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The Minimalists Podcast

The Minimalists Podcast

Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus, T.K. Coleman

The Minimalists are Emmy-nominated Netflix stars and New York Times–bestselling authors Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. Alongside cohost T.K. Coleman, they help millions of people live meaningful lives with less.

632 - 452 | Rest
0:00 / 0:00
  • 632 - 452 | Rest

    The Minimalists talk about the need for rest in a restless world.

    Discussed in this episode:

    How do I get my kids to adhere to a more reasonable bedtime so I can go to bed earlier? (1:47)

    What's one thing that’s stopping you from getting the rest you need? (23:51)

    Listener tip: Realize what you want by getting rid of what you don’t need. (44:51)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon: patreon.com/theminimalists

    Detailed show notes: theminimalists.com/podcast

    Mon, 22 Jul 2024 - 47min
  • 631 - 451 | Other People’s Possessions

    The Minimalists talk about counting material possessions, decluttering other people’s possessions, and more.

    Discussed in this episode:

    What’s the best way to count my material possessions? (1:40)

    What’s one thing you’d like to declutter from someone else’s life? (20:50)

    Right Here, Right Now: Who is The Minimalists’ newest team member? (32:42)

    Listener tip: What’s the best way to declutter the contacts on your phone? (35:06)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon: patreon.com/theminimalists

    Detailed show notes: theminimalists.com/podcast

    Mon, 15 Jul 2024 - 38min
  • 630 - 450 | Can’t Let Go

    The Minimalists talk about what to do when you can’t let go.

    Discussed in this episode:

    What can I do if my family won’t allow me to let go of certain sentimental things? (2:04)

    What’s one thing that other people won’t allow you to let go of? (19:23)

    Listener tip: A response to Gratitude Clutter. (36:48)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon: patreon.com/theminimalists

    Detailed show notes: theminimalists.com/podcast

    Mon, 08 Jul 2024 - 41min
  • 629 - 449 | Searching for Chaos

    The Minimalists talk about why people avoid peace and go searching for chaos instead.

    Discussed in this episode:

    How do I handle the chaos in my life that is caused by other people? (1:48)

    In what ways do you make your own life more chaotic? (24:45)

    When is the next 30-Day Minimalism Game? (40:20)

    Listener tip: How do you throw a decluttering dinner party? (42:29)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon: patreon.com/theminimalists

    Detailed show notes: minimalists.com/podcast

    Mon, 01 Jul 2024 - 46min
  • 628 - 448 | Minimal Aging

    The Minimalists sit down with Colin Wright, author of How to Turn 39: Thoughts About Aging for People of All Ages, to talk about youth, aging, redefining accomplishments, and more.

    Discussed in this episode:

    What does it mean for young people to embrace the natural aging process? (2:22)

    Would your 15-year-old self be impressed by you today? (26:19)

    What gift does JFM want for his 43rd birthday? (43:24)

    Listener tip: How can you downsize 100 items in one hour? (45:10)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon: patreon.com/theminimalists

    Detailed show notes: minimalists.com/podcast

    Mon, 24 Jun 2024 - 49min
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