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Open the Bible UK Broadcast

Open the Bible UK Broadcast

Colin Smith

Open the Bible UK presents engaging and accessible Bible teaching from Pastor Colin Smith. This programme is the radio broadcast also available on our website (www.openthebible.org.uk) and at 7:30pm each weekday evening on Premier Christian Radio.

351 - Restore Justice, Part 1
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  • 351 - Restore Justice, Part 1

    We delve into the heartfelt cries of believers who, despite their devout worship, prayer, Bible reading, and fasting, find themselves frustrated with God. They're left wondering why they're grappling with unanswered prayers and trouble befalling their nation.

    We'll explore the profound message of Isaiah, chapter 58, and the vital concepts of truth, justice, integrity, and what it truly means to have a transformative relationship with God—as individuals and within our communities. So grab your Bible and discover the illuminating insights from Pastor Colin on how understanding Jesus Christ makes a difference not only to our personal lives but to our communities, nations, and indeed, the world.

    If you missed any part of the series or would like to revisit our discussions, you can stream previous broadcasts at openthebible.org.uk.

    Fri, 17 May 2024 - 25min
  • 350 - Restore Repentance, Part 2

    Pastor Colin challenges common misconceptions about revival as he unfolds the true biblical meaning of a contrite heart and a genuine encounter with the Spirit of God. Learn about the kindness that leads to repentance and the divine process of restoration that can bring new life, peace, joy, and hope into our being.

    Join us as we delve into Isaiah Chapter 57 and uncover significant truths about confronting our sinfulness, the indispensable need for a Saviour, and the transformative presence of God in our lives. Hear testimonies of lives radically changed by revival and be encouraged to seek that immediate awareness of God's nearness.

    As we continue our series on the message 'Restore Repentance', let's be reminded that it's not through judgment that our stubborn hearts are softened but through the undeserving mercy that flows from the cross of Christ. May this broadcast inspire you to echo the prayer for God to restore repentance in your own heart, leading to a closer walk with Him.

    Thu, 16 May 2024 - 25min
  • 349 - Restore Repentance, Part 1

    Have you ever felt a sense of distance from God, as if your faith has gone cold and your heart's leaning towards spiritual barrenness? Well, you're not alone, and today's message aims to gently guide you back to a place where you can polish off the slate and rekindle that warm, near presence of God once more.

    Pastor Colin delves into Isaiah Chapter 57, exploring themes of revival, repentance, and the profound truth that God chooses to dwell not just in high and holy places, but also with those who are contrite and humble in spirit. It's a message that speaks directly to those yearning for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a revival in their hearts, and a restored connection with the divine.

    Whether you feel far from God due to life’s challenges or a sense of spiritual desolation, this episode affirms that the Lord reaches out to clear the path back to Him. So, if you're ready to rediscover the joy of your faith and find restorative peace in the arms of Jesus, this broadcast is for you. Join us as we unwrap the answers to the pivotal question: Where can I find God?

    Wed, 15 May 2024 - 25min
  • 348 - Restore Joy, Part 2

    Today, we unravel the comforting truth that through sorrow, we may very well discover the backdoor to joy—an experience that intertwines with our spiritual growth and our deeper longing to be like Jesus.

    Through Isaiah chapters 54 and 55, Pastor Colin reveals that in times of despair, when happiness seems unattainable, there lies a profound opportunity for us to encounter God in a tremendous way. He enlightens us that, often, God uses our sorrow to spark a thirst for joy within our souls, leading us to find fullness and happiness as we align our desires with His. It's about how when we truly understand our soul's need for restoration, we can earnestly ask for and receive God's joy.

    We're reminded of the importance of building community within the church, supporting and finding joy in each other through Jesus Christ. Pastor Colin reassures us that whether you have faced significant life challenges or feel stuck in contentment, everyone has the potential to access this divine joy. He encourages us to come, seek, listen, and turn, as a continous practice to cultivate this joy that transcends our earthly experiences.

    Tue, 14 May 2024 - 25min
  • 347 - David's Story

    We're exploring the story of David—a shepherd boy turned monarch whose triumphs and tribulations resonate through history. Despite his stature as Israel's most lauded king, David understood that his true greatness was rooted in his relationship with Jesus Christ. As we trace his lineage forward, we see a lineage destined to bring forth Jesus Himself.

    We're journeying together into 1 Samuel 17, where young David's famous encounter with Goliath offers more than just a tale of courage; it's a precursor to the coming Messiah whom David prefigured—a king of peace, shepherd of His people, and a beacon for all nations.

    In this Sermon we're diving into the heart of the Christmas story through the lens of a revered biblical hero – King David.

    . Although David achieved monumental victories, like his defeat of Goliath, he knew the people needed a saviour greater than himself, a righteous ruler to guide them towards true peace.

    Pastor Colin will share with us from 1 Samuel 17, where the tale of David and Goliath unfolds. It's a story many are familiar with, but we're looking beyond the battle lines to see the profound symbolism – both armies hinging their fates on one man's combat. David represents a type of Christ, who would ultimately enter humanity's fray, confront the colossal giants of sin, death, and hell, and claim victory on our behalf.

    As you listen, let the realisation settle in that Jesus, the greater Son of David, enters our struggles, fights our battles, and secures our triumphs. In His kingdom, we’re not just subjects; we're co-heirs to the promises made to David long ago.

    Sun, 18 Dec 2011 - 33min
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