compensation for murder, adultery, abduction and kidnapping committed by the men of the family. In the tribal culture of Afghanistan and Pakistan, forced marriage of girls has been going on for centuries. Often, instead of paying “blood money” to settle a blood feud, an accused family gives their girl in marriage to an aggrieved family. Zabiullah Mujahid, the deputy minister of information and the chief spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, told The Media Line, “The decree protects the rights of widows who did not receive their rights after the death of their husbands. “As per Shariah [Islamic religious law], after the death of the husband, the widow cannot be forced into marriage and she has the right to marry and decide her own future,” he said. “We have never denied stopping girls from studying and working, but, keeping Shariah’s parameters in view, work is underway to formulate a coherent policy in this regard,” Mujahid continued. “In the light of Shariah, we are absolutely in favor of women’s rights,” he said. “All the ministers and officials have been directed to spread awareness about women’s rights among the people across the country. “We assure the world that women’s rights will be protected and honored by all means in Afghanistan,” Mujahid said. Muhammad Suhail Shaheen, the Taliban government’s ambassador-designate to the UN, told The Media Line, “We are entirely committed to exercising women’s rights under the golden principles of Islam and we are fully aware of our responsibilities in this regard.” “The recent decree on women’s rights is part of a series of initiatives taken by our government to rehabilitate a country ravaged by a long war,” he said. Prof. Adrian Calamel, an expert on the Middle East and terrorism at the State University of New York’s Finger Lakes Community College, said Afghanistan is in dire straits and that “the Taliban are putting forth this moderation/charm offensive to secure international aid and a place at the United Nations. “What they [the Taliban] say and do are completely different. The West listens but cannot see that their actions are contradictory to their words,” he told The Media Line. “The West has its head in the sand. The Taliban have only kept two promises, and in this, they have never wavered, Calamel said. First, that they would take back Afghanistan. And second, that they would not hand over al-Qaida members. “I know people on the ground being hunted in Afghanistan and there is no [Western media] coverage. For months I have been trying to get people out; it’s next to impossible now,” he continued. “The Western governments and press corps have acted shamefully and they still think there is a moderate side to the Taliban,” Calamel said. Irina Tsukerman, a New York-based national security analyst and human rights lawyer, told The Media Line, “After years of political presence in Doha, [Qatar, where its negotiators were based], the Taliban have learned a great deal about what type of political discourse and messaging succeeds with the Western audiences. “The US government, the Pentagon and other Western countries are quite aware of the Taliban’s ideological proclivities and position on women’s rights,” she said. “The supreme guide’s decree does not align with the reality on the ground, which is that women are being denied the opportunity for education and jobs, and are being increasingly erased from the public sphere. “To the extent women are allowed some level of separate education, it consists mostly of religious indoctrination and offers them no opportunity to improve their lives,” Tsukerman emphasized. “However, the Taliban want to continue receiving humanitarian aid from the US and its Western allies. Furthermore, they face a major stumbling block to governance and legitimacy in light of the funds frozen by the US,” she added. “The latest statement is part of a game designed to provide support to Western governments to justify their political choices without losing face in front of their own constituencies,” Tsukerman said. Kamal Alam, a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center and a senior adviser to the Massoud Foundation, told The Media Line, “The European countries and the United States, despite their general abhorrence of the Taliban and what they stand for, have come to the realization that there is only one option to help the Afghan people, and that is to do business with the Taliban. “Even as early as September, US officials have said that the Taliban are very professional and business-like with regard to the evacuation [of US troops] and humanitarian aid,” he said. “Recently the head of the World Food Program, David Beasley, made a very productive trip [to Afghanistan], which unlocked even more cooperation with the Taliban on a coordinated aid effort, even to areas that were previously no-go areas,” he continued. “While Beasley shows the way on how to engage with the Taliban without fully giving up all the leverage, this seems the best bet for now falling short of overall recognition in Western capitals,” Alam said. Hina Gul, an Afghan expatriate and women’s rights advocate based in Peshawar, Pakistan, told The Media Line, “Regrettably, we are living in a society where social and ethical values are sidestepped.” “In a male-dominated, conservative and hard-line society, a female’s life in Afghanistan is really disgraceful. Thinking about basic women’s rights becomes necessary where breaking the writ of law is easy but evading traditional norms and values is a difficult job,” she said. “Currently, the Taliban have established a new narrative related to women’s rights and education, and frequently applied ‘Islamic’ frames to avoid setting out their policies in tangible terms. Now that they are in power, their claims will be put to the test,” she added. As for the new decree, Gul said, “Seemingly this decision of the Taliban is a good step, but there is no clear policy of the Taliban on how it will be implemented.” 伊朗與世界大國的核談判將於週四恢復 - 報導 伊朗通訊社報導稱,在上週陷入僵局後,關於挽救 2015 年協議的談判將於週四恢復。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 7 日 17:12 2021 年 5 月 24 日,在冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19) 大流行期間,伊朗國旗飄揚在國際原子能機構總部所在的聯合國辦公大樓前。 (照片來源:LISI NIESNER/路透社) 廣告 據伊朗新聞機構週二報導,美伊關於挽救 2015 年伊核協議的間接談判將於週四在維也納恢復。 “我們將在周四繼續談判……並等待西方採取實際步驟,”伊朗最高談判代表阿里巴格里卡尼在半官方通訊社ISNA訪問莫斯科期間告訴伊朗媒體。 塔斯尼姆通訊社早些時候表示,巴蓋里卡尼在與歐盟協調員恩里克莫拉聯繫後最終確定了恢復談判的日期。 談判於週五中斷,因為歐洲官員對伊朗新的強硬政府的全面要求表示失望。閱讀更多 在維也納舉行的第七輪會談是伊朗反西方總統易卜拉欣·賴西 (Ebrahim Raisi) 派代表就如何恢復伊朗限制其核計劃以換取解除經濟制裁的協議的第一輪會談。 伊朗首席核談判代表 Ali Bagheri Kani 和伊朗代表團成員等待 2021 年 11 月 29 日在奧地利維也納舉行的 JCPOA 聯合委員會會議的開始。(來源:歐盟駐維也納代表團/通過路透社的講義) salem Post Middle East Iran News Iran nuclear talks with world powers to resume on Thursday - reports Iranian news agencies have reported that the talks on saving the 2015 deal will resume on Thursday after hitting an impasse last week. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 7, 2021 17:12 Iranian flag flies in front of the UN office building, housing IAEA headquarters, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in Vienna, Austria, May 24, 2021. (photo credit: LISI NIESNER/ REUTERS) Advertisement Indirect US-Iranian talks on saving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal will resume on Thursday in Vienna, Iranian news agencies reported on Tuesday. "We will continue the talks on Thursday … and await practical steps by the West," Iran's top negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani was quoted as telling Iranian media during a visit to Moscow by the semi-official news agency ISNA. Tasnim news agency earlier said Bagheri Kani finalized the date of the resumption of the talks after contacting European Union coordinator Enrique Mora. The talks broke off on Friday as European officials voiced dismay at sweeping demands by Iran's new, hardline government. read more The seventh round of talks in Vienna is the first with delegates sent by Iran's anti-Western President Ebrahim Raisi on how to resuscitate the agreement under which Iran limited its nuclear program in return for relief from economic sanctions. Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani and members of the Iranian delegation wait for the start of a meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission in Vienna, Austria November 29, 2021. (credit: EU DELEGATION IN VIENNA/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS) 印尼火山再次噴發 死亡人數升至22人 爪哇島上最高的山塞梅魯山在周六劇烈噴發後於週一再次噴發。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 6 日 15:46 鳥瞰圖顯示了從印度尼西亞東爪哇省盧馬江的 Pronojiwo 村看到的塞梅魯火山,2021 年 12 月 6 日 (圖片來源:ANTARA FOTO/SENO/VIA REUTERS) 廣告 印度尼西亞火山週一再次活躍,噴出熾熱的火山灰雲,兩天后強烈噴發造成至少 22 人死亡,數十人失踪。 爪哇島上最高的山塞梅魯山在周六劇烈噴發,向天空噴射出高聳的火山灰柱,覆蓋了周圍的村莊。 航拍畫面顯示,屋頂從灰濛蒙的景觀中伸出,而在地面上,軍官、警察和居民用手在泥土中挖出受害者。 印度尼西亞減災機構表示,截至週一,死亡人數已上升至 22 人,而 27 人失踪。 2021 年 12 月 6 日,印度尼西亞東爪哇省 Lumajang 的 Pronojiwo 村出現了受塞梅魯火山噴發影響的受損房屋(圖片來源:ANTARA FOTO/SENO/VIA REUTERS) 印度尼西亞火山學和減輕地質災害中心通過其推特賬戶證實,這座火山週一再次噴發,警告稱地震活動仍在繼續。 “塞梅魯火山是印度尼西亞最活躍的火山之一。在 12 月 4 日噴發前後,它將繼續活躍,”塞梅魯火山觀測站負責人利斯萬托告訴路透社。 一些居民返回家中檢查財物和牲畜,但利斯萬托敦促人們保持安全距離。 “人們需要更加警惕,因為潛在威脅仍然存在,”他補充道。 在 Sumberwuluh 地區,救援隊與惡劣的天氣作鬥爭,從瓦礫中救出遇難者。 “主要障礙是天氣……希望未來的天氣足夠好,讓我們更容易搜索,”國家搜救機構 (Basarnas) 的運營主管 Wuryanto 告訴記者。 人們在 Facebook 上發布了失踪親人的照片,並要求提供有關他們下落的任何信息。 週六噴發的熔岩使後勤和救援工作複雜化,摧毀了連接 Lumajang 區與瑪瑯市兩個地區的一座橋樑。 已經為 1,700 多名流離失所者建立了公共廚房和衛生設施。 Semeru 是印度尼西亞 100 多座活火山之一,該國橫跨太平洋火環帶,這是一個位於多個構造板塊之上的地震活動強烈的地區。 Indonesian volcano erupts again, death toll rises to 22 Mt. Semeru, the tallest mountain on the island of Java, erupted again on Monday after erupting dramatically on Saturday. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 6, 2021 15:46 An aerial view shows Mount Semeru volcano as seen from Pronojiwo village, Lumajang, East Java province, Indonesia December 6, 2021 (photo credit: ANTARA FOTO/SENO/VIA REUTERS) Advertisement An Indonesian volcano was active again on Monday, spewing out hot clouds of ash, two days after a powerful eruption killed at least 22 people and left dozens missing. Mt. Semeru, the tallest mountain on the island of Java, erupted dramatically on Saturday, shooting a towering column of ash into the sky that blanketed surrounding villages. Aerial footage showed roofs jutting out of an ashen landscape, while on the ground, military officers, police and residents dug through the mud with their hands to pull out victims. Latest articles from Jpost Continue watchingTourism minister – 'Ashamed Israel didn't develop COVID tracker'after the ad The death toll had risen to 22 by Monday, while 27 were missing, Indonesia's disaster mitigation agency said. Damaged houses affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru volcano are seen in Pronojiwo village, Lumajang, East Java province, Indonesia December 6, 2021 (credit: ANTARA FOTO/SENO/VIA REUTERS) The volcano erupted again on Monday, Indonesia's Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation confirmed via its Twitter account, warning of continued seismic activity. "Semeru is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. Before and after the December 4 eruption, it will continue to be active," Liswanto, the head of the Semeru Volcano Observatory, told Reuters. Some residents returned to their homes to check on belongings and livestock, but Liswanto urged people to keep a safe distance. "People need to be more vigilant because the potential threat is still there," he added. In the Sumberwuluh area, rescue teams battled poor weather to retrieve victims from the rubble. "The main obstacle is the weather… hopefully the weather going forward will be good enough to make it easier for us to search," Wuryanto, operations director of the national search and rescue agency (Basarnas), told reporters. People have posted photos of missing loved ones on Facebook, with pleas for any information about their whereabouts. Complicating logistics and rescue efforts, lava flows from Saturday's eruption destroyed a bridge connecting two areas in the district of Lumajang with the city of Malang. Public kitchens and health facilities have been set up for more than 1,700 people who have been displaced. Semeru is one of more than 100 active volcanoes in Indonesia, a country that straddles the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of high seismic activity that rests atop multiple tectonic plates. 羅興亞難民因緬甸暴力事件起訴 Facebook,要求賠償 1500 億美元 美國的一項集體訴訟稱,該公司未能對內容及其平台設計進行監管,導致對羅興亞社區的暴力行為。 通過路透 發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 7 日 14:52 更新時間: 2021 年 12 月 7 日 16:00 2020 年 12 月 29 日,羅興亞難民在前往孟加拉國 Noakhali 區的 Bhasan Char 島途中坐在一艘海軍艦艇的木凳上。 (圖片來源:路透社/MOHAMMAD PONIR HOSSAIN/文件照片) 廣告 來自緬甸的羅興亞難民正以 1500 億美元起訴 Meta Platforms Inc(前身為 Facebook),指控這家社交媒體公司沒有對導致暴力的反羅興亞仇恨言論採取行動。 週一由律師事務所 Edelson PC 和 Fields PLLC 在加利福尼亞州提起的美國集體訴訟稱,該公司未能對內容及其平台設計進行監管,導致羅興亞社區面臨現實世界的暴力。 在一項協調行動中,英國律師還向 Facebook 倫敦辦事處提交了一封通知信。 Facebook 沒有立即回應路透社關於訴訟的評論請求。該公司表示,在緬甸“防止錯誤信息和仇恨的速度太慢”,並表示此後已採取措施打擊該地區的平台濫用行為,包括在 2 月 1 日政變後禁止軍方使用 Facebook 和 Instagram。 Facebook 曾表示,它受到美國互聯網法第 230 條的保護,免於對用戶發布的內容承擔責任,該法規定在線平台不對第三方發布的內容負責。投訴稱,如果提出第 230 條作為辯護,它將尋求將緬甸法律應用於這些索賠。 羅興亞難民在考克斯巴扎爾附近的 Shah Porir Dwip 越過孟緬邊境後接受孟加拉國邊防衛隊的審訊,他們坐在臨時船上(圖片來源:REUTERS) 儘管美國法院可以將外國法律適用於公司所稱的傷害和活動發生在其他國家的案件,但路透社採訪的兩位法律專家表示,他們不知道在針對社交媒體公司的訴訟中援引外國法律的成功先例。第 230 條的保護措施可能適用。 喬治城大學法律中心教授 Anupam Chander 表示,援引緬甸法律並非“不合適”。但他預測“這不太可能成功”,並表示“國會根據美國法律取消止贖行動但允許它們根據外國法律進行是很奇怪的。” 2017 年 8 月,超過 730,000 名羅興亞穆斯林在軍事鎮壓後逃離緬甸的若開邦,難民稱這些鎮壓包括大規模殺戮和強姦。人權組織記錄了殺害平民和燒毀村莊的行為。 緬甸當局表示,他們正在與叛亂作鬥爭,並否認實施了系統性暴行。 緬甸軍政府發言人沒有接聽路透社的電話,要求就針對 Facebook 的法律行動發表評論。 2018 年,聯合國人權調查人員表示,Facebook 的使用在傳播助長暴力的仇恨言論方面發揮了關鍵作用。美國投訴中引用的路透社當年的一項調查發現,Facebook 上有 1,000 多個帖子、評論和圖片攻擊羅興亞人和其他穆斯林的例子。幾乎所有人都使用當地的主要語言緬甸語。 謾罵包括稱羅興亞人或其他穆斯林為狗、蛆和強姦犯的帖子,建議將它們餵給豬,並敦促將它們射殺或消滅。 儘管 Facebook 規定明確禁止以“暴力或非人性言論”攻擊少數民族或將他們與動物進行比較,但這些帖子還是被容忍了。 Facebook 曾表示,它受到美國互聯網法第 230 條的保護,免於對用戶發布的內容承擔責任,該法規定在線平台不對第三方發布的內容負責。投訴稱,如果提出第 230 條作為辯護,它將尋求將緬甸法律應用於這些索賠。 儘管美國法院可以將外國法律適用於公司所稱的傷害和活動發生在其他國家的案件,但路透社採訪的兩位法律專家表示,他們不知道在針對社交媒體公司的訴訟中援引外國法律的成功先例。第 230 條的保護措施可能適用。 喬治城大學法律中心教授 Anupam Chander 表示,援引緬甸法律並非“不合適”。但他預測“這不太可能成功”,並表示“國會根據美國法律取消止贖行動但允許它們根據外國法律進行是很奇怪的。” 2017 年 8 月,超過 730,000 名羅興亞穆斯林在軍事鎮壓後逃離緬甸的若開邦,難民稱這些鎮壓包括大規模殺戮和強姦。人權組織記錄了殺害平民和燒毀村莊的行為。 緬甸當局表示,他們正在與叛亂作鬥爭,並否認實施了系統性暴行。 國際刑事法院已對該地區的犯罪指控立案。9 月,一名美國聯邦法官命令 Facebook 發布社交媒體巨頭關閉的與緬甸反羅興亞暴力事件相關的賬戶記錄。 新的集體訴訟引用了 Facebook 舉報人弗朗西斯·豪根 (Frances Haugen) 的說法,他今年洩露了一份內部文件緩存,稱該公司不會在此類言論可能造成最大傷害的國家/地區監管濫用內容。 該投訴還引用了最近的媒體報導,包括路透社上個月的一篇報導,稱緬甸軍方正在使用虛假的社交媒體賬戶進行軍方廣泛稱為“信息戰”的活動。 居住在孟加拉國難民營的難民穆罕默德塔赫爾說,Facebook 已被廣泛用於傳播反羅興亞人的宣傳。 居住在超過 100 萬羅興亞人的龐大孟加拉國難民營中的難民穆罕默德·塔赫爾說,Facebook 已被廣泛用於傳播反羅興亞人的宣傳。“我們歡迎此舉,”他在電話中說。 Rohingya refugees sue Facebook for $150 billion over Myanmar violence A US class-action complaint argues that the company's failures to police content and its platform's design contributed to violence against the Rohingya community. By REUTERS Published: DECEMBER 7, 2021 14:52 Updated: DECEMBER 7, 2021 16:00 Rohingya refugees sit on wooden benches of a navy vessel on their way to the Bhasan Char island in Noakhali district, Bangladesh, December 29, 2020. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMAD PONIR HOSSAIN/FILE PHOTO) Advertisement Rohingya refugees from Myanmar are suing Meta Platforms Inc, formerly known as Facebook, for $150 billion over allegations that the social media company did not take action against anti-Rohingya hate speech that contributed to violence. A US class-action complaint, filed in California on Monday by law firms Edelson PC and Fields PLLC, argues that the company's failures to police content and its platform's design contributed to real-world violence faced by the Rohingya community. In a coordinated action, British lawyers also submitted a letter of notice to Facebook's London office. Continue watching Tourism minister – 'Ashamed Israel didn't develop COVID tracker' after the ad Facebook did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment about the lawsuit. The company has said it was "too slow to prevent misinformation and hate" in Myanmar and has said it has since taken steps to crack down on platform abuses in the region, including banning the military from Facebook and Instagram after the Feb. 1 coup. Facebook has said it is protected from liability over content posted by users by a US internet law known as Section 230, which holds that online platforms are not liable for content posted by third parties. The complaint says it seeks to apply Myanmar law to the claims if Section 230 is raised as a defense. Rohingya refugees sit on a makeshift boat as they get interrogated by the Border Guard Bangladesh after crossing the Bangladesh-Myanmar border, at Shah Porir Dwip near Cox's Bazar (credit: REUTERS) Although US courts can apply foreign law to cases where the alleged harms and activity by companies took place in other countries, two legal experts interviewed by Reuters said they did not know of a successful precedent for foreign law being invoked in lawsuits against social media companies where Section 230 protections could apply. Anupam Chander, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center, said that invoking Myanmar law wasn't "inappropriate." But he predicted that "it's unlikely to be successful," saying that "it would be odd for Congress to have foreclosed actions under US law but permitted them to proceed under foreign law." More than 730,000 Rohingya Muslims fled Myanmar's Rakhine state in August 2017 after a military crackdown that refugees said included mass killings and rape. Rights groups documented killings of civilians and burning of villages. Myanmar authorities say they were battling an insurgency and deny carrying out systematic atrocities. A Myanmar junta spokesman did not answer phone calls from Reuters seeking comment on the legal action against Facebook. In 2018, UN human rights investigators said the use of Facebook had played a key role in spreading hate speech that fueled the violence. A Reuters investigation that year, cited in the US complaint, found more than 1,000 examples of posts, comments and images attacking the Rohingya and other Muslims on Facebook. Almost all were in the main local language, Burmese. The invective included posts calling the Rohingya or other Muslims dogs, maggots and rapists, suggested they be fed to pigs, and urged they be shot or exterminated. The posts were tolerated in spite of Facebook rules that specifically prohibit attacking ethnic groups with "violent or dehumanizing speech" or comparing them to animals. Facebook has said it is protected from liability over content posted by users by a U.S. internet law known as Section 230, which holds that online platforms are not liable for content posted by third parties. The complaint says it seeks to apply Myanmar law to the claims if Section 230 is raised as a defense. Although U.S. courts can apply foreign law to cases where the alleged harms and activity by companies took place in other countries, two legal experts interviewed by Reuters said they did not know of a successful precedent for foreign law being invoked in lawsuits against social media companies where Section 230 protections could apply. Buying a Seaside Palazzo for a 10th of the PriceSponsored by Mansion Global Recommended by Anupam Chander, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center, said that invoking Myanmar law wasn't "inappropriate." But he predicted that "it's unlikely to be successful," saying that "it would be odd for Congress to have foreclosed actions under U.S. law but permitted them to proceed under foreign law." More than 730,000 Rohingya Muslims fled Myanmar's Rakhine state in August 2017 after a military crackdown that refugees said included mass killings and rape. Rights groups documented killings of civilians and burning of villages. Myanmar authorities say they were battling an insurgency and deny carrying out systematic atrocities. The International Criminal Court has opened a case into the accusations of crimes in the region. In September, a US federal judge ordered Facebook to release records of accounts connected to anti-Rohingya violence in Myanmar that the social media giant had shut down. The new class-action lawsuit references claims by Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, who leaked a cache of internal documents this year, that the company does not police abusive content in countries where such speech is likely to cause the most harm. The complaint also cites recent media reports, including a Reuters report last month, that Myanmar's military was using fake social media accounts to engage in what is widely referred to in the military as "information combat." Mohammed Taher, a refugee living in the camps in Bangladesh that are home to more than a million Rohingya, said Facebook had been widely used to spread anti-Rohingya propaganda. Mohammed Taher, a refugee living in the sprawling Bangladesh camps that are home to more than a million Rohingya, said Facebook had been widely used to spread anti-Rohingya propaganda. "We welcome the move," he said by phone.

    Tue, 07 Dec 2021
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