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Fast French Learning

Fast French Learning

Thomas Ricomard

A French podcast to learn an improve your French: I talk about related and non-related French language subjects, I answer to all of your questions :)

51 - FRENCH Podcast #11 – Etre aux abonnés absents
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  • 51 - FRENCH Podcast #11 – Etre aux abonnés absents

    Click on 'Play' to listen to it, or right-click here and click on 'Download' to receive it on your device (to listen to it on a smartphone or tablet)

    Thomas, your French teacher 🙂
    Tue, 06 Jun 2023 - 4min
  • 50 - FRENCH Podcast #10 – Brûler un feu

    Click on 'Play' to listen to it, or right-click here and click on 'Download' to receive it on your device (to listen to it on a smartphone or tablet)

    Thomas, your French teacher 🙂
    Tue, 06 Jun 2023 - 5min
  • 49 - FRENCH Podcast #9 – DES ou DE?

    Click on 'Play' to listen to it, or right-click here and click on 'Download' to receive it on your device (to listen to it on a smartphone or tablet)

    Les enfants ont fait des dessins magnifiques.The children made beautiful drawings.

    Les enfants ont fait de magnifique dessinsThe children made magnificent drawings.

    Julie et Camille sont de bons amies.Julie and Camille are good friends.

    Tu as de jolis cheveux !You have lovely hair!

    De grands arbres de la forêt.Large trees of the forest.

    De belles montagnes enneigées.Beautiful snow-covered mountains.

    De petites maisons de campagne.Small country houses.

    De délicieuses pâtisseries françaises.Delicious French pastries.

    De beaux paysages montagneux.Beautiful mountain landscapes.

    De grands volcansLarge volcanoes.

    Des grands-parentsGrandparents

    Des petits poisPeas

    Des beaux-parentsIn-laws

    Des haut-parleursLoudspeakers

    Thomas, your French teacher 🙂
    Tue, 06 Jun 2023 - 6min
  • 48 - FRENCH Podcast #8 – 9 sentences for summer

    Click on 'Play' to listen to it, or right-click here and click on 'Download' to receive it on your device (to listen to it on a smartphone or tablet)

    1 – C’est une belle journée !It's a beautiful day!

    2 - J'adore l’ambiance de bord de mer.I love the seaside atmosphere.

    3 - C'est le moment idéal pour se reposer au bord de la piscine.It's the perfect time to relax by the pool.

    4 - Les vacances d'été arrivent, je suis super content(e) !Summer vacation is coming, I'm super excited!

    5 – Quand il faut chaud comme aujourd’hui, je veux manger une glace pour me rafraîchir.When it's hot like today, I want to have an ice cream to cool down.

    6 - Les couchers de soleil en été sont magiques.Sunsets in summer are magical.

    7 - J'adore faire de la randonnée en été.I love hiking in the summer.

    8 – On va faire des barbecues en plein air cet été, avec des copains et des copines.We're going to have outdoor barbecues this summer with friends.

    9 - L'été c’est la liberté, les soirées sur la plage, les concerts en plein air, c’est génial, j’adore.Summer is freedom, evenings on the beach, outdoor concerts, it's awesome, I love it.

    Thomas, your French teacher 🙂
    Tue, 23 May 2023 - 4min
  • 47 - FRENCH Podcast #7 – French expression: ‘ça ne mange pas de pain’

    Click on 'Play' to listen to it, or right-click here and click on 'Download' to receive it on your device (to listen to it on a smartphone or tablet)

    1 - Pourquoi ne pas essayer ce nouveau restaurant ce soir ? Ça ne mange pas de pain.Why not try this new restaurant tonight? It won't hurt.

    2 - Tu devrais demander une augmentation à ton patron. Après tout, ça ne mange pas de pain de poser la question.You should ask your boss for a raise. After all, it doesn't cost anything to ask the question.

    3 - Si tu as quelques minutes à perdre, tu devrais tenter cette nouvelle application mobile. Ça ne mange pas de pain et tu pourrais trouver ça intéressant.If you have a few minutes to spare, you should give this new mobile application a try. It doesn't cost anything, and you might find it interesting.

    4 - J'ai proposé d'organiser une réunion pour discuter des problèmes dans notre équipe. Ça ne mange pas de pain et ça pourrait améliorer notre collaboration.I suggested organizing a meeting to discuss the issues in our team. It doesn't cost anything, and it could improve our collaboration.

    5 - Pourquoi ne pas essayer cette nouvelle activité sportive ? Ça ne mange pas de pain.Why not try this new sports activity? It doesn't cost anything.

    Thomas, your French teacher 🙂
    Tue, 23 May 2023 - 4min
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